Principal Nolan's Notes
October 23, 2024
Hello, Whip-Pur Families!
HES students and staff are having fun while participating in the Red Ribbon Week theme of Life is a Movie. Film Drug Free. The theme is a reminder that by staying drug free, we are sending a message to ourselves and others about how much we value ourselves, our overall health, our community, and our future. We know that by making healthy choices, we are much more likely to achieve our goals. We will wrap up Red Ribbon Week by dressing up as a celebrity or movie character tomorrow!
Report Card Update
Our HES students are working hard every single day and it's exciting to see growth in learning, student skills, and social emotional strategies with peers and teachers.
Report cards will also be available for your review on the Parent Portal on 10/25. Your child will bring his/her printed Quarter 1 report card home on Tuesday, 10/29. This is a change from the original date communicated as we are not able to print from PowerSchool until Monday.
It is important that parents/guardians take the time to engage in conversation with their child(ren) regarding growth and progress both academically and socially during our 1st quarter of school. In what ways does your child feel successful? What are his/her goals for the 2nd quarter?
Please keep the report card and any additional important papers that are included in the report card envelope. On the envelope, please sign on 1st Quarter Parent Signature line and ask your child to return it to his/her teacher the following week.
HSO News and Updates
We wanted to thank everyone who attended the HSO meeting last week. Couldn't attend? Check out the HSO newsletter for updates and what's coming up!
Want to volunteer at HES? Don't forget to complete the D300 Volunteer Application.
Our biggest fundraiser of the year is quickly approaching! Community BINGO engages the entire village but it also raises so much for our HES students. We need you to make this happen! Whether you like to work behind the scenes and be in the action, there are so many opportunities to help Please sign up here to join in the fun.
Your HSO Team
Thank you HSO!
A big thank you to HSO for the incredible donation that allowed us to order this amazing wall wrap from Goober Prints! Your donations given during last year's BINGO event, the Walk-a-Thon, and Wacky Wednesdays are what allow us to make these kinds of improvements to our school. You should hear the ooohs and ahhhhs from students and staff as they see it for the first time. It's bold and bright and creates a sense of pride in our school.
i-Ready Top Banana
The i-Ready Top Banana Challenge has begun! All students at HES are working to meet their i-Ready goals each week by monitoring their Time-on-Task and Lessons Passed. There are two divisions competing in the challenge: KG-2nd and 3rd-5th
The class in each division with the highest average of these two components will win the Top Banana Award, name it, and keep it in their classroom for the week. The winning class will also win extra recess time with myself or Mrs. DiMatteo.
We are excited to continue our school's growth in i-Ready and help students meet their expected and stretch goals!
HERE are directions to help you monitor your child's i-Ready weekly work goals.
Halloween at HES
As a reminder, HES will continue the tradition of participating in a school community parade to celebrate. On Thursday, 10/31 our parade of students and staff will exit the front doors at 9:15 AM beginning with KG, followed by 1st grade, 2nd grade, etc…
Classroom parties will follow later in the day at differing times, dependent on each grade level's lunch/recess schedule. Please use the link below to learn more important information regarding Halloween festivities at HES.
Pumpkin Decorating Contest Update
Pumpkins are starting to appear at the HES resource center for our 3rd pumpkin decorating contest! Our Media Specialist, Mrs. Enders, has provided all the information that you need HERE. Students are encouraged to decorate a pumpkin like a book character. Important timelines include:
- Entries should be brought to the Resource Center between 10/23-10/31.
- Students and Staff will vote from 11/1-11/8.
- Winners will be announced on 11/13.
- Pumpkins should be taken home by 11/15.
Veterans Day
As a reminder, we would like to invite family members of students at HES, who are Veterans, to participate in a reception and celebration. We are also in need of volunteers for this special event. Please look at the details on this form and let us know if your Veteran can attend or if you are interested in volunteering. Thank you!
Important Dates
10/25 - Report cards published in PowerSchool
10/25 - NO SCHOOL (Teacher Institute Day)
10/29 - Printed report cards come home
10/31 - Halloween Parade 9:15 AM
11/5 - NO SCHOOL (Election Day)
11/6 - Late Start 10:00 AM
11/6 - HSO Wacky Wednesday: Animal Day (Dress like your favorite animal)
Thank you for your continued involvement and support of HES. Reach out anytime with questions or concerns.
Jen Nolan
Hampshire Elementary School Principal