Paw Print Press 2.0
February 1, 2025
Hello, February
Our dedicated Running Wolves are already well into Quarter 3 and working hard to finish the year strong. At school, we're focused on meeting our school-wide expectations, classroom goals, and maintaining a safe environment for all. We're also gearing up for upcoming assessments, including ACCESS testing for English Language Learners and preparing for the April assessments, AK Star, mClass and MAPGrowth.
As the days get longer, let's continue to encourage a healthy balance of play and rest. Limiting screen time before bedtime will help our students' developing brains rest and recharge, ensuring they arrive at school ready to give their best! A big thank you to our parent volunteers who have supported us on field trips and within classrooms. Your contributions are essential to our teachers and the school community as a whole.
This February, I also invite new families to Rogers Park to schedule a school tour. If you know anyone new to our community, please encourage them to contact the front office to arrange a visit. We look forward to welcoming more wolves to our pack next year!
2025-2026 Spring Lottery Timeline
- February 1, 2025, at midnight – Lottery opens for applications
- March 20, 2025, at 5:00pm – Lottery closes for applications
- March 21, 2025 – Lottery runs
- March 22 – 27, 2025 – School validates the accepted lists and wait lists
- March 28, 2025, at 5:00pm – Notifications are released to parents/guardians
2025 School Climate & Connectedness Family Survey - Open Now!
The SCCS is a voluntary statewide survey taken by students grades 3-12, all school-based staff, and ASD families since 2006, developed by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) in partnership with Alaska Association of School Boards (AASB) and Panorama Education. It measures school climate, how connected students feel to adults and peers, social and emotional learning, and observed risk behaviors at school or school events.
ASD uses the data in strategic planning, evaluating programs, and improving community-school relationships both at the school and district level.
Research has shown that when students feel safe, connected, and engaged in their schools they are more successful learners and exhibit fewer risk behaviors. Please share your feedback in the survey below.
Chin'an to Celso Escobero at Rogers Park Elementary!
Mr. Celso is the. BPO at Rogers Park. Since he started in late October, Mr. Celso has made our school a better place. From fixing and repairing so many small things, to coming in early for sanding, and inspecting the buildings after the wind storms. His dedication and work ethic shine throughout all that he does. He is kind to students and staff and is willing to help whenever it is needed. Rogers Park is so grateful to have you, Mr. Celso!
Chin’an, “Thank you” in Upper Cook Inlet Dena’ina
To honor and recognize Indigenous people and Indigenous Ways of Knowing, the ASD team rightfully acknowledges that we are on the land and water of the Dena’ina who have been and will continue to be stewards of our homeland. It is a privilege to learn from and collaborate with the Eklutna Dena’ina. As a gesture of gratitude, we use the word Chin’an in the Dena’ina language as a way to say “thank you” to an Anchorage School District employee or volunteer.
ACCESS Testing
ACCESS Testing is right around the corner. Any student who has been identified as an English Language Learner (ELL) will be participating in ACCESS Testing in the month of February. It's a test that's given to ELL students from kindergarten to grade 12, to assess their progress in learning English. Students will be pulled for a short amount of time to be tested in the domains of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Fister at: fister_kimberlie@asdk12.org.
Library Update
Students in grades K-5 created valentines to be distributed at the local VA hospital and domiciliary from February 1-14. Students created hand-written messages and decorated cards to thank our veterans for their service to the nation. Thank you to the PTA for their support of this long-standing tradition at our school. Thanks also to Denise and Carly Flake for organizing the materials to ensure every student had a wonderful selection of supplies to make each card truly unique A final thank you to all the students who worked hard to create beautiful messages of gratitude.
Several students have overdue books. Please help your student to try to locate these titles and return them to the library by the end of February.
Rogers Park Science Fair - March 20, 2025
Calling All Young Scientists:
The Rogers Park Elementary School Science Fair is Thursday, March 20th!
Register here by February 21 to reserve a spot for your project and receive important announcements about the Fair.
Open to all students (K-5, neighborhood and HG)
Free to register, teams welcome
If your teacher is planning a class project, you are still welcome to enter an individual project
Start thinking about project ideas now! (see below for helpful science websites with great ideas)
After-School Club for Science Fair Project Prep will start 2/3. This club is intended for students with limited support to complete a project. Register here.
Seeking volunteers for the After-School Club and School Fair. Please sign up here to help support our young scientists!
Project Ideas:
All projects are also welcome to register for the Alaska State Science and Engineering Fair, April 4th - 6th. Students do not have to win the school fair to enter the state fair. Registration should open soon.
Alaska State Science Fair Judging rubric to help guide your project. Note that the school science fair judging rubric will be adapted from the state rubric.
Hosted by Rogers Park PTA Science Fair Committee. (Email anjalimadeira@gmail.com with any questions about the After School club or Science Fair)
HG News
HG WolfPAC Parent Advisory Committee
Families - get involved! Join the Rogers Park WolfPAC!
Our WolfPAC will be meeting on the following days for the remainder of the year:
- February 6
- March 6
- April 3
- May 1
We will meet in the STEAM Lab from 5-6:30 p.m. for each meeting. Please consider joining us!
Check out our brochure for more information about the mission and vision of the HG WolfPAC.
A Note From Ms. Devereaux - Rogers Park's Health/SEL Teacher
Spread the Love: A Special Valentine's Day Activity!
This Valentine's Day, Rogers Park will bring joy and connection to every student through a unique Social Emotional Learning activity! Each student will secretly design a Valentine's heart for another student in their grade. The hearts will be placed on the hallway wall near the student's classroom during the first week in February.
On Valentine's Day, every student can remove the heart with their name and read the special message made just for them.
This heartwarming initiative ensures every student feels included, accepted, and appreciated, continuing to cultivate a community of kindness and support.
We're excited to celebrate friendship and make this Valentine's Day extra special! ❤️
Girls on the Run is Coming to Rogers Park in March
Girls on the Run is a 10-week program for girls in grades 3-5 that combines physical activity with valuable life skills. The program meets twice a week and uses fun, movement-based lessons to help girls:
- Build confidence and develop essential life skills
- Set and achieve goals, with the celebration of a 5K event at the end of the season
- Make a positive impact on their community
- Practice empathy, inclusion, and acceptance
Now, more than ever, girls need a program that helps them build strong relationships, express their emotions, and feel supported. Girls on the Run provides the tools they need to stand up for themselves and others while becoming confident leaders in their communities.
More information about Rogers Park Girls on the Run Team will be coming soon!
PTA Update
Hello Rogers Park PTA Families,
Thanks to so many of you who made our Glow on Ice fundraiser a success! The generosity of our families is extraordinary. We are so appreciative of all of our donors and volunteers who keep our programs running smoothly and impact our school community. We want to shout out especially to the energetic Brittany Ford, our Volunteer Coordinator who has been instrumental to our recess ice-skating program, Kate Blank, our tireless treasurer and yearbook volunteer (you may have seen her snapping pics at our family skate night) and to our outstanding Science Fair Committee members Anjali Madeira, Kim Hays and Alison Kwan (who is also our fabulous web designer and tech support). We thrive because of a remarkable community of volunteers. Please join us at our next monthly membership meeting on February 13th at 6pm, hosted in the gym and on Zoom. And please stay tuned for information on upcoming family events including the Read Across America breakfast in early March. We also have plans to highlight how our fantastic teachers at Rogers Park are using their reimbursement funds provided by PTA to purchase materials and books and facilitate projects for their classrooms. We thank you for your continued generosity and support of our PTA and school.
Rogers Park PTA
Rogers Park Elementary- Where awesome meets education!
Donate to the school: https://squareup.com/store/RogersParkPTA
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RogersParkPta/?fref=ts
Check out our website: https://rogersparkpta-346888.square.site/rogers-park-pta
Upcoming Dates
Feb 3-14 *ELL Students* ACCESS Window Open
Feb 3-7 School Counselor Appreciation Week
Feb 6 *5:00pm - 6:30pm* HG WolfPAC Parent Advisory Meeting
Feb 13 (Th) *6:00pm - 7:30pm* PTA Meeting (Library/Zoom)
Rogers Park Mission: Preparing Passionate, Productive, Learners for Life
Rogers Park Vision: Empower the HOWL
(Help each other, Own our actions, Work together, Listen & Learn)
Rogers Park Elementary
1400 East Northern Lights Boulevard
Anchorage, AK 99508