Warrior Weekly

COVID Guidelines Update
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated its guidance on COVID-19. You can read the most current press release here. The new guidance provides recommendations and information to help individuals lower their risk from a range of common respiratory viral illnesses, including COVID-19, flu, and RSV. The new guidance removes the 5-day isolation period following a positive COVID-19 test.
With the new recommendations, students and staff can return to school and normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both are true:
Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
You have not had a fever and are not using fever-reducing medication
With the removal of the isolation period, the CDC recommends that when you return to your normal activities, you take precaution over the next 5 days such as steps for cleaner air, hygiene, masking, physical distancing, and/or testing when you are around others indoors. You can view more information here. There are additional considerations for individuals who are at higher risk of severe illness from respiratory illnesses.
If you have further questions, please reach out to your building school nurse.
Lisa Jondle, Director of Student Services; Ashley Weier, RN, WCSD School Nurse; Jenny Sydow, RN, WCSD School Nurse
Music, Art, Dance, and Theatre in Our Schools Month
Plant Dane Native Plant Program
Donate Your Plants
Youth Conservationists of Waunakee are looking to expand and complete the native plant habitat in the Little Woodlot (along Century Av.; next to Endres Mfg.). The purpose of the garden is to increase biodiversity of the high school campus and provide pollinator habitat.
Weād like to invite you to donate plants to our Little Woodlot garden through the Plant Dane Native Plant Program. Itās easy, just visit https://ripple-effects.com/Order/Donate, select āWAUNAKEE HIGH SCHOOLā and select the number of plants youād like to donate. Plants cost $2.88/each and must be ordered in multiples of 4. The deadline to donate to our project is March 19th .
Thanks for helping to make our completed garden a reality!
What are Science & Service Trips?
During Science & Service trips, students gain experience working with real scientists in the field, exploring, and contributing to local communities by conducting volunteer service projects during the trip. Students will spend one year prior to the trip doing research, prep work, and fundraising.
What is the focus of this trip? We will observe two of the most advanced countries modeling: "Sustainability, Ecology, Clean Energy, and Engineering the future." We will also participate in the sustainability lifestyle, including local agriculture and a harbor clean up of plastics- in kayaks
More information to families will be made available after the student informational meeting on March 19th. You can also email any questions to margaretshaffar@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Library Media & Technology Center (LMTC)
Food Reminder
There is no food allowed in the LMTC when you visit. Please eat it before you come so that crumbs and messes aren't left behind. Students who continue to eat and snack will be sent back to their respective study halls.
Featured New Book: Once There Was by Kiyash Monsef
When fifteen-year-old Iranian American Marjan discovers her murdered father was secretly a veterinarian to magical creatures, she realizes she must take up his mantle, despite the many dangers.
February Thing of the Month Winner
Congratulations to Addie Maier, the winner of February's Thing of the Month. She correctly identified the object (courtesy of our custodial staff) as a toilet paper dispenser key. Please stop by the LMTC to pick up your Kokopelli Coupon prize!
Waunakee High School Performing Arts Center
Warrior Corner School Store
Building Excitement in our School Community
We are excited to launch a spring online Warrior Corner School Store option for you! As the district launched a new brand for both the school district and the high school/spirit last year, we want you to be able to sport the newest gear. There are many options for men, women, youth, spirit, and accessories. New items added - check it out! Access our online store at: https://wcsdapparel24.itemorder.com/shop/home/
All items can be shipped directly to your home (shipping rates apply) or picked up at Trending Now Promotions (1120 Uniek Drive, Waunakee) at no extra cost to you. The deadline to order is Sunday, April 7, at which time all orders will be processed.
Thank you for your support of our Warrior Corner Store and the Marketing Education program at Waunakee Community High School by shopping locally.
Supporting Our Kids Inside and Outside the Classroom
Volunteer! Be a Difference Maker
Tri 4 Schools is a local nonprofit that produces kidsā multi-sport races and donates 100% of the event entry fees back to race participantsā schools for use on health and wellness initiatives.
The Tri 4 Schools Team is looking for volunteers for the annual Waunakee Kids Triathlon and also for their annual spring/summer races! Here are the details for this yearās events and how people can sign up to volunteer:
Volunteers are needed to support the following Tri 4 Schools kids races:
- Waunakee Kids Triathlon on May 18th at the Waunakee High School
- Madison Kids Bike + Run on June 15th at Warner Park
- Middleton Kids Triathlon on August 17th at Bauman Aquatic Center
Kids ages 3-14 will participate in these multisport events, and all of the entry fees are donated back to local schools for health and wellness initiatives. For each event, volunteers are needed for shifts from 6:30am-10:30am and 7:30am-11:30am in the registration area, on the course, and in the finish area. There are also setup and takedown shifts available on the day of the event and a Packet Pickup shift from 4:30pm-6:30pm the Friday before each event. Visit the online registration form at www.tri4schools.org/volunteers/ to see full event details and to sign up to volunteer. If you would like to volunteer with a friend or family member, list that information on your form and we will strive to honor that request. Contact Race Director Katie Brasel at kbrasel@tri4schools.org with any questions.
Post Prom Tickets
March DECA Newsletter
Counseling Office Connection
Research Program
The Social Media and Adolescent Health Research Team (SMAHRT) with UW-Madison is offering a virtual two-week research program for high school students. During this program, students will complete their own independent research projects in collaboration with mentors and fellow scholars ā all online! The program runs from July 22 - August 2, 2024. Registration deadline is April 7, 2024. For more information and to apply, please visit the SMAHRT website.
Attention Juniors & Seniors
A college representative will be available to meet with juniors and seniors in the Counseling Office during Contact Time on the following days:
Tuesday, March 19: Lawrence University
Wednesday, March 20: Northern Michican University
To attend, students must sign up in FlexiSched under the Counseling Office on March 18, 2024.
Free Opportunities for HS Students
The Wisconsin School of Business (WSB) Precollege Program is offering free opportunities for high school students:
- Brunch Nā Business is an in-person event for female high school students to engage with female UW-Madison business students. The event will be held at Grainger Hall on Saturday, April 6, 2024. The Registration deadline is April 1, 2024.
- Pre-college Summer Camps allow high school students to explore different business career pathways, participate in career networking events, learn about career development services, develop communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills, etc. The Registration deadline is April 30, 2024.
Business Basics Camp (grades 9 and 10)
Session 1: June 10th - June 14th
Junior Business Badgers Camp (grades 11 and 12)
June 17th - June 21st
Registration for these events can be found on the WSB Pre-college website.
2024 March is Social Work Month
Celebrating Our Social Workers
WCHS is lucky enough to have three amazing school social workers supporting our students. Left to right: Christy Sheppleman who supports our students in the TLC, Rose Nadler who works with half of the high school population, and Jessica Moehn who covers the other half of high school students. Together Christy, Rose, and Jessica are the link between the home, school and the community; they provide direct and indirect services to students and families to promote and support students' academic and social success.
Huge thank you to Christy, Rose, and Jess for all they do for our Warrior community!
Lunch & Learn for Parents/Guardians
Parenting in the Age of Social Media
Parenting can be extremely challenging during the teen years. In the age of technology, parents encounter the additional layer of navigating raising teens in a world with social media. The battle to get a teen to put down their phone can feel arduous.
Many experts acknowledge that the demands placed on parents are overwhelming. The New York Times published an article with some suggestions from experts. How Parents Can Help Teens Navigate Social Media - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Suggestions include:
Holding firm boundaries at night around device access to promote better sleep (consider no devices after a certain time).
The approach to conversations about social media can make a big difference. Lead conversations with curiosity rather than judgment.
The American Psychological Association summarizes research on the topic and is linked here Health advisory on social media use in adolescence (apa.org)
The Center for Humane Technology offers a variety of resources Center for Humane Technology and has a page with educational information dedicated to understanding usage among 13-25 year olds Guides for Healthy Tech Use for Kids & Youth - Center for Humane Technology
For questions contact: Nisa Giaquinto**, Student Wellness Facilitator ngiaquinto@ccmadison.org
Date: Friday, March 15
Time: 11:30am-12:00pm
Location: Zoom- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88562986760
Facilitator: Nisa Giaquinto-Student Wellness Facilitator
RSVP Contact: ngiaquinto@ccmadison.org
This lunch & learn will offer the opportunity to learn about strategies for how to help if your teen experiences ongoing anxiety. There also will be time to connect with other parents to discuss strategies and suggestions.
**Nisa Giaquinto works as our Student Wellness Facilitator on Fridays here at the high school. Previously, she was a school counselor for secondary students and has spent over 20 years working with middle and high school students.
Every Donation Counts!
DECA Food Drive for Waunakee Food Pantry
There is still time to donate to the DECA Food Drive! All donations will be given to the Waunakee Food Pantry (WFP) for households living in Waunakee, Westport, and the Village of Dane communities.
WFP has shared the list of suggested items that are needed:
- canned foods
- crackers
- cereals
- snacks for lunches
- canned fruits & vegetables
- any food items would be greatly appreciated
Please DROP-OFF donations by March 20 in the High School Counseling Office.
SoƱadores Club Toiletry Drive for Waunakee Food Pantry
Next week the SoƱadores Club will be holding a Toiletry Drive through March 20. The club will be collecting toiletry items to support in-need families. All donations will go directly to the Waunakee Neighborhood Connections (WNC).
Donation suggestions:
- cleaning supplies
- body lotion
- deodorant
- toothpaste
- wipes
- feminine hygiene products
- paper products
If you'd like to participate, please drop off your donations by March 20. Bins are located on the mezzanine near the main entrance. Gracias!
STUCO Food Drive for the River Food Pantry
Student Council will be hosting a food drive for the River Food Pantry, one of the largest food pantries in Dane County. This drive will span March 18 to April 12. Please consider donating:
- individual cereals
- granola or fruit bars
- nuts
- meat stick
- pretzels or chips
- fruit or pudding cup
- fruit roll-up or fruit snack
- individual mac 'n cheese
- microwave popcorn
Whipurwauna Yearbook
There are only 100 books left before we sell out. Prices go up to $75.00 on 4/1/24. Make sure to check the list below and order yours today.
Rotary Exchange Host Families Needed
Help a Student Gain Experience About New Culture
The Waunakee Rotary Club will be hosting a high school aged student for the 2024-2025 school year. They are seeking families who would be willing to host this student for next school year. Rotary would like three families to share this responsibility so the student receives three different experiences during their stay, and it keeps the stay at any one home to about four months. If you are interested in being a host family, or want to discuss this opportunity and learn more, please contact Carol Bleifield from Waunakee Rotary at dfbleifield@yahoo.com. Thanks for considering.
Community Education Workshop
Adult Custom Sign Workshop
Unlock your creativity and join us at the WCHS Innovation Center for a hands-on workshop that is perfect for beginners and design enthusiasts alike. Participants will dive into the world of design to craft a personalized sign from start to finish. No prior experience is necessary as instructors will teach and assist participants. All supplies and materials will be provided, and participants will leave the class with completed projects.
- Where: Waunakee High School Innovation Center
- When: Night 1: Tuesday, April 9 from 6-8 PM; Night 2: Tuesday, April 16 with choice of 4-6 PM or 6-8 PM (determined on Night 1)
- Cost: $45 per participant
- Instructors: Kayla Burgess & Jeff Willauer, WHS Instructors
Seating is limited to the first 12 registrants. Electronic payment is required at registration. Please use the Waunakee RevTrak button to register. Fees will only be refunded if the class does not take place.
View the workshop flyer (English/Spanish)
Registration information along with additional class details can be found on the Community Education page of the district website under Innovation Center Classes.
We look forward to seeing you at the WCHS Innovation Center!
Project Graduation
Attention Senior Families
Project Graduation is a fun, after graduation party organized by the parents and guardians of graduating seniors. This event was established to offer seniors a safe place to celebrate for FREE. However, to ensure the success of Project Graduation, securing volunteers is critical. The committee is currently looking for a Treasurer along with an Activities Coordinator (includes scheduling and overseeing event activities (e.g., Volleyball, Dodgeball, Bags tournaments, Ping Pong; Photo Booth, etc.).
If you are interested in volunteering in this capacity, or any other volunteer role, please email waunagradparty@gmail.com. Be sure to include your name, email address, and phone number.
Post Prom Volunteers and Donations
Your Help is Needed
The junior parents/guardians in our community are organizing a Post Prom Event (April 13) for students at the Waunakee Village Center. The cost to attend will be $10 and details on how to purchase a ticket will come closer to the event.
This inclusive party is completely funded through donations from individuals, community organizations and businesses. This has been such a success the past few years, we wanted to continue the tradition with the Class of 2025. This is not a school sponsored event and we could NOT provide it without your HELP & SUPPORT! Please review the available slots below to SIGN UP.
If you are unable to volunteer, but would prefer to give a donation, please mail your donation to Waunakee Post Prom, c/o Gwen Olson, 1002 Millies Way, Waunakee, WI 53597 or Venmo @Gwen Olson@Post-Prom2024. Any additional donations will be gifted to the Project Graduation Class of 2025 event. If you have any questions, please reach out to waunakeepostprom@gmail.com
Thank you for your time, talent and donations,
Class of 2025 Post Prom Committee
Design & Construction Updates
New Heritage Elementary School / New Middle School
Taher Food Services Catering
Hosting a graduation party? Let Taher and Waunakee Community School District help you!
View our new catering menu HERE. View the full catering menu on our district website. All orders are due by May 31, 2024.
Please contact Lisa Gonzalez via email lisagonzalez@waunakee.k12.wi.us for pricing and more information.
Class of 2024 Graduation
Commencement is set for June 2, 2024
Here are some important details about graduation for you to note:
- When: Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 3:00 PM
- Where: Waunakee High School - Field House
- Field House doors will open at 1:30 PM.
- Seating is based on a first come-first serve basis. Reserving seats with blankets, signs, etc., is prohibited and the items will be removed.
- The number of guests each graduate may invite has not been set due to the large seating capacity in the Field House. However, please be considerate in the number of guests you invite.
- Stadium seats (seat cushions with backs) are acceptable and may be used for your seating pleasure.
- Honor Cord/s: Students who achieve academic honors may wear the acceptable honor cord(s) of purple, silver, white or gold. All other cords are not permitted and may not be worn in commencement services. Seniors who earn honor cords will be notified mid-March.
- Handicap seating is available upon request. Please call 608-849-2100, ext. 2046 to make arrangements.
- Link for the Live Stream will be made available prior to the event.
- Empire Photography will again photograph commencement ceremonies. Each graduate is photographed as they receive their diploma and a solo portrait is taken after they exit the stage. Proofs will be sent to graduates and their families within 48-hours of the ceremony.
- Diplomas will be distributed in the High School main office immediately after the ceremony for graduates to pick up. Diplomas will not be mailed.
Dates to Calendar
- March 18: Taher Regional Chef Visits HS
- March 18: Parent Teacher Conferences (4-8pm)
- March 19: Plant Dane Native Plant Program: Deadline to Donate
- March 20: DECA Food Drive Ends
- March 20: SoƱadores Club: Toiletry Drive Ends
- March 22: No School/PT Conferences (8am-12pm)
- March 25-29: No School/Spring Break
April 3-4: Forward Exam (administered in class)
April 7: Spirit Wear Orders Due
April 9: Community Ed: Adult Custom Sign Workshop
April 10: Assembly Speaker Carlos Ojeda Jr.
April 10: Scholarship Community Mailer Prep & Route Assignments (6:30PM/HS Commons)
April 13: Prom @ HS (8-11 pm)/Post Prom @ Waunakee Village Cntr.
April 16: Jostens Distributes Graduation Orders
April 17: PreACT for Freshmen (3-hr late start for Gr. 10-12)
April 18: PreACT for Sophomores (3-hr late start for Gr. 9,11,12)
April 24: Open Enrollment Deadline
April 24: Scholarship Fund Drive Night (5PM-8PM)
May 2-4: "Alice by Heart" Performances in PAC at 7PM/$12 ticket
May 20: No School/Staff Development
May 27: No School/Memorial Day
May 28-29: Senior Final Exams
May 30: Seniors, please note the following:
- 8:30-9:30 AM: Senior Walk-thru at Elementary Schools (transportation provided)
- 9:30-10:30 AM: Graduation Rehearsal in WHS Field House
- 10:30 AM: Senior Brunch in the Commons (free for all Seniors!)
June 2: Class of 2024 Commencement at 3PM, HS Field House
June 3-6: Final Exams for Underclassmen
June 7: Community Open House: Randy Guttenberg Retirement
June 24: Summer School Begins (by teacher recommendation only)
2024-2025 School-Year Calendar
Homecoming Dance: September 28, 2024
Scholarships or Payment Plans Available
Scholarships or payment plans are available to any student who has been approved for the free/reduced meal program and may be available to any student whose families have a financial need due to unique circumstances.
Please contact Teri Reible at 608-849-2000 to learn more about these opportunities. If you need assistance in a language other than English, please call the district interpreter and translator at 608-849-2000, option 2.
Waunakee Community Cares Coalition
The Waunakee Community Cares Coalition (WCCC) is dedicated to keeping Waunakee healthy and resilient. To receive updates of all of the trends, resources available, and community initiatives in the spaces of alcohol/drug prevention and mental health, please sign up for their monthly newsletter.
Link to sign up to receive newsletter: https://www.waunakeecares.org/contact
Link to our resource pages: https://www.waunakeecares.org/resources-1
Lunch Menus
Contact Information
Waunakee Community High School
301 Community Drive
Waunakee, WI 53597
Phone: (608) 849-2100
Website: whs.waunakee.k12.wi.us