Happy New Year!
News and Views, January 2025
First Congregational United Church of Christ, Ocala Welcome!
We are an open and affirming church, welcoming into our life, ministry, and worship people of all races, genders, ages, marital standings, sexual orientations, gender identities, socio-economic statuses, faith backgrounds, nationalities, and mental and physical challenges.
(352) 329-2032
Our service begins at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday.
This Warrant gives notice for the Annual Meeting of the First Congregational United Church of Christ, of Ocala, Florida, on Sunday, January 26 2025, at 11:30 A.M. The purpose of the 2025 Annual Meeting will be to address the following items of business.
- Approving the Church Budget for 2025
- Approving the 2025 Nominating Committee Report (Slate of Officers, Board, and Committee Members).
As 2025 begins, what are you most hopeful for? What are you expecting? What do you hope will change? What do you hope remains the same? What possibilities do you see ahead? What commitments do you hope to keep?
A new year brings all manner of questions - it is a blank slate in so many ways.
But we also know it is a continuation of all that has come before.
Our stories continue.
If you look at those questions at the opening of this article, you will see that many of them arise from the continuing story of our lives rather than from a sharp beginning when nothing has been done. Our lives shape and form us. They teach us important things, but they also teach us the things we want to leave behind - in some cases, with the additional hope that we will never have to repeat them. Our lives bring us all the experiences that we count as wisdom, but they also show us the things that are utter folly.
The key seems to be being able to use the blank spaces in the new year to refine the filled-in spots from the last. We can reflect and review last year (and even the collection of years before), find those things to build on and find those things we need to release. We can take what we have learned and put it to good use as we plan what to do this year.
This observation holds true for the life of faith, as well. Reflect on the past year - in what moments did you feel closest to God? The farthest away? What might we do to maintain that communion with God better this year? What things worked well as we walked with God? What things, not so much? Allow yourself the space to explore and discover how God might be using this year for your growth and deepening in your walk with God.
My thought is that if we can engage in this practice, all our other questions about the new year will fall more readily into place. If we can build upon the firm foundation of our connection to God, we can find all our other connections becoming stronger and more beneficial for one and all.
So, my prayer for the new year is that it be one of blessing, discovery, wonder, and deepening. May God bless you and keep you always.
Happy New Year!
Church Mouse
What a beautiful Christmas Season we've enjoyed!
Thanks for everyone's generous contributions to the Toys for Tots campaign as well as for the cookie contributions for the cookie sale. The musical service on Christmas Eve really captured the Christmas Spirit. And really, who doesn't love a calorie binging potluck right before all of our New Year's Resolutions!
On behalf of your music directors Cheryl Richardson and Joanne Houston, we’d like to give a huge thanks to all of the members of the Choir and Handbell musicians!!! They devoted a great amount of time and effort to providing wonderful music for the advent and Christmas season including our Christmas Cantata on December 22nd. It is a pleasure to provide inspiring music to the congregation and highlight our worship service with music and wonderful sermons from Ken and Dana. We also appreciated the congregational singing to make the cantata a wonderful collaborative worship experience for all of us.
If you are interested in joining us in the choir for the upcoming Lent and Easter Season, we will begin practices on Thursday, January 9th at noon for handbells and 1:00-2:30pm for choir.
If you have any questions about joining please email us at Cheryl.richardson13@gmail.com
Happy New Year 2025 Everyone
Cheryl and Joanne
Board of Church Life
The Board of Church Life asks for your assistance in helping us provide refreshments after church on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer where you can share your blessing with others. We also gladly accept cash donations to help offset costs.
Community Outreach Board
We normally meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m.
January's meeting will be Wednesday, January 8th
Thank you to everyone who contributed to Breadbasket in December. We collected for MLK Youth Day. We will also be participating in the MLK Day parade in January. Since we had previously decided to donate to the Homeless Children Alliance under Marion County Schools, we sent them a donation as well. January Breadbasket will be for READ, an adult literacy program.
Our December meal at Interfaith was on Christmas Eve. We were able to deliver, as a drop off only, early so we were all able to be on time for Christmas Eve service. Thank you to everyone who contributed and those who delivered. There was plenty of food to give the residents some joy for Christmas. We deliver an evening meal to Interfaith on the 4th Tuesday of every month. If you are interested in contributing or delivering and serving, there is a signup sheet in the lobby or contact Diane Donohue.
How can you help? Please consider preparing a dish to share with the residents. We usually organize a main dish or two, a vegetable/side dish, drinks and dessert. You can bring it to the church and we'll deliver it. There's a signup sheet in the church lobby. We also collect non-perishable food supplies for their food bank.
These activities make our presence known locally and show our church’s expression of caring and love. If you are interested in learning more about Community Outreach, please contact:
Carron Janssen carronuwe@att.net
Diane Donohue ddonohue29@gmail.com
We look forward to you joining us for another lively and educational PFLAG Ocala support meeting
on Sunday, January 26th at 1 PM.
Our Special Guest Speaker for the January 26, 2025 PFLAG Ocala Support Meeting is Alexandra (Alex) Karahalios, an attorney with the Civil Rights Unit of the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Florida. Alex gave an informative presentation in June 2024 and is returning by popular demand. Alex sits in the Office’s Ocala Division and works to enforce federal anti-discrimination laws. She shares information about the Civil Rights Unit and discusses the various areas of law and enforcement efforts her Office works on. They enforce federal anti-discrimination laws, including but not limited to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Fair Housing Act, and the Civil Rights Act.
PFLAG is the nation's largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating
for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.
Martin Luther King Jr. Observances
Ocala Tree of Life Social
On Jan. 25 from 7 to 9 PM OTLS will be having another social event featuring HWY94 Band. Tickets are $15 per person. pre-sales get two free raffle tickets.
See Deborah Johnson and Vanessa Hunter for tickets
Upcoming dates
January 7, Tuesday at 11:00 am, Church Growth meeting, Media Room.
January 8, Wednesday at 10:30 am, Community Outreach meeting, Music Room.
January 8, Wednesday at 5:00 pm, OTLS Programs meeting, Music Room.
January 9, Thursday at 10:30 am, Deacons Meeting, Media Room.
January 9, Thursday at 12:00 pm, Handbell Choir, Sanctuary.
January 9, Thursday at 1:00 pm, Sanctuary Choir, Music Room.
January 25, Saturday at 7:00 pm, OTLS Social featuring the band HWY 94. Tickets are $15 per person. Presales get two free raffle tickets.
January 26, Sunday following worship, Church’s Annual Congregational meeting.
As we approach our Annual Congregational Meeting in January, there are some important positions still to be filled on the Slate of Officers, Boards and Committees. Among those are Church Historian (materials and history are provided), Director of Publicity, and Delegates to the Annual Meeting of the Florida UCC Conference, held in October of each year. If you have nominations for these positions or have interest in being placed in nomination for any, please contact Pat Keith or Vanessa in the church office. Newer church members are welcome! You will receive all the assistance you need.
We hope you'll join us to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the dedication of the First Congregational United Church of Christ Ocala on Sunday, February 2nd. More information to come.
January Anniversaries
1 Dave and Carmel Kessler
6 Jim and Susan Tuller
20 Bill Geiger and Martin Boone
22 Lee and Kyanne Faber
January Birthdays
2 Terri Cuseo
3 June Benoit, Betty Kyle
6 Alex Grajewski
7 Valerie Raisch
9 Paul Silvera
10 John Fowler
12 Ken Hull
13 Brenda Perry
14 Gillian Fleshman
25 Gorham Black, Carol Stewart
26 Marianne Carlson
28 Bruce Alexander
30 Ruby Scarlett
United Church of Christ Programming Webinars
The United Church of Christ enlists the power of technology to deliver a digital experience of connection, inspiration, innovation, education, worship and more. CLICK HERE
Get CONNECTed: It is our desire to connect the people of the Florida Conference to the resources amidst the Florida Conference. Please help us connect with the members of your church by sharing this link so that they too may have the opportunities to read, contribute, and CONNECT! Please know, the Sunshine Connection is intended to be a resource for local churches, pastors, leaders and members throughout the Florida Conference generated by submissions from local churches, pastors, leaders and members throughout the Florida Conference! We invite your submissions to NWatkins@uccfla.org
Cooking Classes
The cooking class will be taught by Rachel, president of TBS. She makes Challah every week for Friday night’s Oneg. They are beautiful and very tasty. And people can call the office for the Maj Jong card sale contact information.
Challah Baking Class: Limit 10 per class. $40 per person Please RSVP to Rachel tbspresident@jewishocala.com
This class is approximately 3 hours in length.
Sunday, January 5th - 2:00 P.M.
Monday, January 20th - 10:30 A.M.
Sunday, February 2nd - 2:00 P.M.
Friday, February 28th - 10:00 A.M.
Maj Jonggs 2025 Cards for Sale - Please contact Hillary Zeleznick or Di Michelson.
Orders are due by January 25, 2025
Small Cards - $14.00 Large Cards - $15.00
Newsletter Submissions
If you'd like to submit information to be included in News and Views, or to request removal from our mailing list, please contact:
We hope to receive submissions by the 20th of each month so that we can send promptly on the first of each month.