October 2020
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
In the United States, one in five students ages 12 to 18 report that they have experienced bullying at least one time throughout their schooling. Bullying and cyber-bullying can have long-lasting impacts on students' ability to perform in school and their social-emotional and mental health. For these reasons St. Lucie Public Schools is raising awareness to put an end to bullying and cyber-bullying. Please join us as we focus our efforts on the prevention and intervention of all forms of bullying and recognize October as National Bullying Prevention Month.
* U.S. Department of Education, July 2019
Unity Day - Kindness, Acceptance, Inclusion
Unity Day is a day when we can come together in one giant, ORANGE message of hope and support. This year's theme for Unity Day focuses on Kindness, Acceptance, and Inclusion to participate all that you have to do is wear and share the color orange. The color orange is vibrant and becomes a conversation starter, showing support for students who have been bullied and for bullying prevention.
Here are a few Suggestions to GO ORANGE:
- Wear something orange you already have, such as clothing, jewelry or accessories.
- Design your own inexpensive orange items, such as a bracelet made from construction paper or ribbon.
- Print and wear the "Why I'm Wearing Orange" badge to prompt conversations about Unity Day.
- Get involved online: post photos wearing orange and tag them #UnityDay2020.
Short Videos to Share with Students and Parents to prevent Cyberbullying
Stomp Out Bullying
St Lucie Public Schools SEL Department
St. Lucie Public Schools Bullying Prevention and Intervention
SEL Meet Up Circles Conversation Starters
· What do you think causes someone to become a bully?
· Do those who choose to bully others always recognize their own actions? Why or why not?
· What measures can we take to prevent online bullying?
· Do we have a responsibility to take action if we know bullying is taking place at school?
Why or why not?
· How can we help others recognize situations that involve bullying?
· What does it mean to ‘stand together’ against bullying?
· If we stand together against bullying and violence, then ...
· If class members do not stand together, what impact would this have on the classroom
· If I choose to be an inactive/passive bystander, then ...
· What makes us feel safe at school?
· Should we care about the safety of others at school? Why do you think that?
· What does a peaceful community look/sound/feel like?
· What might influence someone to change the way in which they treat others?
· If we develop respectful relationships, then …
· Describe a time that you were an upstander in a bullying situation.
· Think of two things you can do today to stop bullying in your school or community...
· What does it mean to have a respectful relationship with each other?
· What are some steps we can take to build a community of respect in our classroom?
· What is your definition of kindness? Give three examples of things kids your age can do to
be kind
· Who is the kindest person you know? What are some of his/her acts of kindness?
· What are three random acts of kindness that you can do at school?
· How can we apply this new thinking and learning to our relationships with peers at school
and beyond.
· Have you made any changes this week based on our discussions? Please share.
Resources for Educators, Students, and Parents
211 Community Helpline
A community helpline and crisis hotline that provides suicide prevention, crisis intervention, information, assessment, and referral to community services for people of all ages.