Amy's Weekly Write-Up
August 14, 2020
School Committee Vote and Next Steps
Last night the School Committee voted unanimously to approve the recommendation of the DLT to start the 2020-2021 school year in a remote model. The meeting was about three hours long with lots of participation on the part of committee members, staff, medical experts, and members of the community. Overall, it was very respectful and folks really treated each other well, even when disagreeing.
Now that we know which model we will be moving foward with, the real work begins!
- I am working hard to contact every CCS family to find out what their access is like, what barriers they have, and how the district might be able to help problem solve the issues to get them connected. I'm also working on reaching out to our representatives to get them to help us put pressure on the necessary companies in order to get people hooked up.
- The Association and School Committee are negotiating all the necessary elements of the coming year.
- Information is being gathered about staff technology needs and professional development needs.
- We will be collaborating with staff to design PD opportunities for the first 10 days.
- Similarly, we are thinking about what "PD" families will need in order to support their children in remote learning, and how to deliver that.
- We need to figure out how to ensure that students continue to have access to breakfasts and lunches.
This list is far from complete and seems to be evergrowing. However, these are some of the immediate things we're working on.
Surveys and Updates
Please check your email inboxes for an email from Sheryl regarding a survey. We've designed surveys for both Unit A and Unit B staff to gather your input about your professional development and technology needs. Please be sure to complete it and give us the information we need to move forward.
As I mentioned at our staff meeting on Wednesday, I will not be sending out a daily update but I will resume my Friday newsletters, starting with this one. I will likely still be sending things out during the week as needed, but you can count on receiving a newsletter with updates at the end of each week.