RES Rocket Weekly
Week of November 4th
Character Education & Mindset
Character Trait for November: Perseverance
November Mindset Focus: My brain is like a muscle that grows
Week at a Glance
November's Breakfast/Lunch Menu: Pre-K and Kindergarten through 5th Grade
Please Note: Changes may be made due to availability of ingredients and items.
Monday, November 4th
Snack Bar Open for Students!
9:30am - 10:00am 1st Grade Counseling Lesson: Mrs. Dame's Homeroom
3:00pm - 3:30pm 2nd Grade Counseling Lesson: Mrs. Robbins' Homeroom
Wednesday, November 6th
Workout Wednesday: Students/Staff are wearing school appropriate athletic gear as we focus on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle while taking a mid-week motor break to focus!
Report Card Distribution: Please check your child's book bag this afternoon
Snack Bar Open for Students!
9:30am - 10:00am Kindergarten Counseling Lesson: Mrs. Miller's Homeroom
3:00pm - 3:30pm MTSS Celebration: Station Activities!
4:00pm - 4:45pm Musical Theater Club
Thursday, November 7th
8:15am - 8:45am Running Club
9:30am - 10:00am Kindergarten Counseling Lesson: Mrs. Bean's Homeroom
3:00pm - 3:30pm 2nd Grade Counseling Lesson: Mrs. Reynolds' Homeroom
Friday, November 8th
Wear our school colors (red & white) to show our Ridge Pride!
Two Hour Early Dismissal
Snack Bar Open for Students
1st Marking Period Attendance Reward: Congratulations to our top three homerooms, who will have extra recess today!
- Mrs. Reynolds' Homeroom - 97.04%
- Mrs. Vanderwest's Homeroom - 96.69%
- Mrs. Welch's Homeroom - 96.49%
9:15am Character Education & Mindset Recognition Celebration
9:45am - 10:15am 1st Grade Counseling Lesson: Mrs. Quinn's Homeroom
11:50am - 12:10pm MakerSpace Club: 2nd Grade
1:30pm - 1:45pm MakerSpace Club: 4th Grade
School Lunch Highlights!
RES Students Soar to Great Heights!
Next Week at a Glance
School Family Gathering
We celebrated and recognized our students who were nominated in September and October for our Character Education and Mindset Awards.
Academic Data
We also discussed the importance of learning skills in elementary school in order to be able to be successful in high school. We specifically discussed our goal of having 60% of our student meeting core reading levels.
Please see below for the data shared with our students:
Attendance Data
Attendance is a critical component to achieving our academic goals.
The KEY to SUCCESS is our students taking an active part of their learning! Taking RESPONSIBILITY for their learning and being apart of our Ridge School Family!
We celebrated our top three classes with the
highest attendance percentage for the 1st marking Period:
Our overall goal is for all homerooms to reach 95% overall attendance. Homerooms achieving an overall 95% attendance rate for the 2nd Marking Period will have an ice cream party!!!
Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS)
School-Wide Celebrations
As we work as a school family on making positive choices,
our students are focusing upon meeting school-wide goals.
Students are worked hard to reach our sixth overall school-wide
ClassDojo percentage of 93% for two weeks.
Our students earned Station Activities
on Wednesday, November 6th!
Please see below for our next goal!!!
Our students are working for a Pie Face Showdown between RES Staff and Students!
The top 5 students in each homeroom will be placed in a lottery
to go against a RES Staff Member!!!
Counselor's Corner
October's Counseling Focus
During October, our RES Counselor, Mrs. Britt, visited all classrooms to teach lessons about our character trait and mindset of the month.
Students learned about responsibility and to think about how mistakes are opportunities for learning!
Friday, November 8th, is our
October Character Trait & Mindset Recognition Ceremony!
November's Counseling Focus
This month, our RES Counselor, Mrs. Britt, will visit all classrooms to teach lessons about our character trait and mindset of the month.
Students will learn about perseverance and how how our brains are like muscles that continue to grow as we learn new things.
Friday, December 6th, is our
November Character Trait & Mindset Recognition Ceremony!
November Kindness Calendar for Students!
In addition to our monthly character trait and mindset, our RES students, families and staff will continue to practice acts of kindness all year long. Click here to view and print the kindness calendar for November. Paper copies of the kindness calendar were sent home and if an additional copy is needed please reach out to Mrs. Britt.
Students: For every kindness task our students complete, they will check it off their calendars. Students may return their November calendar to their homeroom teacher, or to Mrs. Britt, on Monday, December 2nd.
Students with 20 or more completed tasks will join Mrs. Britt at lunch to paint kindness rocks for our RES Rock Gardens in the front of the school!
Mindful Tip of the Week
MIndful Intentions
What is your intention for today?
Let’s think about ourselves and how we can be the best we can be.
Ask yourself: “What is my intention for today?”
- Use these prompts to help answer that question, as you think about the people and activities you will face.
Ask yourself:
- How might I show up today to have the best impact?
- What quality of mind do I want to strengthen and develop?
- What do I need to take better care of myself?
- During difficult moments, how might I be more compassionate to others and myself?
- How might I feel more connected and fulfilled?
Food Service Award Nominations 2024
The Department of Food Services is looking to recognize the hard work of our Food & Nutrition Services Staff across the system!
Please consider nominating one, or two, or all three of our amazing RES Food Services Staff members!!!
- Ms. Melissa Morgan
- Ms. Helen Windson
- Ms. Jenny Caston
This form may be filled out anonymously, but at least a first name is preferred when presenting nominees with their award. Questions? Contact Kaitlin at
Impact Aid Survey Window - Closes November 15th
RES Pre-K Summary of Annual Self Evaluation Results
The PreK team has started the process of earning the highest EXCELS quality rating of 5. EXCELS is Maryland’s quality rating and improvement system for early childhood education programs which meet nationally recognized quality standards. Public school programs that participate in Maryland EXCELS are committed to providing the best possible education and care. Achieving Maryland Accreditation is part of the EXCELS process. High-quality education builds stronger communities, supports family success, and improves student outcomes in school and in life.
The Team has conducted their Accreditation self-appraisal and created their Program Improvement Plan, which can be viewed here.
The following strategies for program improvement are being implemented:
Create Agenda and keep minutes for transition meetings between Pre-K and Kindergarten.
Indoor Environment: Reviewing all learning centers to ensure they include materials which emphasize concepts from all 7 learning domains (ELA, Math, Science, SS, Arts, PE, Social).
Continue to create a print-rich environment by labeling new items and bins as they’re introduced throughout the school year.
Events and Activities
Relay for Life Spirit Night - Nov. 19th
Thankful for Family and friends Lunch - November 26th
We're excited to host our Annual Thankful for Family & Friends Lunch
on Tuesday, November 26th.
Invitations will be sent home this week with students who wish to give or mail an invite to a family member or friend. Please contact the Main Office if additional invites are needed.
Book Fair: Nov. 25th - Dec. 6th
Our in person and online Scholastic Book Fair is coming!
Visit our Home Page for details!
Parents/Guardians will be able to set up an eWallet
so your child can shop the Fair without cash
Yearbook Cover Contest
Fall Pictures: Re-Takes/Make-Ups and Ordering
Fall Picture Make-Up Day
- If a student was absent on the initial picture day, or not enrolled on the date of the initial picture day, students will be sent to have their picture taken.
- If you are interested in having your child’s picture retaken, your child needs to bring the original photo package, including original envelope and all picture products, to turn into the photographer when your child comes to sit for a new picture. You do not need to fill out a new order form.
Fall Pictures may be ordered on-line through December 31st, 2024. Click here and/or see below!
Puzzle & Board Game Drive
Ridge Elementary School and our Family Involvement Team (FIT)
are partnering together!
We're conducting our annual board/card game & puzzle drive to promote family time, technology breaks, and opportunities for reading and math fun over the winter break!
For additional information, or if you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Koutnik at
Please click here for the full flyer.
FIT has created an Amazon Wish List to share out!
We welcome any support in sharing out in the St. Mary's County community!
RES Enrichment Activities/School Clubs
Chess Club
Grades: 3rd through 5th Grade (15 spaces available)
Session Day/Time: Tuesdays from 4pm to 5pm
Session Dates: Week of September 21st through the week of November 25th
Musical Theater Club
Grades: 4th and 5th
Session Day/Time: Wednesdays 4pm to 4:45pm
Session Dates: October 4th - February 26th
Evening Performance: Thursday, February 27th at 6:30pm
School Performance (students only): Thursday, February 29th at 2:45pm
Walking/Running Club
Grades: Kindergarten through 5th
Session Day/Time: Thursday 8am to 8:45am
Session Dates: October 17th - November 21st
MakerSpace Club
Grades: 2nd through 5th Grade
Session Day/Time: Recess Tuesday (3rd and 5th Grades)
Session Day/Time: Recess Friday (2nd and 4th Grades)
Session Dates:
- 1st Session: Week of October 28th through the Week of January 13th
- 2nd Session: Week of January 20th through the week of March 17th
SMCPS Informational Items/Reminders & Events
Partners for Success Workshop - November 14th at 6pm
The spoken word is adults' primary tool to educate, motivate, and positively influence children and youth's social and emotional health.
In this workshop, parents and adults will learn the three pillars of "Wonder Words" to elevate the critical tool of verbally engaging with kids:
- Word choice
- Delivery style
- Context
This workshop is free but registration is required.
To register, email Robyn Roberts at
Community Informational Items
Volunteer Registration
Volunteers must apply annually for approval.
- Applications are accepted only until May 1st.
- There is no application fee.
- Vetting of applications can take several weeks.
- Field trip chaperones and classroom volunteers must have successfully completed the volunteer application process before they can be considered.
Apply to be a volunteer!
Family Involvement Team (FIT)
NEXT MEETING - Thursday, December 12th at 4pm in the Main Office Conference Room
Family Involvement Team (FIT) will meet monthly in-person and virtually.
Meeting notes will be posted below for families unable to attend meetings and notifications of volunteer opportunities will be shared via our Rocket Weekly for Families, Schoology, and ClassDojo.
Meeting Notes:
Links and Informational Items Worth Repeating:
Click on each picture to access forms to be completed or to access important information.
For additional information, please see the specific sections above.
Impact Aid Survey
Once logged in, directions to access the online form can be found HERE.
FIT Puzzle/Board Game Link
Click here to access and share the FIT Amazon Wish List.
Lost Your Charger?
Shop Recommended Solutions to get to the discounted power cords
Lost Your Charger?
Leads directly to the purchasing portal
Quick Links
(301) 872-0200