Happy Thanksgiving, MJ Families
So Much to Be Thankful For
This is the time of year we take stock in what is important in our lives. The Marion Jordan community is certainly one filled with outstanding members. Talented teachers, superior students, and fantastic families make up this school community I am so proud to be a part of. Individually and collectively we have so much to be thankful for. May you enjoy time with family and friends, partake in delicious food, and rest up for the whirlwind the coming weeks will be. Enjoy a few highlights from our past few weeks. Happy Thanksgiving, MJ!
Veteran's Day
Enjoy a recap of our school-wide recognition of those who do or have served in the armed forces.
Turkey Trot
We earned a Turkey Trot celebration and were so EXCITED to see our very own mascot, Jay Jay, take on a turkey in a foot race! Congrats to the turkey for his win!
Students also ran in a Turkey Trot of their own.
November Library Highlights
The library is literally the hub of our school. This has been a month of fun and educational activities with Mrs. Howard.
Multicultural Night
So many different countries were highlighted during our Multicultural Night! Thanks to those who shared information about customs, celebrations and food from their country of origin.
Family Resources
- Rituals and traditions create shared meaning in families and help to build strong connections. Learn more about the power of family traditions and rituals and how to implement them in your family here.
- If you're driving to your Thanksgiving festivities, check out one of these family-friendly podcasts to pass the time.
- Print out this list of Table Topic questions about gratitude and thankfulness to discuss at your dinner table.
- Try out one of these fun 42 Thanksgiving games for kids and families or maybe one of these 55 best Thanksgiving family movies to stream after the big meal.