WMS Family Newsletter
February 11, 2024
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Dear WMS Families,
Our students did an excellent job with our evacuation drill on Friday - thank you Watertown Fire Department for helping us stay safe!
As we move into the last week of school before February Recess, ask your child if they have been caught SOARing? Encourage your child to demonstrate our school's core values of Service, Ownership, Achievement, and Respect daily!
Upcoming Dates this week:
- February 13: WMS PTO (6:30pm, virtual)
- February 19-23: No School - February Recess
Ms. Jennifer Chen Fein, Principal
Ms. Susan Carle, Assistant Principal (Clusters 1, 3, 5)
Ms. Jennifer Sarmiento, Assistant Principal (Clusters 2, 4, 6)
New News at WMS
Caregiver University - MENTAL HEALTH AND YOUR TWEEN - recap of February 8
Thanks to all caregivers who joined us this past Thursday to learn more about mental health and your tween, so you can better support your student! Check out the link to see an overview of expected student behaviors in middle school, warning signs for mental health risk behaviors, and resources at WMS and in the community for additional support. Reach out to any counselor to find out more information.
WMS Teaching and Learning Showcase - What happens during WIN?
Thanks for tuning into the WPS School Committee meeting on Monday. If you missed it, here is the information we shared
Opportunities for Parents/Caregivers To Get Involved
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) - February 13
Please join us for our next meeting, February 13 (virtual) at 6:30pm. Upcoming meeting date for the year include: February 13 (virtual), March 12 (virtual), April 9 (in person - WMS Art Room/virtual), May 14 (virtual), June 11 (virtual).
Are you interested in being on the WMS PTO? Reach out to our new co-PTO Presidents Elena Poillucci <elenapoillucci@gmail.com> and Melissa Parker <melissapisces@yahoo.com> with any questions or to express interest in joining next year.
Diversity Council - February 26
We will usually meet the third Monday of each month, with our next meeting on February 26 virtually
You can reach out to Sarah Seldomridge at sarah.seldomridge@watertown.k12.ma.us with any questions. Thank you!
Community Kingian Training: March 2 and March 9
A free course on Kingian Nonviolence principles and actions is being offered on March 2 + 9 at the Watertown Police Department Community Room. Use the QR code below or the link bit.ly/kingian2024 for more information and to register.
Friends of Watertown Music - registration is open through March 5
Friends of Watertown Music invites you to attend our 11th Annual MusicFest, on Friday, March 15, 2024, from 5:30 to 9:00 pm, at the Watertown Middle School.
MusicFest is a fun community event, offering something for everyone with over 40 performances, across 3 stages. The variety of performers often includes student musicians, Watertown Public School teachers, local rock bands, established musicians, a vignette of musical theater, and more. Performances run from 5 to 20 minutes, so attendees have the chance to go around and see as many acts as they wish.
Calling all musicians: registration is open through March 5th!
MusicFest will also feature an ‘instrument petting zoo’ to inspire budding musicians, and for anyone wanting a snack, pizza and refreshments will be sold throughout the evening.
The community is invited to attend all or part of the evening.
All proceeds from this MusicFest fundraiser help the Friends of Watertown Music support the music programs in the Watertown Public Schools. Suggested donations of $8/person or $25/family will be accepted at the door.
WMS Site Council - March 27
Join us for our next meeting on Wednesday, March 27. We will be hosting our ELA Coordinators.
The WMS Site Council is a body of students, faculty, parents, and caregivers that plays a strong role in the vision and direction of our school. Site Council meets on the following Wednesdays from 4-5pm in person (WMS art room, A128)/virtually (zoom). Join us for any of our following meetings:
- March 27 - guest: ELA Coordinators
- May 1 - drafting the WMS School Improvement Plan 2024-25
- May 29 - finalizing and voting on the WMS School Improvement Plan 2024-25
This past meeting, we heard updates from our Science and Math coordinators. Here is an overview of the information:
- WMS Science Site Council Update January 2024.pdf: Elizabeth Kaplan, K-7 Science Coordinator and Lynsey Kraemer, 8-12 Science Coordinator
- WMS Math Site Council Update January 2024.pdf: Elizabeth Kaplan, K-7 Math Coordinator and Dan Wulf, 8-12 Math Coordinator
Do you have a question for the WMS Site Council, but can't make it to our meetings? Submit this form to ask, and we will share a summary in this newsletter and/or follow up with you.
YardArt 2024
YardArt is a uniquely Watertown event that celebrates creativity during the entire month of April! Everyone can participate, including families and individuals, by making art for their front yards, porches, or windows. For more information, go to https://www.mosesianarts.org/YardArt
Previously Shared News at WMS
Jan News from WMS Teachers
All Clusters emailed their monthly update directly to caregivers, as well as having the information available here. We hope these updates help you engage in conversation with your child about what they are learning.
Please see our monthly update from WMS teachers:
Reminder of Promotion Requirements for WMS
As we are just over half way through the school year, we would like to remind students and families of our promotion requirements. More information can be found in our WMS Family Handbook. Here is an excerpt from the handbook:
Promotion Requirements
It is our high expectation that all students will pass and thrive in all of their classes. In order to be promoted to the next grade, students must receive a passing grade in their math and ELA classes.
Students who do not pass both ELA and/or math are expected to attend summer school
programming and pass the required coursework. Students who do not attend or pass summer
school programming will be scheduled for intervention work during WIN the following school
year or may be retained in the same grade for the next school year.
We are only halfway through the school year, with plenty of time for students to work towards their goals. Students can always reach out to their teachers for extra support, with Flex Friday as an option for students to request time to relearn a topic or re-take an assessment. We also have the Learning Lab open free of charge in the WMS library Monday-Friday 2:15-3:45pm, for any students to stay and complete homework/practice and receive additional support from WMS educators.
After School Information
Learning Lab is a place where students can get support in completing practice or homework. Students can attend for free, Monday-Friday, 2:15-3:45pm in the WMS Library.
WMS Winter Clubs run through March 14, 2024.
Students pay $50 one time to participate in any sports or clubs all year; please reach out to the guidance counselor to inquire about a scholarship. Students may participate in any enrichment activities for free (Learning Lab, Student Leadership, GSA, and Yearbook).
The late bus runs Monday-Friday at 3:45pm.
Upcoming Dates
- February 13: WMS PTO (6:30pm, virtual)
- February 19-23: No School - February Recess
- February 26: WMS Diversity and Belonging Council (6:00pm, virtual)
- February 28: Early Release (11:45am dismissal with grab-n-go lunch)
- March 12: WMS PTO (6:30pm, virtual)
- March 13: Trimester 2 Ends
- March 14: Trimester 3 Begins
- March 14: Early Release (11:45am dismissal with grab-n-go lunch)
- March 14: Caregiver Conferences (1-3pm virtual, 5-7pm in person)
- March 15: MusicFest at WMS (5-9pm)
- March 18: WMS Diversity and Belonging Council (6:00pm, virtual)
- March 19: Caregiver Conferences (1-3pm in person, 5-7pm virtual)
- March 21: Trimester 2 Report Cards mailed home
- March 27: String Spectacular 2024 (3-5pm, WMS)
- March 27: WMS Site Council (4-5pm, WMS art room/zoom)
- March 29: Early Release Day (11:45am dismissal with grab-n-go lunch)
- April 9: WMS PTO (6:30pm, in person - WMS Art Room/virtual)
- April 10: Early Release (11:45am dismissal with grab-n-go lunch)
- April 11: Caregiver University - WMS Math Night for 5-8th grade caregivers (6:30-7:30, virtual)
- April 15-19: No School - April Recess
Community Resources
- Watertown Community Resources - English
- Watertown Community Resources - Spanish
- Watertown Community Resources - Portuguese
Community Resources for Food
- Watertown Food Pantry: 80 Mt. Auburn St. (rear of the Belmont-Watertown United Methodist Church), Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. https://www.watertown-ma.gov/330/Watertown-Food-Pantry, 617-972-6490
- Watertown Catholic Collaborative Food Pantry: 770 Mt. Auburn St. (basement), Thursdays from 10 to 11:45 a.m. 617-926-7121
- Watertown Community Fridge: 80 Mt. Auburn St. (Front of the Belmont-Watertown United Methodist Church), Open 24/7 https://www.watertowncommunityfridge.org/
- Watertown Social Services Resource Specialists: at Wayside Multi-Service Center, 127 North Beacon St. https://www.watertown-ma.gov/673/Watertown-Social-Services-Resource-Speci 617-744-9585
- Live Well Watertown/Watertown Farmers Market: City Hall, 149 Main St. 617-972-6446 x8 https://www.livewellwatertown.org/home
- Watertown Community Foundation: https://www.watertownfoundation.org/ 617-926-1500
- Food Pantry at American Legion Post 440: 295 California St., Newton, 3rd Fridays from 10 to 11 a.m. 617-244-0440
- Centre Street Food Pantry: 11 Homer St., Newton, Tuesdays 2:30-6 p.m. & the first Saturday of the month from 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. 617-340-9554
- SNAP: (formerly Food Stamps) https://www.mass.gov/snap-benefits-formerly-food-stamps
- Project Bread: https://www.projectbread.org/ Food Source Hotline (1-800-645-8333)
Source: Watertown News, December 11, 2023
Watertown Middle School Contacts
- Ms. Jennifer Chen Fein, Principal, jennifer.chenfein@watertown.k12.ma.us
- Ms. Jennifer Sarmiento, Assistant Principal (Clusters 2, 4, 6), jennifer.sarmiento@watertown.k12.ma.us
- Ms. Susan Carle, Assistant Principal (Clusters 1, 3, 5), susan.carle@watertown.k12.ma.us
- Ms. Lisa Gallagher, Nurse, lisa.gallagher@watertown.k12.ma.us
- Mr. Tom Cloherty, Grade Six Counselor, thomas.cloherty@watertown.k12.ma.us
- Ms. Jody Gladstein, Grade Seven Counselor, jody.gladstein@watertown.k12.ma.us
- Ms. Amanda Skypeck, Grade Eight Counselor, amanda.skypeck@watertown.k12.ma.us
- Ms. Saira Chaudhry, Administrative Assistant, saira.chaudhry@watertown.k12.ma.us
- Ms. Laurie Brackett, Administrative Assistant, laurie.brackett@watertown.k12.ma.us
- Officer Anna Margaryan, Watertown Police Department School Resource Officer, anna.margaryan@watertown.k12.ma.us
Watertown Middle School
Feedback? Let us know how we are doing with our communication from WMS here.
Find us on...
Website: https://wms.watertown.k12.ma.us/
Location: 68 Waverley Avenue, Watertown, MA, USA
Phone: 617-926-7783