Lately with LiiNK®
What is Happening on Your Child's LiiNK Campus?
The LiiNK Team Wishes You a Happy Spring Semester!
Tips from the Top
- It’s a new year! Set a goal for you personally; set a goal for your family; set a goal for you professionally. Write them down. Make sure you can measure each one. Make sure it is realistic but challenging. Track your success with each goal. Reward yourself and your family when a goal is reached. Keep your goals manageable. If you strive for too many, none will be accomplished. Good luck with achieving your 2018 goals!
- I wear a fitbit so I can track how many steps I achieve daily. A healthy goal for all children and adults is to achieve 10,000 steps daily. If you have a step tracker of some kind, commit to tracking your steps and achieving the 10,000 daily. It is a new year after all with new possibilities. I think you will find you feel better if you can move more throughout the day.
- We have become an indoor society over the past 20 years and not even realized it. As a result, we tend to think the outdoors is only enjoyable for certain occasions. Break that mold! You will feel better if you take a break outside every 45 – 60 minutes for at least 10 minutes.
- Children love to be outside – even in the cold! We have a section highlighted on the benefits of the outdoors later in the newsletter. Please take a look.
-Dr. Rhea
LiiNK Feature on WFAA Channel 8 ABC
Bundle up, Because We're Going to Recess!
Remember, LiiNK campuses go outside for all four 15-minute recesses daily as long as it is safe to do so. According to the National Weather Service and CDC, it is safe to be outside for 20 minute or less in temperatures/wind chill as low as 13 degrees F. Check out the flier below for more details!
Benefits of Being Outdoors-Even When it is Chilly!
Week 17: Actions-What you do or cause to happen
Week 18: Feelings-Emotions such as anger, fear, love, and worry
Week 19: Friendship-Caring between people who choose to be together
Week 20: Love-To show unconditional caring
Week 21: Empathy-To think how others feel
Unit Four and Five Main Ideas and Learning Targets
Treat others how you want to be treated.
2. Positive ways of dealing with others
These include respect, empathy, friendliness, kindness, cooperation, and positiveness.
-Positive Action
Connect with Your Child. Ask These Questions About Their Positive Action Lessons!
First Grade: Who was your Secret Pal? How did it make you feel having a Secret Pal? What did you use the spy glass for? What did you notice?
Second Grade: What did you use the magnifying glass for? What did you notice about your classmates? What is your personal code of conduct? What is your favorite fruit from the tree? What does that fruit stand for?
Third Grade: What is empathy? How can you show empathy to others? What did you learn from having a Secret Pal? How did your Secret Pal make you feel?
Visiting the Positive Action Store
Students Learn About Their Talents and Share Them with Their Classmates
Students Begin to Recognize Their Emotions and Those of Others
Third Grade Students Learn the Positive Actions of Cooperation and Collaboration During Indoor Recess
Recommended Reads
EMS ISD LiiNK Contact Information
Email: cwilliams-martin@ems-isd.net
Website: emsisd.com/Domain/5807
Location: 1200 Old Decatur Road, Fort Worth, TX, United States
Phone: (817)232-0880-6655
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emsisdliink/
Twitter: @EMSISDLiiNK