Cedar Hill News
January 20, 2025
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Ways to stay connected to CHES and Limestone County Schools
Add the Limestone County App to your Device
Teachers will begin introducing the new way of communication for all Limestone County Schools. We will be moving away from other forms of communication such as Dojo and Remind.
The app will allow you to choose different schools for multiple students.
Please remember that all information sent out goes through our PowerSchool System. If you change phone numbers, it is very important for us to have it updated in our system.
Let us know if you have questions regarding this notification app.
Easy Way to Submit Student Absence Note...
Just scan the above and enter the information requested.
Upcoming Events:
Jan 23 - School Bank Day
Jan 24 - Kona Ice Day
Feb 3-7 - National School Counseling Week
Feb 17- President's Day - no school
January Cafeteria Menus
January Breakfast Menu
Remember Breakfast if FREE
January Lunch Menu
Lunch is $2.60.
Older Information...
Fostering a Positive and Supportive School Community
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As partners in your child’s education, we deeply value open communication and collaboration to create the best possible environment for learning and growth.
At times, we notice some concerns being shared online regarding our school and, at times, specific teachers. While we appreciate the importance of expressing opinions and discussing ideas, we ask that you consider the potential impact that negative public comments can have on our dedicated educators and the broader school community.
Our teachers work tirelessly to provide a nurturing and effective learning environment for all students. When concerns arise, we encourage you to bring them directly to us through constructive dialogue, allowing us to address issues promptly and professionally. Open conversations not only help resolve challenges but also strengthen the partnership between home and school.
By working together respectfully, we can foster a community where everyone feels valued, supported, and committed to the shared goal of helping our students thrive. Thank you for being a vital part of our school’s success.
Please celebrate our students and staff for their hard work!
All cars entering after 7:35 will be directed to the front office
Morning Car Riders
- Drop off begins at 7:10 to help get all students in before 7:35.
- The car line will be cut off at exactly 7:35. I know this could be an inconvenience, but we must start our day on time.
- If you are directed toward the front of the building- that means that you have arrived late and must walk your child in at the front office.
- Please do not get upset with our staff because you are late. This practice is to simply help us get our day started on time with as little disruption as possible.
- Students eating breakfast should arrive before 7:25.
This decision was made in order to get our school day started on time for our students. The day must begin at 7:40. Students do not have time to eat breakfast and prepare for learning if they are entering the building at 7:40.
Thank you for understanding and helping your child have a great start to their day!
Please see the Title I Parent Information below:
Set up an account to add money to your child’s account and see what they purchase.
Free / Reduced Lunch Application
Please complete the application by scanning the code below.
5 Ways to Support a Teacher
The article below is from The Educator’s Room and written by Dana Brown:
- Use the Golden Rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Before every interaction you have, ask yourself if this is how you would want to be treated. If not, then do not treat teachers or anyone else that way.
- Remember that miscommunications happen and are the root of many unnecessary arguments. Before becoming angry, allow teachers to explain possible miscommunications. After all, what you heard from your child may not be the most accurate description of the situation. This is what I like to tell parents during open house: “I’ll make a deal with you: I’ll believe half of what your kids say about you if you do the same about me.” And, yes, students tell a lot of strange things about their parents.
- Root for your child’s teacher every day. Encouraging notes, positive calls or emails, a simple thank you, or a smile goes a long way. While we are grateful for a gift during Teacher Appreciation Week, we would honestly rather have your trust and respect each and every day.
- Give us grace. Teachers are role models but remember we’re humans too. We get sick, make mistakes, become overwhelmed, and have personal issues too. We are trying our best to support our families, your families, and so much more.
- Get more involved in your child’s education, and that means more than helping with math homework. Make time to teach your children the values that are important to your family so that teachers do not overstep by teaching those lessons themselves.
More positive changes may include more invitations to participate in classroom activities and an overall happier, healthier school atmosphere for teachers, parents, and students. Watch your child and your child’s teacher thrive as you take steps to support teachers and become their partners in education.
Buses and Cars
Students riding the bus:
Afternoon Riders: Parents, please know that if the bus driver does not know that you are home, and they haven't been given prior permission, they will not drop off the student.
Parents of Kindergarten age students- bus drivers will not drop off if they can't see you.
Afternoon Car Line:
Afternoon car line- Many adults are working the afternoon carline to help it move smoothly. Please note that student safety will always come before convenience. There are approximately 200 cars coming through our car line each afternoon. We are focused on getting our students to you as quickly but as safely as possible. It will get quicker with time.
Do not get out of your car and walk up the side walk due to student safety.
Please contact Mrs. Adams if you have concerns with this.
Morning Routines
Eating School Breakfast:
Remember that breakfast is free and served from 7:15 -7:40.
Please drop off before 7:25 if eating breakfast.
Students must be in class by 7:35 and prepared for school to begin.
NOT Eating School Breakfast:
Students arriving on campus before 7:25 will go to the gym to wait with peers.
At 7:25, students will go directly to class.
Afternoon Routines
Getting Home:
Please remind your student how they are getting home each day.
Please share any routines with your child's teacher.
Please do not change the schedule often because it gets very confusing for all involved, especially your child.
If you must change transportation during the school day- contact the front office before 2pm- not just the teacher.
LCS Attendance Policy- Important
Please remember that the school day is 7:40-2:45..
Students must be in class by 7:40 and stay until the bell rings in order to be counted present for the full day.
Any unexcused check in or check out will be posted. LCS policy is that 3 Unexcused Tardies will count as 1 Parent Note.
Each student is allowed 10 Parent Notes per year.
All other absences must be a Doctor Excuse.
Unexcused absences will lead to students’ inability to attend field trips and/or field day. 7 or more can lead to a truancy court referral.
18 or more absences (including doctor excuses) is considered Chronically Absent. Being chronically absent will also impact your student’s ability to attend field trips and field day.
This policy is a Limestone County Board Policy in effect to improve student attendance and learning.
Please reach out and let us know if you have questions or concerns regarding this policy.
Join your CHES Bus Remind
Donations Requested
Homeroom and speciality teachers may request cleaning supply donations.
We were able to purchase school supplies, but we are not able to purchase the cleaning items teachers are requesting.
Some example items include: hand wipes, cleaning wipes, cleaning spray, paper towels, Kleenex, Germ X, hand soap, etc
We appreciate your support!