Wayne-Westland Innovative Academy
Weekly Communication for the Week of May 20, 2024
Final Exam Schedule
Periods 3 & 4, Thursday, June 6, 2024 Periods 1 & 2 Friday, June 7, 2024
The last day of school is Friday, June 7, 2024
Chromebooks must be returned and inventoried starting the week of Monday, June 3, 2024. Students, please bring your Chromebooks and chargers during this week.
Summer School/Summer Program Information
Summer Programs Link
Please click the link above to access the link for summer school registration.
Summer Program Registration will be facilitated through your child's counselor. Summer school will virtual and will be provided through our partnership with Graduation Alliance. Please contact the school for more information.
Please click the link above for summer school information.
Attendance Policy Information
Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is crucial for your child's academic success. Please make every effort to ensure your child attends school on time every day and stays throughout the whole day. Consistent attendance throughout the school day allows your child to engage in learning and maximize their educational opportunities fully.
Illness: If your child is not feeling well and cannot attend school, please notify us immediately. Students who are ill should not attend school to prevent the spread of illness to others.
Excused Absences: We understand that there may be instances when your child needs to be absent due to illness, medical appointments, family emergencies, or other legitimate reasons. Please notify the school in advance whenever possible to classify the absence as excused.
Unexcused Absences: Unexcused absences negatively impact your child's education. Absences without valid reasons will be considered unexcused, and appropriate actions may be taken per district policy.
Timely reporting of absences helps us maintain accurate attendance records and ensures that your child's absence is properly documented. Absences must be reported within 24 hours.
There are two convenient methods for reporting your child's absence to facilitate efficient communication and accurate attendance records.
You can notify your child's school through the dedicated attendance line. Please leave a detailed message stating your child's name, grade, and reason for absence.
You can report absences directly through MiStar, our secure online portal for student information. MiStar provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to submit absences.
Thank you for your ongoing support in creating a positive and productive learning environment for all our students.
Scholarship Information
- 15 Free Tuition Scholarships in Michigan: https://thecollegepod.com/free-tuition-scholarships-in-michigan/
- Scholarships for High School Students in Michigan: https://www.metroparent.com/education/college-planning/afford/scholarships-michigan-high-school-students/
- Top 39 Michigan Scholarships in February 2024: https://scholarships360.org/scholarships/michigan-scholarships/
- Top 30 Scholarships in Michigan to Apply for in February 2024: https://bold.org/scholarships/by-state/michigan-scholarships/
- Michigan Scholarships: https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarships-by-state/michigan-scholarships
- Find College Scholarships - Niche: https://www.niche.com/colleges/scholarships/
- https://www.michigan.gov/ogm/commissions/hlcom/scholarships
The application and more information can be found on their website! https://diversenote.mobi/
Please Complete the Form that is Linked Below for Information Regarding the Summer EBT Program
Summer EBT Program Reminder: This form must be completed as soon as possible to qualify for the 2024 Summer EBT program.
MCan College Advisor
During these Tip Talk Sessions, our seniors will receive helpful and valuable information regarding funding sources for college.
Please Note:
Our goal is to have all of our seniors apply to, and be accepted into a post secondary institution:
Community College, a Four Year University, Trade School, Armed Services or a Job.
Important Security Notice Information
Important Security Notice: The Detroit Police Department has alerted us to a deceptive scheme targeting senior citizens in our community. Please click this link to access the information.
May 24, 2024, Half Day of School
May 27, 2024, No School, Memorial Day
May 31, 2024, Graduation: takes place at Wayne Memorial HS Auditorium 6:00 pm
Please click the link to view our WWIA Promotional Video
Please click this link to access past WWIA Promotional Videos