5th Grade News
October 28 - November 1
Red Ribbon Week
Veteran's Day Program Nov. 7th
Veteran's Day Program November 7th
In honor of the men an women who have bravely served our country we will be hosting our annual Veteran's Day program, on Thursday November 7th at 6PM. Students who are performing need to be at the school no later than 5:45. Students will go straight to the music room.
Focus of the Week
Math - I can apply mathematical process standards to manage one's financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security.
ELAR - I can review informational text, argumentative text and realistic fiction for CBA
Science - I can review forces, motion, energy transformations, circuits, and light for CBA
Social Studies - I can analyze the causes and effects of events prior to and during the American Revolution.
School Hours
Parents, please help us set your students up for success by getting them to school on time. School doors open at 6:50. Remember that all students have free breakfast & lunch this year! Students arriving to school at 7:40 have missed a full 20 minutes of instruction. This could more than half of the instruction time for their first class that day.
School starts at 7:20 am and students are tardy after 7:25. Every minute of instruction counts! Dismissal is at 3:05.
Important Information To Help Your Student At Home!
You may have noticed that your student does not have daily homework. The only time a student should have homework is to make-up missed work from an absence or work that was not completed in class.
Here are some suggestions if you want your student to have extra practice.
- Read daily for at least 20 minutes
- Practice fact fluency (multiplication & division)
- Check out Sora, our online digital library.
- Studyjams.com - Science review and extra practice.
Make-up missed work from an absence or work that was not completed in class will be considered homework. If your student was absent they have the number of days they were out to return missed work. For example, if your student was sick and missed two days of school, they have two days to complete the work they missed while they were out. It is the students responsibility to ask for makeup work.
2024-2025 Yearbooks!
Dates to Remember
Oct. 28-Nov. 1 - Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 30 - Big Kahuna Limo Ride
Oct. 31 - Halloween
Nov. 6 – Coffee Talk with Supt. Brenda Sandford @ 7:45 a.m.
Nov. 7 – ROE Veteran’s Day Concert @ 6 p.m.
Nov. 8 – Early Release/Staff Development
Nov. 14 - ROISD Food Pantry @ 4 p.m.
Birthday Celebrations
We love to celebrate birthdays! Birthday celebrations will take place at the end of the day, on the last day of the week, so instruction is not disrupted. If you will leave any items you want to share with the class in the front, the office will make sure to get them to your child's class.
How to Reach Us
Conference Time: 9:55 - 10:45
Mrs. Amaton
Mrs. Thomas
ELAR & Social Studies - Thomas and Bennett homerooms
972-617-3523 Ext. 1040