PTO Newsletter
January 26th, 2025

Winter Hibernation Night, PTO Meeting and More!
Welcome Cheetah Families! Now that it's 2025 Chelsea Heights Teachers and PTO are preparing for the Hibernation Night in February, the Annual Silent Auction and Science Fair in March and our big Carnival in May. Please read ahead for details on these events and more. Your PTO committee is excited to get this year going and share these events with our Chelsea Family!
All the best - Your Chelsea Heights PTO
Mark Your Calendar!
Next PTO Meeting
February 4th is the next PTO meeting. Family Tree Clinic will be presenting on Parents Are Sexuality Educators (PASE)
5:30-6:00 Free meal in Cafeteria for families attending PTO Meeting
6:00-7:00 Meeting for adults and Childcare for the kids aged 4 and above from the Rec Center! Link will be available closer to the meeting date.
Click Here: Link to Child Care for this Event
Please consider joining us for updates and to provide input on all things related to the PTO at Chelsea Heights.
Important Dates:
January 27, 2025
No School
February 4, 2025
PTO Meeting
February 10, 2025
(events from 8:30-10:30)
February 17, 2025
No School
February 18, 2025
Dino's No-Work Fundraiser!
February 21, 2025
Hibernation Night
March 17, 2025
Science Fair
March 22, 2025
Silent Auction
March 28, 2025
April 4, 2025
No School
Spring Break
Dino's Fundraiser - Feb 18th!
- Fundraiser Details:
- ALL DAY 11am to 8pm!
- Location: 1700 Snelling Ave., Falcon Heights, MN 55113
- In person or Online - Mention you're supporting Chelsea Heights and Dino's will keep track
- For Online Orders - When picking up the order you mention the fundraiser.
Winter Hibernation Festival - Volunteers Needed!
Volunteer at this years Hibernation Night! Sign up with the below SignUpGenius Link.
Chelsea Heights Annual Silent Auction
SAVE THE DATE - March 22nd, 2025
An Adults - Only night out with a lot of wonderful silent auction items, more details to come.
Please keep the Silent Auction in mind when holiday (or post holiday) shopping. Score deals to create themed baskets to be auctioned!
BIPOC Family Support Group
Chelsea Heights PTO is hosting a Peer-Led BIPOC Family Support Group
We believe inclusion is a critical element of a successful learning environment. Our goal is to create a safe space for BIPOC parents/guardians, and for those who have BIPOC students at Chelsea Heights. This is a BIPOC parent-led group to share our experiences and uplift BIPOC voices within our school.
This Meeting is Virtual!
Thursday, February 13th
6:30-7:30 pm
Join with Google Meet:
Questions? Please E-mail Roxy our PTO Vice President at Chelseaheightspto@gmail.com or follow our Facebook page: Chelsea Heights Elementary - Family Connection for more information.
NAAPID Family Resource Fair
SPPS will commemorate this day by holding individual school celebrations (C.H. is hosting T. Mychael Rambo!) )throughout the district, ending with a communitywide celebration and resource fair at Benjamin E. Mays Elementary in the evening.
When: Monday, February 10, 2025
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Location: Benjamin E. Mays Elementary, 560 Concordia Ave., St. Paul, MN 55103
T. Mychael Rambo at Chelsea on NAAPID!
Chelsea Heights to host T. Mychael Rambo on NAAPID!
T. Mychael Rambo to come do a presentation and reading of his book "The Stories from My Grandmother's Hands".
- 8:30-9:00 Coffee/Tea
- 9:00-9:45 Assembly
- 9:50-10:20 Visit Your Student's Classroom
Art & Music Resource Section
We are adding art and music residencies and working to find more. But...
- Do you have connections in the Arts?
- Does your job offer grants or donations that would benefit our cause?
- Any other ideas? It takes all of us to keep art alive in our community. Your time as a volunteer would be helpful!
Questions? Information? Please e-mail us
The PTO continues to address Art and Music at Chelsea Heights as a major opportunity for us to shine as a community.
Donate to Chelsea Heights Art & Music Residencies here!
We are excited to welcome: Now. Make. Art. to Chelsea as an upcoming residency!
Now. Make. Art events use play, process, and exploration to put young people in the drivers seat. With a focus on art and creativity, participants get a chance to dream and build with others in their community!
No-Work Fundraising Opportunities!
We are so grateful to our fundraising partners, who donate a portion of sales back to the Chelsea Heights PTO. Please consider purchasing from these partners!
Parkway Pizza
Velasquez Family Coffee
Imports premium coffee beans directly from family farms in Honduras and roasts them locally, delivering packages of fresh coffee to your door on a one-time or ongoing basis.
Mabel's Labels
Parent Testimonials Needed and Chelsea PTO Joins Instagram!
Find the PTO on Instagram!
This will be a resource for the PTO to share events and tag accounts. This account will remain public. We hope this can be a great way for future families to see the work we're doing. Find us @ChelseaHeights
Parent Testimonials Needed
We’re collecting positive parent testimonials for a social media campaign to help promote our school to prospective parents. Please take a moment to review the Parent Testimonial - CHE Enrollment Campaign SY24-25 letter and let me know if you’d like to participate. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
Order Yearbooks and Spirt Gear Here
Visit Lifetouch Link Below to Order Your Students 2024-2025 Yearbook
Chelsea Heights Elementary School Yearbook Orders
School ID code is 14492525
Chelsea Heights PTO is gifting a yearbook to each 5th grade student!
Yearbooks are $15 each for all other students.
Back by popular demand...school yard signs!
A yard sign is a great way to show school pride, build community, and promote our neighborhood school to other families! Signs are available on a “pay what you can” basis because we really want to get the word out about our school. Just email the PTO to place an order. Include your address so we can deliver the sign! (Base cost to the PTO: $8/sign.)
Find Chelsea Cheetah Spirit Wear Here!
Show your school spirit with a Chelsea Spirit Wear sweatshirt, available in adult sizes S-2XL. You can place your order here and make arrangements to have it sent home with your student.