Elkhorn South High School
December 2024/January 2025
From the High School Principal- Mark Kalvoda
From the High School Principal- Mark Kalvoda
As we move into the winter months, the students and staff of Elkhorn South eagerly anticipate the start of the second semester and the excitement that comes with it. The first semester has been full of opportunities, successes, and learning experiences. Our students have faced adversity and challenges, but have persevered. The second semester offers new challenges and new experiences but also affords students a fresh start if needed.
At the conclusion of the 1st Quarter, ESHS proudly honored 985 students for achieving 3.25 and above grade point averages. for the quarter. As principal at ESHS, I am very proud of our students’ efforts so far this year and enjoy taking a moment from the typical day to give them an Elkhorn South Excellence T-Shirt and to personally thank them for their contributions to the culture of high expectations here at Elkhorn South. Special Thanks to ESHS Computer Graphics students for designing this year’s Excellence Shirts.
In the winter months, it is common to see more student absences due to illnesses, family trips, and the like. We speak frequently with our students about the importance of instructional time and generally see a dip in achievement from students who miss class time. Instructional time is paramount to student success and nearly impossible to replicate outside of the classroom. Please be thoughtful in planning family vacations and other extended absences from school. In the best interest of students’ educational achievement, please plan vacations and family trips around the school calendar whenever possible and encourage your students to strive for perfect attendance.
In the event that your child misses school for a professional appointment, such as an orthodontist, physician, or the like, please provide the school with documentation of this appointment when your student returns to school. This proactive piece of record-keeping will be invaluable if your student exceeds eight absences per semester. Thank you for your cooperation.
Elkhorn South will have finals week to conclude the first semester. Cumulative final exams are an integral part of assessing student learning and simulating the college finals experience. In order to protect the integrity of the exams which are aligned across departments in all three high schools, no finals will be proctored before the assigned times. Please make every attempt to ensure that your student is present for finals week to fully prepare and achieve at the highest levels. Please contact the administration in the extreme case that your student will not be in school for finals and we will make arrangements for late finals over break.
-Semester 1 Finals will take place on Thursday 12/19 and Friday 12/20.
-Students will take semester finals for periods 1, 2, 3, and 4 on Thursday & periods 5, 6, and 7 on Friday
DAY 1 - Thursday, December 19th, 2024
1st FINAL - 8:10-9:33
2nd FINAL - 9:37-11:00
4th Lunch/Study - 11:04-12:30
3rd FINAL - 12:34-1:55
4th FINAL - 1:59-3:20
DAY 2 - Friday, December 20th, 2024
5th Study - 8:10-9:33
5th FINAL - 9:37-11:00
4th Lunch/Study - 11:04-12:30
6th FINAL - 12:34-1:55
7th FINAL - 1:59-3:20
** Students may not be called out during finals periods, even if they are finished with their exam. Students are expected to be at school all seven periods on both finals days. Please encourage your students to utilize study periods on finals days and help us curb students signing out during these periods. Thank you for your cooperation.
ESHS annually hosts a teacher appreciation luncheon at the conclusion of the first semester. This year, we will serve our teachers and staff a holiday meal on Wednesday, Dec. 11th. Please consider donating to show your appreciation for our teachers. Donations can be brought to the main office (checks made out to ESHS Social Fund or bring cash to Tina Rohe) or you can CLICK HERE TO DONATE ONLINE. Thank you for your support of our teachers, teacher assistants, secretaries, and custodial staff!
Upcoming Dates to Know:
-Monday12/2: All EPS Foundation Scholarships Open for Seniors
-Thursday 12/19 & Friday 12/20: Semester 1 Finals
-Friday1/3: Teacher In-Service - No School
-Monday 1/6: Semester 2 Begins for Students
-Monday 1/20: MLK Day, Teacher In-Service - No School
-Tuesday 4/8: Statewide PreACT/ACT for 9th-11th Grade; no school for Seniors this day
Happy Holidays,
Teacher/Staff Holiday Appreciation
Teacher/Staff Holiday Appreciation
As we approach the holidays, let's show our ESHS Teachers and Staff how much we appreciate them. IIn order to not interrupt finals, we will have the week next week, the week of December 9, 2024. Each day there will be something for them to enjoy.
Monday, December 9
Hot Chocolate & Spiced Cider Bar
Tuesday, December 10
Wednesday, December 11
Catered Lunch
Thursday, December 12
Snack Day
Friday, December 13
In order to make this a successful week, your help is needed. You can help in several different ways.
Here is the link for the Sign Up Genius.
1) Sign-up to bring something
2) Sign-up to help out
3) Donate money using the following link to help pay for items.
We have 160 teachers and staff. Everyone's help is appreciated to make this week a success!!
Please reach out with any questions:
Michelle Hunsinger: michelle.hunsinger2@gmail.com
Sarah Ulbrich: supdx05@gmail.com
Personal electronic devices will be turned in to a designated location in each classroom during instructional periods, and students may use their devices before/after school, during lunch and passing periods, and during “Senior Pass Privilege”. Students who need electronic devices to monitor health conditions will continue to follow their individualized plans.
Handbook Verbiage (found on page 7 of High School Student Handbook)
All students need to be responsible users of technology. The school firmly believes in protecting instructional time in classrooms; therefore, cellular devices should not be used during instructional periods, including study halls. All high school teachers will expect all students to turn in cell phones to a designated location in their classroom. Students may have a need to use their phones throughout the day, thus students are permitted to use phones before and after school, during their scheduled lunch, during passing periods, and during Senior Pass Privilege.
To maintain the expected learning environment in the classroom, students who violate the cell phone policy will be subject to disciplinary action. The administration supports teachers’ discretion as to when the problem has reached a level warranting intervention. The below consequences can be utilized to solve the problem:
Parent contact
Checking cell phone or cellular device into school office
Confiscation of cell phone until Parent/Guardian pick up required
After Hours
As part of being a responsible user of technology, students should not use their phones to bully, intimidate, or harass. Violators will be subject to disciplinary actions according to policies on bullying and harassment.
Respect for privacy rights:
Students shall not photograph or videotape other individuals at school or at school-sponsored activities without their knowledge and consent, except for activities considered to be in the public arena such as sporting events or public performances.
Students shall not email, post to the internet or otherwise electronically transmit images of other individuals taken at school without their expressed written consent.
Use of cellular phones or other personal electronic devices is strictly prohibited in locker rooms and restrooms.
Students found violating privacy rights through the use of cell phone cameras or recording devices will be subject to disciplinary sanctions, including, but not limited to referral to law enforcement.
Student absences and appointments
Please make sure you are CALLING the office for any absences and appointments for your students, we will not accept emails. If your child is leaving for an appointment, the sooner you can communicate that to the office, the easier it is to get a pass to the student as opposed to interrupting valuable learning time when we have to call the classroom. If leaving between passing periods, they will not receive a pass, they just need to go to the office to sign out.
Parents do not come into the building to get your child, the student will sign themselves out on our office computer. If it is for a Drs. appointment, please have the student bring a note from the Dr. upon their return.
Thank you so much for your cooperation with this.
Important dates
Dec. 19 & 20- Semester finals STUDENTS MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE. End of 2nd Quarter
Dec. 23-Jan 3-Winter Break
Jan. 20-Teacher In-service-NO School
Feb. 11 & 12-Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:30-8:00 One hour early dismissal
Mar. 13- End of 3rd Quarter
Mar. 14-Teacher In-service-NO School
Mar. 17-21-Spring Break
Mar. 29-Junior/Senior Prom
Apr. 9- ACT for 11th graders, Pre ACT for 9th and 10th graders
Apr. 18-Teacher In-service-NO School
May. 14-SENIORS last day-graduation rehearsal in the afternoon at ESHS
May 18-ESHS Graduation 6:00 p.m. Elkhorn Public Schools Stadium
May 22 & 23-Semester finals STUDENTS MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE
May 23-Last day of school
*The Last Student Day is based on an assumption of 4 or more days for inclement weather.
3 inclement weather days = 1 day earlier release
0-2 inclement weather days = 2 days earlier release
District Calendar
Update of Email, home address and phone number
Please contact Penny Rohl in the Counseling Center at 402-289-0616 #3 or prohl@epsne.org to make changes to email, phone, or home mailing address.
Anonymous online reporting system
- (531) 299-SAFE (7233)
- www.Safe2HelpNE.org
- Download the “Safe2Help” app from your app store
- Found on individual building homepages
From the Counseling Center
Career Awareness Program
Storm Athletic Checklist
Storm Gear
One Act
Yearbook Ordering
Cap and Gown Ordering
District News
TeamMates of Elkhorn: Call for Mentors
Upcoming District Events
EPS Career Exploration Fair: Now Accepting Business Vendors
Business registrations are now being accepted for the annual Elkhorn Public Schools Career Exploration Fair, scheduled for March 26, 2025, from 5:30 - 7:30 PM. This event will be an excellent opportunity for students to explore business industries and make meaningful career connections, while also showcasing the commitment of local organizations to community involvement. If your business is interested in participating, please click here to register.
District Happenings
Elkhorn High School Junior Dance Clinic
Details and registration information can be found here.
ENHS Junior Cheer Clinic:
Details and registration information can be found here.
EPS Senior Citizen Activity Passes
Per EPS Board Policy 1006.07, District residents aged 65+ are eligible for a free activity pass which admits the holder to District-sponsored events and activities. Passes can be picked up at the EPS Central Office at 20650 Glenn St. during normal business hours. Individuals must provide a valid driver's license showing a current address of residence with EPS boundaries to receive a pass.
Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation News
Make a difference with Elkhorn Public Schools
Starting Pay: Regular Teacher Assistant = $17.35/hour
Health Teacher Assistant = $17.85/hour
Hours: 6.5 hours/day
General Summary, Education, and Qualifications:
Under direct supervision, Teacher Assistants will support student learning by facilitating educational activities directly with students in the classroom or on an individual basis, supervising student behavior both in and out of the classroom, and providing administrative support to the teacher
- High school diploma or equivalent preferred
- Clear a state criminal record check and a child abuse check
- Be a minimum of 18 years old
Summary of Job Duties (Full job description available upon request)
- Support academic student learning by being physically present in the classroom on a consistent (daily) basis, helping students complete tasks, answering student questions, providing individualized attention when required, and supporting the classroom teacher’s educational directives
- Provide student supervision inside the classroom in conjunction with the classroom teacher, and outside of the classroom, which may include recess breaks, study halls, lunch breaks, testing periods and other special activities
- Support students with mild to severe learning, emotional, health, or mental disabilities by providing an inclusive learning environment with specialized attention and positive reinforcement
- Health Teacher Assistant
- May need to provide student assistance with daily living activities, such as cooking, cleaning, eating, dressing, hand washing, toileting, etc.
- Attend to special medical needs or health care needs of the student, including dispensing medications, giving injections, checking vital signs, tube feedings, changing diapers, etc.
- Health Teacher Assistant
- Provides administrative support to classroom teachers as requested, to include answering phones, making copies, distributing or collecting student assignments, preparing learning materials, recording grades and attendance, and other tasks as assigned by the Building Principal or classroom teacher
- Regular, dependable in-person attendance on the job in order to maintain a student’s regular routines, foster student learning and build student relationships; the ability to perform the identified tasks and possess the identified knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the identified work activities; the ability to perform the identified physical requirements
Sick Leave: One (1) week worth of regularly scheduled hours
Personal Leave: Three (3) days of regularly scheduled hours
State Retirement: The District matches your contribution of 9.78 percent by 101 percent.
This position is not eligible for health insurance.
Student Meal Information
Does your child need health coverage?
Call toll free 1-855-632-7633 or visit http://www.ACCESSNebraska.ne.gov
Metro Conference Website
rSchool Today App
NSAA Website
Notice of Nondiscrimination
The Elkhorn Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race (including skin color, hair texture and protective hairstyles), color, religion, veteran status, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical condition, sexual orientation or gender identity, or other protected status in its programs.
The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination
Students: Anne Doerr, Executive Director of Student Services, 20650 Glenn Street (402) 289-2579, ([adoerr@epsne.org]).
Employees and Others: Don Pechous, Executive Director of Personnel, 20650 Glenn Street (402) 289-2579, ([dpechous@epsne.org]).
Complaints or concerns involving discrimination or needs for accommodation or access should be addressed to the appropriate Coordinator. For further information about anti-discrimination laws and regulations, or to file a complaint of discrimination with the OCR at One Petticoat Lane, 1010 Walnut Street, 3rd Floor, Suite 320, Kansas City, Missouri 64106, (816) 268-0550 (voice), Fax (816) 268-0599, (800) 877-8339 (telecommunications device for the deaf), or ocr.kansascity@ed.gov.