Bulldog Bulletin
Week of September 23rd
You Belong Here
We’ve successfully completed our second full week of the school year, and I’m excited to share a few highlights!
This week, students participated in bus evacuation drills, learning important safety procedures. They did a fantastic job listening and following instructions, helping us ensure their safety on the road. A huge thank you to our transportation team for supporting us in these drills.
As we ended the week, we were greeted by some rainy weather, but that didn’t dampen our spirits! Inside, students continued building routines, engaging in learning, and practicing the Sanborn CARES values—Cooperation, Acceptance, Responsibility, Empathy, and Stick-to-itiveness.
Explorations added another Kidcasso because the first one filled up so quickly. https://sanbornpto.com/2024-fall-explorations/
Finally, I am looking forward to the PTO meeting next week, where I will share the ways families can get involved at Sanborn. It’s a wonderful opportunity to engage with our school community, and I hope to see many of you there!
A friendly reminder: Please do not drop students off before 8:45 a.m., as there is no supervision available prior to that time. We appreciate your help in keeping everyone safe!
Finally, we have one more week of dancing to the Cha-Cha Slide on Friday mornings! The students have really enjoyed learning and moving together, and we’re excited to keep the energy going.
We look forward to another great week ahead!
Padlet Belonging Activity
We are slowly building our library of names. We need about 400 and we are at 62.
Thank you for your help!
Steps to Create and Upload Your Child's Name Video on Padlet
Step 1: Open the Padlet Link
Click the link: Padlet Link. This is where you’ll upload the video of your child under their grade level.
Step 2: Record or Upload Your Video
On the Padlet board under your child's grade, click the “+” button to create a new post.
- In the title, write your child's name.
- You can either record the video directly in Padlet or use your phone, tablet, or computer to record a 10-second video. Ask your child to:
- Say their name slowly and clearly.
- Provide a rhyme to help others remember the correct pronunciation (e.g., “My name is Rae, it rhymes with day”).
- Mention common mispronunciations (e.g., “It’s not Re-ah or Ry”).
Tip: Practice a few times to get comfortable before recording!
Step 3: Organize Your Post
After uploading:
- Ensure your video plays correctly.
- In the post description, you can also type the rhyme or add any extra pronunciation tips.
Step 4: Watch and Learn
Take time to watch classmates’ videos. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll be in pronouncing everyone’s names correctly.
Important Notes:
- Be Respectful: This activity is about creating a welcoming environment. Please be respectful and supportive of everyone’s names and pronunciations.
- Need Help? If you’re having trouble recording or uploading your video, ask your teacher or a classmate for assistance.
Thank you for participating and helping us create a community where everyone feels like they belong!
PickUp Patrol-Begins this week!
You should have received an email on Friday about Pick Up Patrol (PUP)
This school year we will be using a system called PickUp Patrol to help us track
dismissals. PickUp Patrol (PUP) provides you with a convenient way to make changes to your
child’s dismissal plans and help ensure that our students are accurately dismissed each day.
How It Works:
1. Your child’s regular dismissal plan should have been entered into ASPEN. This is called their
Default Plan.
2. Whenever your child is following a plan other than their Default Plan you’ll submit the
change using the PickUp Patrol app.
Examples of a plan change:
● Your child has a doctor's appointment and will be leaving early.
● Your child normally rides the bus but is getting picked up today.
● Your child will be arriving late.
● Your child is getting picked up by someone other than yourself.
3. When the change is submitted, the school will be notified and we’ll relay the change to
your child.
If you have any questions, please first check the PUP Parent Guide. If you still need help,
contact us here in the office.
Spare Clothing
The clinic is in need of gently used elastic waist pants for all. Sometimes children have mishaps requiring a change of clothing at school. I do keep some spare clothing; however, space is limited and often clothing is that is borrowed is not returned. Please send a spare set of clothes for your student to keep in their locker as the children are most comfortable when they can change into their own things. Additionally if your child has borrowed something from the clinic please wash and return it so that it is available for your student or another who may need it. Thank you in advance for your assistance!
Aaron's Presents
Aaron's Presents will be starting at Sanborn in the next few weeks on Tuesdays during lunch and recess. It is a great volunteer opportunity for students in grades 4 and 5.
Volunteering At Sanborn
Also, as a reminder, CORI Forms need to be filled out every school year to volunteer and participate in school activities, such as chaperoning a field trip. If you would like to fill it out at home before coming over, here is the link to print the form: CORI FORM
4th and 5th grade ORFF ENSEMBLE
This ensemble gives our students the opportunity to play many different instruments including soprano recorder, drum and xylophone and be creative through movement. Orff ensemble practices will be held before school on THURSDAYS from 8-8:45am in the music room. If you have any questions please contact Diane Waddell - diane.waddell@andoverma.us
To read more about Orff and sign up please follow this link:
Or QR code
Ways to Get Involved
At Sanborn, we believe that everyone—students, staff, and families—plays an essential role in building a supportive and inclusive community. That’s why we’re excited to invite you to become involved in one of two vital groups that help shape the experience at our school: the School Council and the Cultural Climate Committee (C-3).
You Belong Here! By joining one of these groups, you’ll have the opportunity to lend your voice, share your perspectives, and contribute to making Sanborn a place where everyone feels valued.
School Council: This group advises on school policies, supports student achievement, and helps develop initiatives that impact the entire Sanborn community.
Cultural Climate Committee (C-3): The C-3 focuses on ensuring that our school culture is welcoming, inclusive, and representative of our diverse community. Together, we’ll work on practices that highlight our collective commitment to belonging and respect.
If you’re interested in getting involved or learning more, please reach out to Ms. Fawcett. We’d love to have your input and ideas as we strive to make Sanborn a place where everyone knows: You Belong Here.
Riding Bikes to School
Student can begin riding bikes on Tuesday. All students must wear helmets to school and no motorized bikes or scooters are allowed. Anyone not following these procedures will lose the privileges.
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, September 25th at 7pm in the Sanborn Library for the first PTO meeting of the year
Tuesday, October 1st Bruins Spirit day
Wednesday, October 2nd Early Release at 12:15
You Belong Here
Dot Day!
Celebrated Dot day in first grade with Ms. Ricciardi! She read, “The Dot” by Peter Reynolds and made their own Dot Gallery
- Explorations registration is open until Thursday, September 26th at 8pm. Sign-up today!
- Join us on Wednesday, September 25th at 7pm in the Sanborn Library for our first PTO meeting of the year! We'll discuss our plans for the school year, ways you can help, and answer any questions you have! Babysitters will be available in the gym during the meeting. Following the meeting, we'll head over to Casa Blanca downtown for a little social time together!
- Join us for part 1 of our 2-part series. A live webinar on smartphones, social media, and reasons to wait on Tuesday, October 8th at 7pm sponsored by the Sanborn PTO and the Andover Education Association. Brooke Shannon, the founder of Wait Until 8th, will be talking about the importance of delaying smartphones, delaying social media and will help parents already in the middle of smartphone battles with some strategic advice to rein in smartphone use. Register here!
- A few ways to stay up to date on the latest news and offerings from the PTO:
- The Bulldog Spirit is the monthly newsletter from the Sanborn PTO where they communicate about our school events, fundraisers, enrichment activities, etc. Sign up here.
- Bookmark the PTO website!
- For real-time updates during the school year, follow the Sanborn Community on social media: Facebook, Instagram
- Join your child's grade-level Facebook group - this group is just for kids in your child’s grade. Here you can connect, ask grade-specific questions, etc.