Actionable Feedback
Observation, Feedback & coaching for School Administrators.
Target Audience
Overview & Essential Information
Workshop Overview
Abstract: Many variables affect student achievement. The variable with the largest and most durable effect size is instructional quality. Instructional quality is largely a product of the teacher’s skills, techniques, and approaches to teaching. These skills, techniques, and approaches are highly developable through skillful observation, feedback and coaching. Over time, school leaders, through skillful feedback and coaching, can create school cultures that attract and retain even more skillful teachers. And the cycle continues… to the great benefit of student learning.
Content Outline: This single-day professional learning experience will engage participants in the following:
- The evidence and rationale for the provision of skillful observation, feedback,, and coaching of teachers.
- Skills and strategies for increasing participants’ effectiveness at providing skillful observation, feedback, and coaching of teachers.
- Practice and immediate feedback on each participant’s observation, feedback, and coaching skills
- Resources and recommendations for continued study and skill development
Materials Provided:
- Artisan Teacher Observation Field Book
- The Artisan Teacher: A Field Guide to Skillful Teaching
- 7 Tools for Developing Teachers and Teaching
- Artisan Teacher Memory Jogger / Quick Reference Card
Essential Information
- Monday, January 31, 2022 (8:30am - 11:30am)
- Monday, January 31, 2022 (12:30pm - 3:30pm)
Follow-up Session (Everyone):
- Monday, March 7, 2022 (9:00am - 11:00am) * Via Zoom*
** Sign-in will begin 30 minutes prior to each session **
(includes a $40.00 material fee per participant):
$240.00 per person (for participants of partner districts in Madison & Champaign Counties -- due to grant dollars)
$330.00 per person (for any participants outside of Madison & Champaign Counties)
- Your preferred method of notetaking
- Personal device (laptop, iPad, Chromebook, etc.)
Cancellation Policy
Observation, Feedback, and Coaching Skills for Ohio School Administrators - Session A
Monday, Jan 31, 2022, 08:30 AM
2200 S US Highway 68, Urbana, Ohio, 43078
Observation, Feedback, and Coaching Skills for Ohio School Administrators - session B
Monday, Jan 31, 2022, 12:30 PM
2200 S US Highway 68 Urbana, Ohio, 43078
Observation, Feedback, and Coaching Skills for Ohio School Administrators - Follow-up Session
Monday, Mar 7, 2022, 09:00 AM
Madison-Champaign Educational Service Center
We work to serve!
Email: tandlsupport@mccesc.org
Website: mccesc.org
Location: 2200 S US Highway 68, Urbana, Ohio, 43078
Phone: 937-484-1557
Facebook: facebook.com/madison.champaign.esc
Twitter: @M_C_ESC