McClure Messages
October 21 - 25 and October 28 - November 1
Holy Cow, how did we get to November coming up in the updates already!?
We look forward to celebrating our veterans during our ceremony on November 11. If you would like to submit a photo of a loved one who is serving or served, please do so below by November 1.
With November on the near horizon, we also start thinking about Parent Teacher Conferences. I'll send home a detailed letter regarding signing up for conferences in a stand alone email early next week, but please put these dates on your calendar:
Conference sign-up OPENS at 8am on Friday Nov, 1
Conference sign-up CLOSES at Noon on Friday Nov 22
Although we are planning ahead for November, there is still some spooky fun to be had these next couple of weeks. (One of my favorites is always Mrs Kelly's magnificently carved pumpkin.) The Halloween Dance is Friday October 25, with raffles in addition to the dancing and a photo booth. I can't thank the parent volunteers from our first Bash enough, as it was an extremely smooth night. Come on out and join us to make the Halloween Bash just as great!
For our sixth grade parents, the Halloween Dance is where students might choose to wear their costume to school (although it is not necessary). During school on Halloween student and staff attire might be a bit spookier than normal, we do not wear costumes to school.
6th grade students enjoying the warm weather as they act out plays about Ancient Egypt!
Student Services Parents Night Out
D101 Special Services Parents Night Out - This special event is held to introduce the parents of students that have special needs to one another. This opportunity is to help parents throughout the District connect in order to build community relationships and support. Please purchase tickets prior to Monday, November 11. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Fredericks-Tuzzolo, the Director of Student Services, at 708-485-2850 or D101 parent, Carrie Pinkham, at carrietruck@gmail.com.
8th Grade Parents
You should have received information recently from Lyons Township High School about transition events planned for the class of 2029. I would highly recommend planning to attend the November 13th Kick-off event. This night introduces students to the activities, clubs, and sports available at LT amongst other aspects. This is often a great way to help your 8th graders start to envision the transition to high school and look forward to the new opportunities coming their way.
The following links were sent out in the recent communication.
- Email sent to families on Oct 11
- Class of 2029 Welcome Letter
- Class of 2029 Fridge Sheet
- Class of 2029 webpage - this website will always contain all email communications sent out to incoming families.
Ordering School Photos
We distribute the proofs to students in their 10th period classes. Within that package you will receive instructions, including the needed code, from Van Gogh on how to order photos online.
6th and 7th grade students will receive proofs this coming Monday.
If your child missed picture day or needs a retake, our picture retake day is Tuesday, November 12.
Counselor's Corner
Hello! My name is Karen Beilfuss and I am the school counselor at McClure. I hope your child is having a great start to the school year!
I will share information, tools and resources in each parent update to better help support your child. My goal is to provide support and services that empower students, parents, staff and the community. I am extremely passionate about serving youth and their families and I look forward to working with you and your child this year. I recognize the challenges middle schoolers face and I am here to provide academic, social- emotional and behavioral support. If your child requires additional help, feel free to email or call and we can set up an appointment. Students can also self-refer by emailing or stopping by my office (room 201) to set up an appointment. I also understand that transitioning from elementary to middle school and middle school to high school can be overwhelming for students and parents. Please know we are here to help! Feel free to call if you have any questions, need advice or even a listening ear; our conversations are confidential and my door is always open. Finally we have many excellent mental health resources right here in the community that often go unnoticed or can be hard to find. If you would like information on additional resources please reach out, I’d be happy to help! Let’s continue to make it a great year!
My School Bucks
Hopefully you will not find yourself in this position, but should your student need a repair on their Chromebook, there will now be an option to pay any repair fees through MySchoolBucks. This program is simple to set up and link to your PowerSchool account. You will receive instructions on how to do this alongside any repair invoice that come your way from our tech department.
McClure Dance Company
Please come and join us at the showcase of talent during our first McClure Dance Company shows!
Investment Club
Investment Club is organized by one of our former students, who is now a senior at LT and the president of the Investment Club at LT. This year we've revamped the schedule to be a tighter timeline with a weekly meeting. Students interested in the markets and investing can come and learn as they play out an investing scenario with a team. Students can form teams of 2-4 before the meeting, or come to the meeting and join a team. Students should sign up in the main office soon if they are interested.
Veteran's Day (repeat)
If you are a Veteran yourself OR have a family member, neighbor, or close friend who is a Veteran, we would love to honor them on November 11th by inviting them to attend our District Veteran's Day assembly, hosted at McClure this year. Please share the RSVP link below with veterans to attend. Alternatively, interested honorees can email Principal Laura Broadnax at lbroadnax@d101.org to RSVP as well. We ask that EACH veteran complete the form below AND include a picture (in uniform if possible). We invite all honorees to attend a welcome reception on November 11th at 9:30AM and then stay to be honored at our All School Assembly at 10:00AM here at McClure. All honorees are welcome to bring one guest to attend as well.
Additionally, if you were a veteran or there are veterans in your family who will not be able to attend, please fill out form below so McClure may honor those individuals in our photo collage.
If you know multiple veterans, you may submit the form multiple times - one for each individual.
Upcoming Dates
10/21/24........ Cheer Workshop
10/22/24........ Cheer Workshop
10/23/24........ Cheer Tryouts
10/22/24........ Band and Orchestra: Fall Fun Recording Day
10/23/24........ Late Arrival Day, Students enter at 10:00AM
10/23/24........ Red Ribbon Week
10/24/24........ Lockdown drill, 10:15 am
10/25/24........ Halloween Dance
10/25/24........ End of Quarter 1
10/30/24........ Investment Club - first meeting
10/31/24........ 8th grade Field Trip - The Play that Goes Wrong
McClure Student/Parent Handbook
The Student/Parent Handbook is a great place to go as a first stop for questions you might have about the day to day operations and policies at McClure.
This week's highlight: Bell Schedules
There are certain times throughout the year where our day changes from our normal schedule. Coming up next Wednesday is our first Late Arrival Day. While staff start the day with professional development time, students will enter the building at 10am. Buses should arrive at bus stops 2 hours after they ordinarily would.
Send a Note of Thanks
There is nothing that feeds a teacher's soul more than a thank you. If at any point you'd like to send a teacher or staff member a note of appreciation, this is one way to acknowledge the way they have positively impacted you or your child's experience at McClure. Click the button below to go to a quick form and the staff member will receive your note on a lovely digital stationary in their inbox.
Community News
Meal Packing Volunteer Event
A local family has hosted a charity meal packing event (like Feed My Starving Children) for 10 years. They work with an organization called Kids Around the World based in Rockford, IL and they provide mobile meal packing events in various locations around the country. For five years, they have hosted this event at McClure. After a two-year hiatus, it is back at McClure on November 23rd. Please click here for more information on how to volunteer for this event.
Former Student turned Tutor
One of our former Bulldogs (now an LT Lion) is interested in beginning to tutor students in Math. Please click here if you might be interested in learning more.
Radium Girls Show at LT
A haunting story of hazardous chemicals, corporate cover-ups, and the deaths of girls around the country from radium poisoning. Come to the LTHS North Campus Reber Center and bring $10 for the chance to see this moving, haunting part of history take place in front of you on stage. Radium Girls is based on the true story of the girls working in dial-painting factories who met an untimely death after extreme radium-poisoning from the paint they were using. LT Theatre invites all McClure students to see this powerful production on November 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. (WARNING: BLOOD AND SFX). Click here to see the show poster.
Presentation on Vaping - Sponsored by the Coalition for a Safe and Healthy Lyons Township
Join us on November 6th at LT’s South Campus Library for a FREE presentation from Dr. Aaron Weiner, PHD about vaping. The presentation will begin at 6:30 with Mr. Scott Eggerding sharing some local data with attendees. Dr. Weiner’s presentation will follow.
Please review the flier for specific information and use the QR code or this link to pre-register for the event. Pre-registration is preferred, but walk-in attendees are welcome.
Parking is available in the South Lot and entry is at the Library located right off the parking lot.
Resources for parents/guardians:
How to Talk to Kids About Vaping
How to Talk to Kids About Vaping (Spanish)
Vaping Resource Tips for Teens
Vaping Resource Tips for Teens (Spanish)
Vaping Misperceptions (Spanish)
Link to the FDA Vaping Prevention and Education Resource Center. This video shows how to use the website which has links and resources for teachers, parents, and students.
Contact Us
McClure Junior High
4225 Wolf Road
Western Springs, IL 60558
Main Office Phone Number: (708) 246-7590
Office Fax Number: (708) 246-4370
Attendance Email: mjhattendance@d101.org
Principal Laura Broadnax: lbroadnax@d101.org
Assistant Principal Thomas Sturm: tsturm@d101.org