Bird's Word for September 12, 2024

September 12, 2024
It was wonderful to see many of you last night at our Back to School Picnic. What a beautiful evening! Great to see and feel a sense of community as we start the 2024-2025 school year. I will be sending out a survey for feedback on this event and thoughts to help inform our planning for next fall.
Tuesday, September 17th marks the 237th anniversary of the signing of the US Constitution in 1787. The US Constitution established how the new government of the United States would organize and govern the new nation and is seen as one of the most influential documents in history. An important fact, which has often been overlooked, is the contribution of the Native American people at that time. The Haudenosaunee Confederacy, sometimes called the Iroquois Confederacy, had been living with this form of government for hundreds of years and taught the white settlers this form of government that allowed individuals to vote and be represented. It took hundreds of years for all people’s voices to be counted, and there are still debates about voting rights. Today, we recognize and honor all voices who helped create the US Constitution and all of us who can participate in making it even better.
PTA News
September 12, 2024
We had a great first PTA meeting on Monday September 9th!
The new PTA board welcomed families with treats and a membership drive before the meeting. In the meeting we talked about What the PTA is and does and we approved the standing rules for the year. We had a great discussion on the operating budget for the year including spending down some of our contingency funds and we approved increases in the Fall picnic budget, the hospitality budget, and some anticipated inflationary costs.
We also welcomed Mrs. Schroeder and Mrs. Plathe to the meeting for the Teacher Report and heard from Principal Behnke on the School Improvement Plan and had a conversation around AATD and accelerated math placement. We will share the draft minutes from the 9/9 meeting for approval about a week before our October 7th meeting.
School celebration envelopes should have come home with your students this week. You can send money back in the envelopes to school or follow the QR code to donate online. All of this money goes directly back into the school to support in-school celebrations.
If you haven’t already joined the PTA for this year, please become a member. We know your time is valuable, so we keep it simple. Join the PTA, and you’ll receive emails about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities. Whether you have 30 minutes or more, there’s always a way to volunteer and contribute to the Falcon Heights school community.
Join us for our next meeting on Monday October 7 from 6:30-7:30pm in the Media Center. We are still finalizing the agenda for that meeting, so if you have any ideas of what you’d like to discuss, please let us know!
In the meantime - give us a follow on Instagram or Facebook and check out our website for volunteer opportunities.
All my best,
Lindsay Matts-Benson, PTA President,
And Henrik (Kinder) and Leta (4th)'s parent.
Falcon Families for Equity and Justice (FFEJ) is a group of caregivers committed to learning, growing, and working together in solidarity to create a more equitable, safe, and supportive environment for all students.
We’d love your input on topics and events you would be interested in attending and are always open to new ideas!
Please complete this survey if you are willing!
We hope you can join us to learn more at our kickoff event on October 23rd at 7:00 pm. We will be meeting in the Media Center.
Also, we are looking for more volunteers to help with planning our Family Service Fair! It’s a great event where we set up service projects to work on as a school community. We then donate them to various community organizations. We need help with planning activities and organizations to support, collecting donations, and ordering and preparing supplies. We will be meeting before the kickoff meeting on October 2nd at 7:00 (location tbd). Please email if you are interested!
More information to come for the rest of the year! If you have any questions in the meantime feel free to email us at falcon.families.for.equity.justice@gmail.com or check out our website
Is My Child Well Enough to Come to School?
See you at school!
✅Have a runny nose, earache, sore throat, or a little cough, but no fever
✅Temperature below 100°F for 24 hours
✅No throwing up or diarrhea in the past 24 hours
✅Pink eye
Stay home if:
⛔Temperature is above 100°F
⛔Throwing up or diarrhea
⛔Coughing that won’t stop
⛔Instructed by a doctor to stay home
Positive Covid Test: Stay home until feeling better and fever-free for 24 hours. Masks are encouraged for 5 days.
If your child sees a medical provider, please obtain a note for school attendance. Questions? Call your healthcare clinic or the school health office at 651-646-0816
What to do if your student is staying home from school? You MUST inform the attendance office by: Email: FH-attendance@isd623.org Call: 651-646-0816 Messages can be left anytime, night or day.
Every Meal Food Bags
We are fortunate to be able to partner with Every Meal again this school year. This is a free program that sends home food bags to families who would like to receive them. The bags include: a grain, a canned fruit and vegetable, and a protein. Falcon Heights United Church of Christ supplies cereal and a few snacks as well. The bags are sent home most Thursdays. Each family can sign up to receive a bag.
You can sign up using the QR code below or contact Angie McCoy, Health office.
Attention Native American Families!
Do you identify as Native American? Are you receiving messages from Gabriella Carroll, American Indian Education Program coordinator, or Savannah Rojas, Native American cultural liaison? If not, please contact Gabriella at gabriella.carroll@isd623.org or at 651-359-0572 to be included in Roseville Area Schools’ American Indian Education Program. The Roseville American Indian Education Program is a district-wide program with a goal of promoting cultural awareness, academic advocacy, and community connection for our American Indian students and families. The Roseville American Indian Education Program serves all Native American students regardless of tribal affiliation or blood quantum.
Speaker Series for Parents/Guardians Sponsored by Advanced Academics and Talent Development
Local Psychologist Dr. Teresa Boatman will be offering a 3-part speaker series to parents and guardians of Roseville Area students in PreK through grade 12. The presentations are focused on the social-emotional needs of students. Dr. Boatman is a very engaging and relatable speaker with deep understanding of advanced students and their intellectual, academic and social-emotional needs. All parents are invited to participate in any or all of her presentations this year.
The first event will take place on Monday, September 16, from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. It will be held in the Fairview Room at the Aŋpétu Téča Education Center (1910 County Rd. B West). Dr. Boatman will present from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. and an optional family connection time will run 7:00 - 7:30 p.m. Sorry but childcare is not provided.
To learn more about this free event, please CLICK HERE.
Limited Edition Apparel - Support Community Ed! 👕 🎉
Looking for fun Roseville Area Schools apparel? Choose from this selection of limited edition shirts! Your purchase will support Roseville Area Schools Community Education programs and services.
🔺 Heather black long sleeve ($20)
🔺 Heather red long sleeve ($20)
🔺 Gray short sleeve with school mascots ($15)
These shirts are a soft, comfortable tri-blend fabric (50/37/13 poly/cotton/rayon) in a unisex fit. Sizes are available in adult S - 3XL and youth S - XL.
Orders are due by October 4, 2024. ⏰ 🗓️ Shirt orders will arrive near the end of October! To place an order, call 651-604-3770 or CLICK HERE.
Fall Youth Camps and Activities 🍁 😊
Register your students for fall 2024 Youth Enrichment! We're offering an exciting lineup of camps, classes, and field trips for ages 0 - 14. Explore fun opportunities such as:
🌀 Raider Youth Wrestling Club
🌀 Anime & Manga Card Quest with Kidcreate Studios
🌀 Elementary Coding & STEM Club with CSGA
🌀 Afterschool Soccer with DASH Sports
🌀 Drawing Palooza with Young Rembrandts
...and more! Scholarships are available - contact us for scholarship information. To register, call 651-604-3770 or CLICK HERE.
Swim Lessons for Youth and Adults! 💧
Registration is open for fall 2024 swim lessons at Aŋpétu Téča Education Center. Sign up today - spots fill quickly! Our pool is a comfortable 86 degrees year-round, and we offer numerous different types of lessons:
💧 Adult/Child Swim (ages 9 months+)
💧 Pre-K 1 and Pre-K 2 (ages 3 - 5)
💧 Level 1 - 6 (ages 5 - 14)
💧 Adult Beginner (ages 15+)
💧 Women-Only (ages 15+)
To register, call 651-604-3770 or CLICK HERE! 📲