The Cub Hub
The weekly newsletter for Bear Creek Elementary.
September 27, 2024
Dear Bear Creek Families,
Let’s make this year's BCL even more unforgettable. We can't wait to celebrate with you!
MAP REPORTS are going home today. Please check your child's backpack for the MAP Report that will indicate their beginning of year (BOY) academic levels in Reading and Math. Here is a handy link for Support in understanding more about the MAP screener. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
This week was Teacher Assistant Appreciation Week. Bear Creek is blessed to have 5 wonderful TAs that lovingly serve our Cubs each day. Thank you, Ms. Frances and Ms. Mildret, our PK TAs. Plus, Ms. Morgan, Ms. Nolwin, and Ms. Saucedo, our Special Education TAs. We appreciate all that you bring to our campus.
Looking ahead: This coming week is Custodian Appreciation Week. Daniel Vargas, Juanita Carrillo, and America Garcia are the leaders in keeping our building clean and in great repair. The greatest sign of appreciation we can give our Custodial Team is teaching our Cubs to respect their campus environment. Reminders for students to pick up after themselves, courtesy at meal times, and thoughtfulness when rest rooming is a tremendous help in lightening the work load of their day. If you have time to have you child write a note of gratitude to the team, I know that your child's words will have significant meaning.
SAVE THE DATE: December 7, 2024. Bear Creek will host its first ever SCIENCE FAIR. 3rd through 5th grade students will be able to showcase their science projects for our community to see. Our Cubs' science project will be judged and up to 14 projects will be selected to move onto the Austin Regional Science Fair. More information is below.
Thank you, Bear Creek Families, for making our PTA Fall Membership Drive a Success!
A big congratulations to Kinder and 5th Grade - our top two grade levels with the highest membership percentages. They will receive extra recess and a pajama day on Tuesday, October 2nd! And for those who participated in the Drive, our YETI cooler winner is Philip Rodgers!
In case you missed it, you can still join PTA at any time to help support our school. We encourage any and all memberships! Thanks for all your support!
Join PTA here: https://bear-creek-pta-membership-for-2024-25.cheddarup.com
The GT Referral Window Is Now Open
Later this semester, Bear Creek Elementary will begin screening for Gifted & Talented (GT) services. If you feel your child should receive the screening, please see the attached flyer with details about the referral process. If you have any questions about your child's performance in class, please reach out. If you have any questions about the referral process, please contact our campus GT advocate, Mr. Christian. Here is his email address: james.christian@austinisd.org
Have a great day!
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month! Understanding dyslexia and how it affects learning is an important step in empowering our students and creating an inclusive learning environment. Dyslexia is a learning difference that affects the way the brain processes written language. It's not related to intelligence or lack of effort, but rather a neurobiological condition that makes reading, writing, and spelling more challenging. Dyslexia occurs in people of all backgrounds and often runs in families. At Bear Creek, we are committed to helping students thrive.
The tenth annual Central Texas Dyslexia Conference brings together researchers, parents, dyslexia therapists, teachers, related service providers, advocates, and other professionals to build understanding and application of improved support and services for students with dyslexia. This year’s conference will be virtual, on- demand, and as always FREE for educators, families, and professionals starting Wednesday, October 10, 2024- October 31, 2024.
Link to more information: https://www.austinisd.org/dyslexiaconference2024
CAC Meeting
Our first meeting was September 9th at 3:30 pm. Minutes from the meeting will be linked in the Cub Hub after they are approved in October. Remember you do not have to be a voting member of the CAC to attend. Our next opportunity is October 7th at 3:30 pm in the library.
Questions? Email us at: BearCreekCAC@gmail.com
Citizens have opportunity to be represented on the agenda and heard during the meetings. Please use this form to submit your topic.
Rachel Cottingham, CAC Co-Chair - Faculty Representative
Kristin Stockfisch, CAC Co-Chair - Parent Representative
Bear Creek Donation - Oro Design Group
Bear Creek received an amazing donation for our outdoor deck from the Oro Design Group. This modular bench is better suited for our observation deck and allows us to utilize the smaller outdoor furniture is other areas of the campus. We are also excited that the canopy installation made possible by our families and the support of PTA is underway. Two 8-foot holes were created to receive the concrete footings needed to anchor the the two canopies that will create shade on one of our many outdoor learning spaces. We are thankful for these additions as it add opportunities for our teachers to extend our Cubs' learning beyond the classroom.
H-E-B invests in Texas Public Education. Your nomination of a deserving teacher could create tremendous impact into their craft.
Bear Creek Elementary
Email: bearcreek@austinisd.org
Website: https://www.austinisd.org/schools/bearcreek
Location: 12801 Escarpment Boulevard, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-414-0040