Hikers' Headlines
Alamo Elementary - May 6, 2024
Important Dates
- 6 - Fun Run Prize: Glow Dance Party
- 6 - Public Forum: Health Curriculum Proposals (see below), OMS Media Center, 7 pm
- 7 - Mileage Club @ lunch recess
- 7 - Destination Imagination
- 8 - Delayed Start, schools starts @ 10:00 a.m.
- 9 - Destination Imagination
- 10 - Grandparent's Day (see below for additional information)
- 14 - 5th Grade Track N Field Day @ Bulldog Stadium, 11:00-2:00 p.m.
- 15 - Last Delayed Start
- 17 - Dawg Pound
- 27 - No School, Memorial Day Weekend
- 28 - 3rd Grade to Air Zoo
- 31 - Popcorn Friday
- 31 - 1st Grade to John Ball Zoo
- 31 - Dawg Pound
- 6 - Kindergarten Program
- 7 - Alamo Track N Field Day
- 10 - 3rd Trimester Awards Assembly @ 2:00 p.m.
- 12 - 1/2 Day, dismissal @ 12:10 p.m.
- 12 - 5th Grade Recognition, 10:00 a.m.
- 13 - LAST DAY: 1/2 Day, dismissal @ 12:10 p.m.
Public Forum Notice
Two proposed changes to the 6th grade reproductive unit will be the topic of public forums on May 6, 2024.
The Otsego Public schools Reproductive Health and wellness team is proposing two changes to the 6th grade reproductive health unit. The State of Michigan requires Reproductive Health be taught but allows parents to opt out of that unit of Health class before it happens. Parents can review the unit in its entirety before deciding.
The proposed changes are:
1) to replace a video on puberty, that is over 20 years old, with a newer, more up-to-date video.
2) to add four new definitions to the unit.
Check out the district website for additional info: https://www.otsegops.org/news/~board/district-news/post/public-forum-notice
Annual District Survey
* What are the strengths of Otsego Public Schools?
* What do you love most about our district?
* Where do you think we can improve?
On Monday, you received an email from OPS asking you to complete our annual perception survey. The survey asks a series of questions centered around the district’s four main focus areas:
- School Culture and Climate
- Individualized Student Success
- Career Exploration and Engagement
- Student Well-Being
It’s vital that we get as much participation as possible so we can build upon our strengths and what’s going well, but also address those areas that could use improvement. Thank you!
Field Day T-Shirt - Order Now
This year we are ordering all school field day t-shirts. We would like each child to have a field day shirt to remember this special day. Each grade has a different color. The cost of the t-shirt is $7.00. You should have received an email to order online. Please submit your online order no later than Thursday, May 16th.
If you are unable to order online, please contact the Alamo office and we will provide a paper copy of the order form. If you have more than one child at Alamo and are NOT ordering online, please send in an order form and money with each child to their teacher. I know it may be an inconvenience, but it gets very confusing on our end when they are all together. Thank you for your help with this! ☺
Teacher Appreciation Week!
Teacher appreciation week is May 6th-10th, but due to Grandparent's Day on Friday Alamo will be celebrating our amazing staff the week of May 13th-17th. Please join us in honoring our incredible staff either the week or May 6th or May 13th.
How Will You Show Your P.R.I.D.E. Today?
P - Positive Attitude
- Gavin Schutte
- Gavin Bahleda
- Weston Hall
- Abigail Brumm
- Rowan Pruis
- Reese Petersen
- Charles Rose
- Harrison Dennis
- Emory Meyer
- Phineas Mortimore
Staff Sponsorship - Teacher Appreciation Week
Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Why is attempting to maintain positive mental health important? Students with good mental health are more likely to go to school ready to learn, actively engage in school activities, have supportive and caring connections with adults and other children, use appropriate problem-solving skills, and have non-aggressive behaviors. The following video has a few tips on helping your child maintain good mental health. Of course, if you are ever concerned about your child’s mental health, please reach out to the school! You will be directed to me, Sarah Maxwell, the Alamo School Social Worker. I will be happy to help and provide referrals and resources if necessary!!
Students in grades 3 – 8 and 11 will be assessed on Michigan’s current content standards in English language arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social studies. This year, the M-STEP (Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress) will be given from April 10th through May 26th in an online format.
The following is important information regarding this test and your child’s participation.
All components of the test will be given online. It is a computer-based test.
- Grades 3, 4, and 5 will be tested in ELA (reading, writing & listening comprehension) and Mathematics.
- Grade 5 will be tested in Science and in Social Studies.
Testing will consist of an online test and will be administered within the following guidelines:
- The Online Test Session may be administered in 1 session with a scheduled break (not to exceed 20 minutes) or in 2 separate sessions of equal length (45 minutes each for grades 3‐5) on the same day.
- Breaks may be provided during test sessions using the software’s pause feature.
- Although the Online Test Session is not timed, schools should allow about 1.5 hours of testing time for students in grades 3‐5.
State Testing Window for M-Step is as follows:
- The 5th-grade Science assessment will consist of one 45-minute session.
- The 5th-grade Social Studies assessment will consist of two 30-minute sections.
- Each school is scheduling these assessments individually; a schedule for WSE is as follows:
- 5th Grade - 5/7
- 4th Grade - 5/7
- 3rd Grade - 5/9
Science - DONE
Social Studies - DONE
If you would like to view sample questions please click on the link below. Then follow these steps:
- M-STEP Online Training Tools
- Sample Item Sets
- Grade of Choice
- Subject Area
Field Day - Save the Date
Alamo Elementary's annual field day at Bulldog Stadium will take place on Friday, June 7th from 10:00-2:00 p.m. More information to come......
Aquatic Club
Football Camp
Tennis Camp
Big Dawg Sports Camp
Alamo WatchD.O.G.S.
Our WatchD.O.G.S. program is in full swing. “Dads” (or dad-like figures) who are interested in signing up to volunteer for a full or half day should contact Natalie Trumley (ntrumley@otsegops.org) or Nicole Knight-Lucas (nknight-lucas@otsegops.org) via email to schedule a date.
When you volunteer, you will receive a schedule for the day that allows you to help out in different classrooms doing a wide range of activities (reading a story, working with a child 1:1 on work, playing a game with a small group). You will also have scheduled time on the playground and lunchroom to interact with students and be a positive role model for them. We need a current background check on file before you are able to volunteer.
Alamo PTO - Make A Difference
Alamo PTO needs you! The PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization) is a wonderful way to become involved in your child's education and to get to know other parents and teachers. The PTO has many activities throughout the school year that you can help with by volunteering. The PTO meets once a month at 4:00 p.m. in the Alamo Media Center. Listed below are the dates for this year's meetings. We would love for you to attend!
Meeting Dates
May 13th
June 10th
Mileage Club
Here are the recess times for each grade level.
- K @ 11:35 a.m.
- 1st @ 11:45 a.m.
- 2nd @ 12:05 p.m.
- 4th @12:15 p.m.
- 3rd @ 12:35 p.m.
- 5th @ 12:45 p.m.
Attendance Matters
Emergency Contact
It is extremely important to have up-to-date contact information available for each student. When emergencies arise, we need to be able to contact parents/guardians. This is also the contact information that is used for school closures and district updates.
Please log in to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to check that your contact information is current and to make any necessary changes. All families received a letter with parent login information and instructions from the technology department soon. If you need assistance or login information for the Parent Portal, please contact the Alamo Elementary Office. Thank You!
Have you filled out your Free/Reduced Lunch App?
Have you filled out the Free/Reduced Meal Application yet? Another round of PEBT cards will be coming out, you must qualify for free or reduced meals to receive this benefit. Applying is easy! It takes less than 10 minutes and you only need one form per family. Click here to get started: https://www.otsegops.org/departments/food-service
Alamo Elementary
Email: nknight-lucas@otsegops.org
Website: https://alamo.otsegops.org/
Location: 8184 North 6th Street, Kalamazoo, MI, United States
Phone: (269) 694-7600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/415538888654020
Twitter: @otsegoschools