Maize Elementary School Newsletter
September 2024

October 2024
A message from Principal Kyle White
It has come to our attention that an automated message accompanies Mr. White's Video. If you receive a message on your screen that says, "uBlock Origin has prevented the following page from loading," please click the blue "proceed" button to watch the video. We apologize for the additional steps to receive our message. We have recently updated our system and are experiencing difficulties with the program that shares our video. We will continue to try and resolve the issue and appreciate your patience.
Stay Connected
Visit our website at www.usd266.com/mes.
Connect with Mr. White at kwhite@usd266.com or call 316-722-8230.
Visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/MaizeElementary
Maize Elementary School is located at 305 W. Jones in Maize, KS 67101
Sunshine Cart
Help us show some love to our amazing staff at MES through the Sunshine Cart! The sunshine cart spreads joy and appreciation to our teachers and staff, delivering happiness and uplifting treats as a small thank you for all they do. Donations can be brought to MES office. Sign up today or contact Amber May at amay@usd266.com to donate.
Panther Patrol
Thank you for your interest in joining the Panther Patrol program (formerly Watch D.O.G.S.) at Maize Elementary School. This is open to all individuals who are interested in volunteering and have a connection to a Maize Elementary student or staff member. The program will be an extension of our efforts to maintain and improve safety and security at MES.
To volunteer you must do the following:
Fill out the District Background checks. You can access this by going to the drop-down menu under the school headline on the top left of the page.
Both steps must be completed in order to volunteer. Visit our sign-up genius, and choose your times.
Important Dates to Remember
October 4th:
Marathon Finale
October 9th:
Conferences 4-8 pm
October 10th:
No school, conferences 8-3:30 pm
October 11th-October 14th:
No School
October 18th:
Kindergarten Field Trip
October 22nd:
Individual photo re-takes
October 24th:
Fall Fun Night-PTO
October 25th
Fall Parties and Parade 2:45 pm
October 29th:
3rd and 4th grade music program
Check our district webpage for updates on upcoming events.
School Marathon
Thank you to everyone involved with making our School Marathon a success! We are in full swing. Updates on events and weather delays will be sent to parents via email. You can e mail Danielle for questions. Please visit the Marathon Facebook page for fun photos of the runners!
Full STEAM Ahead
At the end of September we had our first coding day where students practiced computational thinking and block coding using codable robots! K-1 took Colby the robot mouse trick-r-treating and helped him match images using symmetry. 2-3 used our Dash robots to learn about sequencing and loops to create different combinations of lights, sounds, animations, and tasks such as collecting cups.
Simple STEAM home challenge: Can you use a paper towel to make a ghost? Can you make it stand? Move? Fly?
Let's Read!
Exciting Book Fair Ahead!
We’re thrilled to announce our Fall Book Fair, running from September 30th to October 10th! Students will have the chance to dive into a world of books, participate in a fun grade coin challenge to win a Lego party with Mr. White, and take a shot at our estimation jar. Click on the following link for opportunities to purchase exciting new titles!
Materials Needed
To make our Book Fair even more special, we’re seeking donations of reward candy for our library activities. A little sweetness can go a long way! Additionally, we would greatly appreciate any Legos you might have to contribute to our fair.
Battle of the Books
Our fourth graders have kicked off their reading for the Battle of the Books, and their enthusiasm is contagious! While participation is optional, this is a fantastic opportunity for those students looking for an extra challenge in their reading journey.
Thank you for your support, and we can’t wait to see everyone at the Book Fair!
Go Panthers,
Mrs. Kirkman and Ms. Nicole
On the move with Coach Horn and Coach Schuette
We have been busy!
Each grade level has almost completed their fitness testing. Grades are also being entered for each class. We have just completed skills in throwing, and catching, and soon will be starting our soccer unit. Grades 1-4 have also finished their goal of completing a total of 5 miles over 5 weeks of PE. Once completed they received a necklace containing a shoe medal!
Thank you for being a great example to your kids on getting out and moving!
Coach Horn thorn@usd266.com
Coach Schuette sschuette@usd266.com
From the Counselors
We have been busy connecting with the students, and checking on the new students at MES. We both take turns teaching in your child’s classroom once a month. During the month of October, classroom counselor lessons are about choosing peace and respect.
We just started lunch groups. The group will meet 1 time and it’s just for FUN! New students are picked first to help them meet some friends from their class.
We will celebrate Kindness Week October 21-25. (see below for details)
If your child is going to be absent, please remember to call the school office at 722-8230. We adhere to the district’s attendance policy (see policy at the end of the newsletter) and excused absences are so important. If you have any concerns or ways we can help your child be successful at school—please contact us! We are here to help every child have a great year.
Becky Stephens and Andrea Nietfeld, MES Counselors
Mrs. Stephens bstephens@usd266.com
Mrs. Nietfeld Anietfeld@usd266.com
Nurses Corner
Health Screenings:
We will be starting our annual vision and hearing screenings over the next few months. These are
required by state law. Results will ONLY be sent home if further testing is needed. Screenings are
very basic and are not meant to take the place of professional evaluations. Please feel free to call
me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this.
Skyward Health History:
It is the parent’s responsibility to update health conditions in Skyward and notify the school nurse as
needed. If your student has a health need that your feel we need to be aware of, PLEASE reach out
to Nurse Erin. We try hard to be as proactive as possible, but need your help.
Immunizations and Health Assessments:
IMPORTANT: If I have contacted you regarding immunizations or a health assessment, please turn
them in as soon as possible due to the deadline being October 1, 2024. This date is district wide.
Students that are NOT compliant by this date, could be excluded from school until they can provide
documentation of immunizations needed. If you have received a letter, email, or call from us, or you
just aren’t sure if your student is up to date, please give me a call. Thank you in advance for your
help and cooperation with this. You may send them to school with your student, fax them, or email
them to me.
One last reminder…if your student has medication or needs medication, it MUST go through the
Health Office. This applies to ALL medications. If you have questions, feel free to contact me.
Flu season is approaching. Get your flu vaccine now! Vaccination is recommended for everyone 6
months and older. Symptoms of the flu can include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose,
body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Some people with the flu will not have a fever.
What is the flu? Influenza (the flu) is an infection of the nose, throat, and lungs caused by the
influenza virus. There are many different influenza viruses that are constantly changing. The flu is
spread when an infected person coughs sneezes or speaks and sends the flu virus into the air.
Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and
then touches his eyes, nose, or mouth. The best defense against the flu is washing your hands
Please keep your student home if they are exhibiting any of the following symptoms: fever over 100
degrees, headache, general aches and pains, fatigue and weakness, continuous coughing, chest
discomfort, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. Fever MUST be gone without the use of a fever reducing
medication (i.e. Tylenol (Acetaminophen) or Motrin (Ibuprofen)) for a full 24 hours before student is
to return to school.
Thanks, Nurse Erin
Music Notes
Third and Fourth Grade Families!
Your child is preparing for an October Vocal Music Program all about Food!
The program will be on Tuesday, October 29th at the Maize Performing Arts and Aquatic Center(MPAAC) and will last about 40 minutes.
6:00 p.m.: 3rd Grade
Mrs. Snarenberger, Ms. Williamson, Ms. DeNayer, and Mrs. Longbine
Students report to MPAAC at 5:45
7:15 p.m.: 4th Grade
Mrs. McCoskey, Mrs. Dye, Mrs. Provenzano, Mrs. Anderson
Students report to MPAAC at 7:00
The students should wear a MES shirt
(if you don’t have one a blue, black, or gray shirt is fine) and jeans or dark leggings.
The students will be traveling by bus to MPAAC during the morning (3rd Grade) afternoon (4th Grade) on October 29th for the only dress rehearsal that we will have at that location.
Please plan accordingly so that your child will be present for this rehearsal.
Song List for 4th Grade
(all songs can be found on Apple Music, Spotify, or any other streaming platform)
Hot Toast by: Hot Toast Music Co.
If You’re the Coffee by: The Arcadian Wild
Chips and Salsa by: Mr. Stinky Feet
Ube by: Little Miss Ann
Fruitphabet by: Andrew and Polly
Mango, Mango by: Suzi Shelton
Burger by: Ronnie Boy Kids
Song List for 3rd Grade
(all songs can be found on Apple Music, Spotify, or any other streaming platform)
Burger by: Ronnie Boy Kids
Lettuce Dance by: Claudia Robin Gunn
Chips and Salsa by: Mr. Stinky Feet
Ube by: Little Miss Ann
I Scream, You Scream by: Frances England
Mango, Mango by: Suzi Shelton
Watermelon by: Billy Jonas
Ethan Jeffries
Attendance is Important
After seven absences, professional documentation will be required for an absence to be excused. With this change, the district encourages parents to obtain a note from a medical provider when appropriate. You can fax (722-5456), e mail or bring the forms into the office. Absences will not be changed after 3 business days. Find a complete definition of an excused absence in the District Student Handbook. This is important because Kansas Law requires the school district to report truancy after unexcused absences accumulate (three in a row, five in a semester, or seven in a school year). For more information on truancy, please see the Compulsory Attendance Law (K.S.A. 72-3120).
If you know of an extended absence ahead of time you will need to fill out the Administrative Excusal form prior to the absence.