Eagle Wings
Back to School Edition Week of July 28th
Principal's Message
Greetings Eagle Families,
I hope you are doing well & enjoying summer! It’s been lonely here without all of our Eagles in the nest, but I’ve been catching up on ensuring our upcoming school year will be just as incredible as our last one. I was able to take our administrative team for some learning at the beginning of the summer on Jekyll Island. I was also able enjoy a few days in Gulf Shores with friends and enjoy family time while here in Georgia.
For those of you that are new to our Eagle family or that I have not gotten a chance to personally meet, this is my 4th year as principal of AES. I began my teaching career as an elementary school teacher with Fulton County Schools in 2000. I have taught grades first through fifth as both a general education and special education teacher. I have served as an Instructional Support Teacher, Program Specialist and Assistant Principal. I earned my Bachelor’s degree from Elon University, Master’s degree from Kennesaw State University and earned my Education Specialist degree in School Leadership from the University of North Georgia. This will be my 25th year in education, and 22nd with Fulton County Schools.
I am committed to fostering an environment where all students, staff, and parents feel valued and heard. I have a passion for helping all students reach their full potential through meaningful, hands-on instruction and student support. The amazing students, dedicated teachers and staff, and caring community have made Alpharetta Elementary such a wonderful school. Our motto continues to remain, "There is Only We".
As always, please don't hesitate to reach out. My email is: crawfordce@fultonschools.org .
Yours in partnership,
Ms. Crawford
Welcome Jenna Silverman, Assistant Principal
I am excited to announce our new Assistant Principal, Jenna Silverman!
Mrs. Silverman is a proud alumna of Alpharetta Elementary School. She is thrilled to return to the “nest” and reconnect with all the members of the Alpharetta Elementary community. The outstanding students, dedicated educators, staff, and supportive community make Alpharetta Elementary truly special.
Mrs. Silverman earned her bachelor’s degree in Middle Grades Education from Georgia College and State University (Go Bobcats!) and her Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Georgia
Southern University.
With her entire career spent in Fulton County, Mrs. Silverman has served as a math teacher, PBIS Coach, and 504 and Response to Intervention Coordinator. Her experience spans both middle and high school levels, equipping her to support our students and community through the transitions to middle school, high school, and beyond.
She is dedicated to fostering the growth and development of every student at Alpharetta Elementary. Mrs. Silverman believes in the power of collaboration and open communication among students, parents, teachers, and staff to create a thriving school community where all individuals can reach their full potential.
Residing in Roswell with her husband, Josh, and their two black labs, Rocky and River, Mrs. Silverman enjoys dancing ballet, shopping, and indulging in TV show marathons in her leisure time.
Mrs. Silverman is excited to join the Alpharetta Elementary community and is eager to support and grow the fantastic work that is already happening. Information regarding a meet & greet with Mrs. Silverman will be sent out later this summer.
Top 3 Things You Need to Know-August
At the end of each month there will be a "Top 3 Things You Need to Know" video posted for the following month highlighting school happenings or information that is most important. Students will get to see this video in class; however, I encourage you to watch together as you never know when your own Eagle might be featured!
New to the Nest
Randi Downey
School Social Worker
Carlos Rios Cassanova
Kristian Bush
Lynne Perlitz
Autism Teacher
Jaelinn Joyner
Kelly Pierce
Autism Teacher
Changes in the Nest
Katie Bain
3rd Grade Teacher
Lora Keys
4th Grade Teacher
Patricia Lanzo
5th Grade Teacher
Important Dates
1 - Open House @8:30-10am
5 - First Day of School
20 - Boy Scouts meeting @6pm in cafeteria
20 - 5th grade parent meeting @6:30pm in cafeteria
26 - Lunch visitors begin
26 - Alphie’s Nest begins
2 - Labor Day Holiday
3 - Teacher Workday (no students)
4 – Professional Development Day (no students)
6 – Grits for Grandparents (breakfast) @7am in cafeteria
9 - 1st semester clubs begin
11 – Fall Pictures
12 - Academic Partnership Night (formally Curriculum Night)
@5:30-5:45pm-Welcome Message from Administration & PTO
@5:45-6:15pm--PK, Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, AU
@6-6:15pm- Welcome Message from Administration & PTO
@6:15-6:45pm --3rd, 4th, 5th, MOID
13 – STEM Day with Innovation Academy
20 – Coffee & Conversation (newcomers to AES) @9am in Media Center
23 – 30 MAP testing (4th grade only)
26 - Eagle Dash Rally
From the Cafeteria
From the PTO
Join Our PTO
Get involved with the AES PTO. New membership levels are available this year. Help support our school HERE!
Grounds Day
Thank you to all (big & small) who came out to spruce up the grounds. It looks beautiful!
Alpharetta Elementary School 2024-2025 Partners in Education Program
Please consider supporting the AES Community with a business partnership that is a 100% tax deductible donation! With the help of our Partners In Education (PIEs), the AES PTO is able to help supplement the needs of teachers, students and school administration throughout the school year. This year we’re focusing on raising money to replace playground equipment and we need your support!
What’s new this year:
● Addition of shout-outs in the newly designed PTO Newsletter which will be sent out bi-weekly throughout the calendar year!
● Our Comms team will collaborate with ALL partners to make social media posts POP!
● We have added another diamond membership opportunity!
● MORE Social Media Shout-outs to maximize your footprint and outreach online!
● Addition of a free spirit wear t-shirt for AES Parents that participate in the program!
Diamond Partnership -- $2000
● Exclusive sponsorship of our Movie Night, Bingo Night, Fall Fundraiser, or School Carnival
● Includes all Platinum partnership incentives as well
Platinum Partnership -- $1000
● Premier logo/ad placement on Friday Folders sent home weekly with each student
● Premier logo placement on business partner signage inside/outside of the school
● Logo placement on AES PTO website homepage
● Promotion on AES PTO Social Media sites (twitter, FB, Insta), PTO newsletter and Principal’s newsletter
4x/school year
● Ability to send fliers home with students promoting business quarterly during the school year (partner
must provide copies)
● Ability to have a booth/table at AES PTO Outdoor events
Gold Partnership -- $500
● Logo/Ad on Friday Folders sent home weekly with each student
● Logo placement on business partner signage inside of the school
● Logo placement on AES PTO website business partners page
● Promotion on AES PTO Social Media, PTO newsletter, and Principal’s newsletter (EagleWings) 2x/year
● Ability to send fliers home with students promoting business 3x during the school year (partner must
provide copies)
Silver Partnership -- $250
● Logo/Ad on Friday Folders sent home weekly with each student
● Logo placement on business partner signage inside of the school
● Logo placement on AES PTO website business partners page
● Promotion on AES PTO Social Media, PTO newsletter, and Principal’s Newsletter (EagleWings) 2x/year.
Sign-up by August 15th, 2024 on our PTO website at:
Questions? Email Jessie Jennings (jessica.raymes1@yahoo.com) Esther Weathers (estherweathers@gmail.com) or Mils Ware (mils.ware@yahoo.com)
*For All AES Parents who participate in the PIEs program, the PTO will give you a free spirit wear T-shirt of your choice! (from available supply)
Want to Skip the Long Spirit Wear Lines at Open House?
Pre-order your spirit wear today! Orders received online before open house will be available at Open House. Skip the line and order yours HERE.
Clear the Lists!
Teacher wish lists are now available. Please consider helping to fulfill these lists and donate classroom supplies. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
AES PTO Needs You!
We simply can’t do all the wonderful things at AES without you! We have several different ways for you to get involved. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, please fill out the volunteer interest form HERE.
From FCS
The Fulton County Board of Education (FCBOE) met on Thursday, July 18, 2024 for its regularly-scheduled Board Work session at the South Learning Center. The full agenda is available online via BoardDocs. Meetings are streamed live on the FCS district homepage. Recordings will be available within 48 hours.
Superintendent’s Report
In his brief remarks, Dr. Mike Looney reminded everyone that the first day of school begins on Monday, August 5, and encouraged parents and students to get lots of rest in anticipation of the new school year.
Board Vacancy Announcement
District 1 Representative Katha Stuart announced her retirement after nine years of serving on the Board. Her retirement will be effective August 31, 2024. During her comments to the Board, Ms. Stuart indicated that her time on the Board combined with her belief in term limits led her not to seek reelection and the beginning of the new school year was a logical time for a transition in leadership.
“I look forward to celebrating the beginning of yet another school year, and to visiting the incredible educators I have had the pleasure of serving,” said Stuart. “I will have additional comments at the August 6 Board meeting, but for now, I will simply say what an honor it has been to serve in this capacity.”
Fulton County local law (Ga. L. 1984, p. 3591) and Policy ABCC provide the process for filling a Board vacancy. However, there is no precedent for naming a replacement after a candidate has already been selected during the non-partisan election, which occurred on May 21, 2024.
The remaining members of the Board will appoint a qualified resident of District 1 to serve out the remainder of the unexpired term, which ends December 31, 2024. The Board will take into effect the unique timing and consider the options for an appointment to fill the vacancy until January 2025 when Ms. Sara Gillespie will be sworn in as the new District 1 representative. An announcement will be made at the August Board Work Session on next steps.
“On behalf of the Board, I want to thank Ms. Stuart for her dedication and service to Fulton County Schools,” said Board President Kimberly Dove. “Katha’s leadership has been instrumental in driving significant improvements in graduation rates and establishing two STEM schools, even in the face of daunting challenges such as the pandemic.”
Millage Rate Rollback
After the Board Work Session, the Board held the first of three required hearings for a partial rollback of the Fulton County Schools (FCS) millage rate.
The proposed millage rate by Superintendent Dr. Mike Looney would reduce the current rate from 17.14 to 17.13. If approved on August 6, FCS would continue to have one of metro Atlanta’s lowest school tax rates. Board members are considering the possibility of a further reduction in the millage rate. They will review data, including how lower rates, up to the full rollback rate of 3.67%, would impact the FY2025 budget and school operations, before making a final decision on the suggested millage rate.
“I am proud to say that we have either had a partial rollback or maintained a flat millage rate for the last six years. Five of those years were reductions, keeping Fulton County Schools one of the lowest millage rates in the metro area,” said Dr. Looney. “The proposed millage rate is a continuation of a long-term strategy by the Board to reduce tax rates while ensuring our schools have the resources they need to provide the quality education our stakeholders expect.”
The unique “floater” Homestead Exemption for Fulton County Schools reduces the overall homeowner tax burden annually and represents more than $173 million in districtwide taxpayer savings for FY2025. In addition, because FCS has used ESPLOST funding effectively to eliminate any long-term capital debt, the district does not have Debt Service included in the millage rate.
“We want to thank our taxpayers and community for their ongoing support,” said Marvin Dereef, the school system’s Chief Financial Officer. “State revenues only represent around 33% of the district’s total revenue. FCS students benefit from the continued commitment from our community, with local revenue representing almost 67% of the total investment.”
Even though the proposed millage rate of 17.13 mills is a reduction, it is legally defined as a tax increase because it does not equal a full rollback to offset increases in property assessments. As a result, Georgia law requires three public hearings on the millage rate.
The School Board is expected to adopt the final millage rate on August 6, 2024, following the third public hearing. More information on the proposed rates, including the required notice by the Georgia Department of Revenue, is on the FCS website at www.fultonschools.org.
New Hires and Promotions
The following individual was promoted to a new position at the July 18 meeting:
Rebecca Williams | Executive Director, Academic Programs