SFCS Weekly Howl - 4.29.24

SFCS celebrates 27 Years of Growing Together in Faith & Knowledge
Dear SFCS Parents & Friends,
Happy Monday!
Wow! What a week the SFCS community had. Their week began with Earth Day, with classes focusing on our mighty planet, its makeup, and how to preserve our resources. Students were also preparing for the big celebration of International Day and the Americana performance. The 7th grade did a fabulous job with preparing their presentations and engaging the students. We ended the week with a fire drill and a "test" visit from the Fire Department with the fire truck taking a lap around the School Loop Drive. We also officially passed the "one month of school to go" mark.
With the nice weather we've been having, more classrooms are engaging in learning outdoors, a benefit of our beautiful campus and community. We are grateful for our creative faculty and resources available for the opportunities of "unconventional" immersed learning experiences.
Speaking of unconventional experiences... maybe a more unexpected experience when I arrived early this morning to campus. Walking through the gate, I heard rustling in the bushes. I was greeted by a land turtle! Luckily, Mrs. Kelley Burke, PreK Teacher, came to the rescue and removed the 25-poundish reptile to safer surroundings. Hooray for the beauty of God's creatures and Mrs. Burke! (See photos below featured under "On Our Campus".)
Please continue to pray for the faculty, staff, and students, as we wind down our 2023.24 academic year. There is much left to do including the celebration of First Holy Communion, Spring MAP testing, class field trips, Confirmation, grade promotions, and graduation.
Wishing you a fabulous week ahead!
Andrea Smith, M.Ed., LPC, NCC
**FOR INFORMATION ON ATHLETICS, PLEASE SCROLL DOWN TO THE ATHLETICS SECTION. Due to changes impacting practice or competitions that may occur, please be sure you follow the email communication you receive from the coaches. That information will be the most current. **
April 30 - Bake Club
May 2 - 7th Grade Field Trip
May 5 - First Holy Communion
May 6 - 24 - Spring MAP Testing Window - Grades K - 8th
May 7 - Bake Club
May 8 - 2nd Grade Play
May 9 - 3rd Grade Field Trip
Athletic Awards Presentation
May 10 - Schoolwide Rosary
May 13 - Yearbook Distribution
May 14 - Last Bake Club
May 15 - May Crowning
May 19 - School Family Mass - St. Francis By the Sea Catholic Church
8th Grade Confirmation - Holy Family
May 20 - 5th Grade Play
May 21 - Kindergarten Promotion Ceremony
8th Grade Graduation Practice
May 22 - 8th Grade Last Day
8th Grade Graduation Practice
4Q Academic Awards Presentation
8th Grade Send Off
8th Grade Cap and Gown Distributed
May 23 - Talent Show
May 24 - Last Day of School - Noon Dismissal
Move up Day - Grades PreK - 7th
8th Grade Mass and Graduation Ceremony
Please be sure to check your closets and drawers for missing items. Our lost and found pile is growing! Any items not picked up by the end of the month will be donated or thrown away. Thank you!
ENROLLMENT for the 2024.25 Academic Year
While we continue to accept applications for enrollment and re-enrollment, we are now reaching waitlist status in some classes. Please contact the school office for more information. (843) 681-6501.
FINANCIAL AID - Application Deadline is May 1
Financial Aid applications for the '24.25 academic year should be completed through your FACTS account. The application deadline is May 1.
The students, faculty and staff will participate in our final schoolwide Rosary for this academic year on May 10. We will be praying for our 8th grade prospective graduates. Please join us at 8:15 a.m. from your home as we pray together.
Beginning the week of June 3 through August 2 the School Office will have the following summer schedule:
Monday and Friday - Closed
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Should you need special assistance outside of these hours, please call the School Office
(843) 681-6501 to arrange an appointment.
FSA MEETING - TUESDAY April 30 - 8:15 a.m.
There will be an FSA meeting on Tuesday, April 30 at 8:15 a.m. in the lunchroom. See you there!
Celebrate our faculty and staff during Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6 -10! Teacher Appreciation Wish Lists are available here Teacher Appreciation Wish List. We will also be in need of volunteers to assist on various days this week. If you are available, please sign up here Teacher Appreciation Sign Up Genius. Thank you!
Stop by the Spirit Shop to get your Bundle today! Each Bundle contains a SFCS Holy Bear, a Tiny Saint Rosary, and a St. Francis of Assisi Tiny Saint charm. These make the perfect gift for First Holy Communion, or Confirmation.
The Island Discount Card provides discounts at a variety of businesses on the Island. Each card is $25 or buy four get one free. Cards may be purchased from the School Office by check made out to SFCS or online through Hometown Ticketing. To purchase online, please click here SFCS ISLAND DISCOUNT CARDS. There is a small surcharge for processing when purchasing online. Thank you for supporting SFCS through the purchase of an Island Discount Card!
PreK enjoyed the International Day/Americana Celebration! They did a wonderful job opening for the performances with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Kindergarten class had a special visitor last week, Mr. Keith Kostrzewski, who worked with the class on a special STEM project. The class was able to take part in an amazing engineering and design lesson. The goal was to create a character that could stand and a house or platform the character could also stand on. The students did a fantastic job! The students' projects were displayed in our hallway for all to enjoy! Thank you, Mr. K. and way to go Kindergarten students!
The first grade celebrated Earth Day by learning about how to do their part to protect the Earth's resources. Each student made an Earth Day poster. The students also went on a scavenger hunt nature walk around the school's campus. The students also enjoyed the International Festival and the Americana Celebration.
Earth Day
Nature Scavenger Hunt
International Day/Americana Celebration
The first grade enjoyed learning about countries around the world last week during International Day! The class also had an outstanding performance during the Americana Celebration!
Landform Maps
The second grade learned about the earth's landscapes, and terrain which include hills, mountains, valleys, volcanoes, canyons, rain forests, and bodies of water such as oceans, seas, and peninsulas. The students created their own landform map complete with beautiful illustrations and labels.
Snack Picnic
It was a lovely day in the neighborhood, so Second Grade had a picnic for snack!
From Caterpillars to Butterflies
Mrs. Gaherty's class waited and watched as the caterpillars spun their cocoons and emerged as butterflies. The butterflies are now free as the class released them into the care of St. Francis and his garden. Then, to celebrate, the class ate a picnic lunch. During recess, one of the butterflies returned to say goodbye, gracefully and gratefully, fluttered its wings before flying way up into the trees!
Career Friday - Mrs. Michelle Smith
Mrs. Brewster’s 5th Grade class welcomed Mrs. Michelle Smith to their classroom. Mrs. Smith is a School Psychologist serving students throughout our area. Students engaged in testing strategies, coping mechanisms, and learned the importance of perseverance when life gets tough. Thank you, Mrs. Smith, for sharing your wisdom!
7th Grade - International Day!
Please scroll down to "On Our Campus" featuring the International Day story and photos.
PE - Celebrates Heritage Week
The P.E. classes celebrated the RBC Heritage Week by learning fun facts about the golf tournament and creating a mini-golf course in our gym. Students collaboratively and creatively designed a mini-golf course. They had the opportunity to practice their putting skills and the proper way to swing a club. A fun fact students learned was who the very first winner of the Heritage.... (Arnold Palmer)
St. Adjutor
St. Sebastian
St. Joan of Arc
St. Nicholas
No activities due to International Day/Americana Celebration.
On Monday morning Mrs. Smith came in to find a turtle by the gate. Along came Mrs. Burke to assist with the reptile, who was stuck on a brick, and relocate it to safer surroundings. What a beautiful reminder of God's creatures and the support and benefits of teamwork. Thank you, Mrs. Burke!
What a day! Last Thursday, the SFCS students, faculty, staff, and parents, travelled throughout the world and never left campus! International Day, presented by the 7th grade, celebrated culture, cuisine, and customs of various countries. After the 7th grades' "around the world" presentations, an Americana Celebration was showcased featuring grades PreK-8th.
Week of 4.29.24:
Monday, April 29 - Girls Soccer vs. Hilton Head Prep - 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, April 30 -
Wednesday, May 1 -
Thursday, May 2 -
Friday, May 3 -
⛳ GOLF ⛳
Congratulations to the following players on our golf team for their scores and places at the match against Coastal Homeschool:
Tied for 1st place with a score of 24 - Cameron O., Jude S., Lewis W. and Malcom O.
2nd place with a score of 25 - Charlotte T., Gus W., and Andrew O.
3rd place with a score of 26 - Kevin T., and Zane M.
4th place with a score of 27 - Christian P., and Drew B.
Tied for 5th place with a score of 29 - Audrey K. Eleanor B., Andrew P., and Will H.
6th place with a score of 37 - Ella M., and Bridy F.
April 29 -May 1 - Cross Schools Tournament, Schedule TBA
St. Francis will open their Cross School Tournament play on Monday, April 29 at 6:30 p.m. against Hilton Head Prep. Good luck to our Lady Wolves!
Thank you to our Athletic Sponsors for the 2023.24 academic year. We are grateful for your support!
Do you have any news about alumni from SFCS? If so, please contact Andrea Smith (andrea.smith@sfcshhi.com) with information to share. Please include the year of SFCS graduation.
St. Francis Catholic School, a ministry of St. Francis By the Sea Catholic Church, partners with several of the Parish ministries. Please refer to this section of the Weekly Howl for information and events of those ministries who have a partnership with our school.
Monday Night Mission - Beginning April 15 and Every 3rd Monday
St. Francis Thrift Shop - Volunteer Opportunities
The St. Francis Thrift Shop is looking for volunteers to work in the store. Any amount of time you can give the SF Thrift Shop will fit your availability into a schedule. Interested volunteers should contact Eleanor Bell, Embell31@outlook.com.
St. Francis Catholic School
Email: school@sfcshhi.com
Website: sfcshhi.com
Location: 45 Beach City Rd, HHI, SC 29926
Phone: 843-681-6501
Facebook: facebook.com/sfcshhi