238th ISSUE: September 16, 2022
From the Desk of Mr. Benji Winkelman
Whether you are a wide-eyed Freshman, or the savvy college bound Senior or somewhere in between, the faculty and staff at Marian Central can help you succeed academically, enhance your knowledge, leadership skills, prepare you for college, learn how to sustain a healthy lifestyle and much more. However, you will need to be fully engaged and accountable in creating your own success. We want to be a part of your support system; we want to help you develop and enhance your skills while assisting you in maintaining a positive attitude and outlook during your high school career.
We recognize that all of you come from a variety of places and situations, and we consider it of great importance that you are welcoming, respectful and actively involved in your education and school community.
Working together with your family, mentors, coaches and other important people in your life will help us educate and nurture you to be a good citizen, a student leader, and a young man or woman who is prepared for college. As the Dean of Students, I firmly believe that you can have fun while becoming the best you can be while making our school a better place.
Have a great weekend!
Benji Winkelman
Dean of Students
Physical Education Department Chair
Fr. Warren - A Pool Noodle for a Policy
Reminders - Parking, Locks, Uniforms
Parking - Students who drive to school must have a Marian Central parking pass visible in their vehicle. Parking passes can be purchased in the office for $75.
Locks - Locks used on school lockers must be school issued and can be purchased in the office for $10 each.
Uniforms - If your student is cold, they have three options to stay warm. They may wear a long sleeve polo shirt, school sweater or school fleece (red or black). These items can be purchased through the Dennis Uniform site.
Homecoming 2022
Lot of exciting things are happening at Marian! We begin Homecoming week next Monday, fun dress down days have been planned, and a pep rally where the main event is a faculty vs. senior volleyball game (faculty will win). Information can be found here, on our website, on our TV monitors and will be given daily to students through oral announcements.
Homecoming Mass
All are invited to join us for our
Annual Homecoming Mass
Wednesday, September 21st
10:10 am
Landers Pavilion
Homecoming Dance - Donations and Volunteers Needed
Hello parents and guardians! The 2022 Marian Central Catholic Homecoming Dance will be held on Saturday, September 24th. The theme this year is "New Year’s Eve" and we are already busy preparing decor and refreshments! Your support is vital to the success of this evening and we thank you in advance for your generosity!
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Donations can be dropped off in the Main Office at Marian. Thank you!
Sign ups can be found at:
Jackie Georgiou
Marian Central Parents Association
Pack the Stands
Empower Illinois
Did you miss the Empower IL event this week? Join us for a virtual info session on Wednesday, October 4.
Would you like to shift your tax dollars from the state of Illinois to Marian Central Catholic? Would you like to receive a 75% tax credit? Would you like to help more students attend our school? If you answered yes to any of the three questions, join us virtually on Wednesday, October 4 from 7:00-7:30pm on Zoom to learn more! RSVP here: https://forms.office.com/r/FHEPx9iqMW
Attention Baseball Players
All boys interested in playing baseball in the spring must attend a very short, mandatory meeting at 2:45pm on Wednesday, September 28th in the Cafeteria. Coach Kruse needs to get a rough idea of the numbers of players, as the team will be traveling to Cocoa Beach, Florida over spring break, and he needs to start the planning process.
Athletes currently involved in a fall sport should plan to attend and will not be late to their practice. All fall coaches are aware of this meeting.
Athletes unable to attend the meeting on September 28th must reach out to Coach Kruse prior to the 28th. Coach Kruse can be reached at tkruse@marian.com.
Practice ACT
Juniors will have the opportunity to take a free practice ACT on Thursday, October 20th beginning at 12:30pm. The test will last until approximately 4:30pm. To register for the exam, please visit Revolution Prep's website. For more information, please contact either Mr. Wochner or Mrs. Diamond in the Guidance Office.
Military Services Presentation
Juniors and Seniors who are interested in applying to one of the service academies and pursuing a Congressional nomination are encouraged to attend a virtual event on Sunday September 18th hosted by Representative Underwood.
There will be representatives from the U.S. Military Academy (West Point, NY), U.S. Naval Academy (Annapolis, MD), U.S. Air Force Academy (Colorado Springs, CO), U.S. Coast Guard Academy (New London, CT), and the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (Kings Point, NY). Representatives and staff will be available to answer any questions you may have about the application process.
To register for the virtual presentation, please do so here: https://bit.ly/ServiceAcademyInfoSession
During this event, each Academy will host a breakout room, where they will present information specific to their school. Attendees will only be able to attend one service academy information session. If you are interested in learning about more than one service academy, your parent/guardian can RSVP by filling out the form with their information.
As a reminder, students who are interested in attending the Air Force Academy, Merchant Marine Academy, Naval Academy, or West Point will need a nomination to do so. Applications for nominations from Rep. Underwood are due by Nov. 30 at 5PM. You can find more information and the application here: https://underwood.house.gov/services/military-academy-nominations
University of Notre Dame Presentation
A representative from the University of Notre Dame will be at Marian Central Catholic High School on Tuesday, September 20th at 7:00pm. This presentation is open to any Marian Central Catholic student, and their families, who is interested in learning more about the highly selective university. The presentation will take place in our auditorium, and you will enter through doors 7 and 8. Please note that this evening program will be open to area high school students as well, so please plan to arrive a little early to secure your seat.
Next Week's College Visits in Guidance
All juniors and seniors may attend these visits. Students must receive permission from their teachers to attend each visit and must sign up for all visits in SCOIR.
Monday 9/19: St. Anthony College of Nursing-3rd Period, Suffolk University-4th Period, University of New Orleans-10th Period
Tuesday 9/20: Hillsdale College-3rd Period, Loyola University Chicago-4th Period, Quincy University-8th Period
Thursday 9/22: Butler University-3rd Period, Vanderbilt University-4th Period
Important Dates - College Planning
Financial Aid Night
Wednesday, September 28th; 7:00pm - 8:00pm
(Illinois Student Assistance Commission
will present changes to FAFSA application and process)
NACAC National College Fair
Saturday, October 1st; 11:00am - 3:00pm
at McCormick Place in Chicago
College Fair at McHenry County College
Tuesday, October 4th
5:30pm - 7:30pm
College Fair at Elgin Community College
Wednesday, October 12th
6:00pm - 8:00pm