Waikari School Newsletter T3 Wk 4
Term 3, Week 4
Waikari School
Email: principal@waikari.school.nz
Website: https://waikari.school.nz
Location: 23 Princes Street, Waikari, New Zealand
Phone: (03)314 4250
Tumuaki Update
It has been a busy couple of weeks, as this newsletter will demonstrate - Red Nose Day, Building Projcts, and lots of interesting learning about Aotearoa New Zealand's Histories happening. Make sure you read some of the students' work in the newsletter -it is amazing what they have managed to accomplish - from Mihi's to Dressing Up and speaking in the role of a Famous New Zealander. It's been a fun few weeks in Weka and Kea class.
I have also had a busy few weeks filled with lots of learning as I step into this new role - and I must thank everyone who has answered my questions and offered support throughout the past few weeks, especially all of the local principals who have sent me emails or met with me to discuss things.
During our Flocktime this week I spoke with the children about the difference between Equality, Equity, and Inclusion. This is a tricky concept for tamariki to understand - however, we discussed this by looking at the image below. We discussed how all of us are different, we have different strengths and weaknesses and often need different things from the adults in our lives to support us. For me, I need help to catch the high rugby ball, as it makes me nervous - and for others, they might need help to hit a tennis ball. Sometimes a game might need to be changed or adjusted so that someone can join in and thats how we make sure everyone feels included and accepted for their differences. It was an interesting discussion that the students participated in brilliantly.
Last night our school BOT participated in training with Tom Scollard. The last time I participated in Board Training with Tom was when I was 16 a, student representative on my High School BOT. In some ways, it felt a little bit like I had travelled in a circle, as my experience on my High School BOT was one of the things that solidified my interest in teaching. Tom spoke to us about the role of Governance and Management and the relationship between both. One of my key takeaways from Tom was his belief that as humans we have 3 intrinsic needs;
- Sense of Identity
- Sense of Belonging
- Sense of Purpose
This has planted a seed in my head about our school. What is Waikari Schools Identity? How do we feel a sense of belonging in our Kura? What is our school's purpose?
Look out for the Skool Loop Message tomorrow which provides an opportunity for you to offer me feedback on these 3 questions and begin to build a positive future for our school.
On a final note, we have a lot of events in the coming weeks - and there is lots of information in this newsletter about them - so make sure you read it carefully and give the school office a ring if you're unsure.
Thanks to everyone,
Ngā Mihi Nui,
Phoebe Todd
Principal | Tuamuki
Waikari School
Attendance & Engagement
We are under new guidelines from the Ministry of Education for monitoring and reporting student absence from school.
It is very important that every day of absence is communicated to school. This can be done through Skool Loop or a phone call or email to the school Office.
If your child has reoccurring unexplained absences, then I will be phoning you for a quick korero and discussion around this.
Unjustified Absences:
- Explained (E) - explained reason (but unjustified and not within school policy)
- Truant (T) - unexplained or throw away reason
- Gone on Holiday (G) - holiday during Term time
- ? - no explanation provided
We thank you for your support in prioritising time at school for your tamariki and organising appointments and holidays outside of school hours.
7-A-SIDE - Year 4 - 8
Who: All Year 4 - 8 children
When: Wednesday 16th August (postponement - Friday 18th August)Where: Hurunui Collage
Leaving School: 9.20am
Returning: by 2.00pm
What to Bring: Make sure children have sensible sports shoes and a warm jacket to wear in between games. Lunch and drink bottle.
Supervision and Transport: Please let the school office know if you are able to provide transport and/or willing to supervise a team. (At this stage we are not sure which direction the school van will go - Seniors or Juniors - this will depend on how much parent/staff transport we have).
Ordering Lunch: Please see the information and link below for ordering lunch bags.
Hurunui Primary Schools Seven A-side - 16th August
Lunch Bag Pre-Orders - message from the Hurunui PTA
The Hurunui College PTA is looking forward to welcoming all the kids and supporters to the 7-A Side on Wednesday 16th August at Hawarden’s beautiful domain.
As usual we will have a canteen and we are taking lunch bag pre-orders now (which we thoroughly recommend), as a speedy way for your kids to get fed in the short lunch break, and to avoid the massive lunch time queue! The lunch bag is $6 and will include:
- 1 Sausage Sizzle
- Homemade muffin
- Mandarin/Apple
- Juice Box
- Extra sausage $2
For catering purposes we require the orders for the lunch bags only to be in and paid for by: Friday 11th August.
Please fill out this Google Form: https://forms.gle/tQUcajUXiQqF3Ach9 Hurunui College PTA account: 03 1582 0018757 - 00 (payment is to made directly to Hurunui College account)
At the Canteen we will have these items for sale (No pre orders required):
Sausage sizzle $2 Homemade muffin $2
Homemade choc chip cookie $1 Whittaker's Sante Chocolate bar $2
Mince Pies $3 Bottled Water $2
Juice Box $2 Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows $2.
Pam’s Coffee cart will be there, keeping the caffeine flowing.
- Lunch bag orders will be available to pick up by a school representative, from the Clubrooms, any time from 11, with the sausages ready in time for lunch.
Thank you for your orders and helping us to fundraise for our school, fingers crossed for some fine weather and good competition. Best wishes, The Hurunui College PTA
Timetable Below:
Hurunui Junior Games Day - Year 1 - 3
Who: All children Year 1 - 3
Where: Amuri School
When: Wednesday 16th August
Leaving School: 8.50am
Returning by: 2.00pm
Bring: Lunch, water bottle, sensible running shoes, and a warm jacket.
Transport: Please let us know if you are able to attend and provide transport. (At this stage we are not sure which direction the school van will go - Juniors or Seniors - this will depend on how much parent/staff transport we have)
Skate Trip
Who: Whole school
Where: Alpine Ice Skating Arena - Christchurch
Cost: F.A.S.T have kindly offered to fund this wonderful whole school opportunity. Thank you F.A.S.T
Transport: Parent vehicles plus school van. Please let the school office know if you are able to attend and provide transport there and back.
Permission Forums: Have been sent home.
Open Morning
From the Tamariki
Farewell to V.J
The Waikari School children and staff would like to wish V.J and his family all the best in their new chapter in the North Island.
Ko wai au?
The aim of the group is to tautoko (support) and whakatere (navigate) our rangatahi (young person). To give them mana and empower them to be able to make positive decisions and choices, so that they can become tātāriki (role models) for others. This roopu (group) supports tamariki in building their unique identity and sense of self.
We are looking forward to hearing about their shared experiences during this journey.
Waikari School came together to support Red Nose Day last Friday. With a red mufti day, some fun relay races and lots of red noses the Waikari tamariki really showed their PRIDE values. Together they raised $95 towards this worthwhile cause. Well done Waikari School!
So Many Red Noses
Millies - in her relay race
Hands up for Red Noses
Room Kea - Oral Language Challenge
Each Kea was given an important New Zealand character and a format to research. With this research they gave an oral presentation in the form of an interview. We all learnt so much from this and it was fun! ( Here are a few photos from the oral language presentation)
James as Ernest Rutherford
John as Bill Hamilton
Te Atawhai as Whina Cooper
Rosie as Kiri Te Kanawa
Tom as Peter Jackson
Macy as Jean Batten
Maddison as Mark Inglis
Peppa as Truby King
Will as Tim Wallis
Kea Writing
In the meantime we have been having some fun with some quick writes in the form of narrative personification. (Making an object seem like it is a person). Your challenge is to be the first to let the office know your guess.......(open to the Weka children).
Challenge 1
I AM A.........
I am a blue plastic odd shape with a spring that holds my two sides together.
I am in your mum's everyday life.
I hang upside down until someone uses me.
You open and close me about 8 times a week.
My mouth looks like a crocodile's mouth.
Kids play with me and use me as earrings.
When I get old I get fragile. I also break when you drive over me with your lawn mower.
What am I? By Macy
Challenge 2
I AM A...…......
I have an inside and an outside. I can be empty but not all the time. I apparently can come in all different colours. I am also very popular. Everybody at least has 8 copies of me. But everybody obviously has to have a favourite.
I would say I feel kind of hard and I am obviously very useful. I have a small slot on my side. I am smooth, and around my opening I have a curvy lip. I am constantly being rotated from left to right, up and down.
I myself, have struggled through the years because I have been a lot of different temperatures. On cold days people hold me for ages until I go cold. When I am empty I get carried to the kitchen which is when I submerge into hot bubbly water and I emerge squeaky clean. After I'm all dry people put me into a dark space which is kind of scary at first, but come on, I'm used to it now. I get used approximately 1 - 3 times a day. By Amelia
Room Weka - Embrace Our Early History
Traditional tiki were made from whale bones, whale teeth, pounamu, flax fibre or pāua shell.
Today, tiki can also be made from metal, glass, plastic, clay and other materials.
Tiki can be handed down from generation to generation as a family taonga (treasure).
By Aiden
Friday Sports
Netball and soccer was on the menu last Friday.
From the Staff
PRIDE Fortnightly Focus
If we have been caught being a 'Good Sport' in the classroom or in the playground, we have received a token for our Integrity Jar. Once our Jar is full we will get a school reward. Tamariki think it will take 4 weeks to get the jar full... what do you think?
Home Challenge
Is your child a 'Good Sport' at home? Send Phoebe or Caryn an email and let us know, they will receive 5 tokens for the Jar!
From the Office (Weekly Reminders)
- If your child is not going to be at school please contact the school before 9:00am.
School Bank Account
- Automatic payments are also welcome (weekly & fortnightly) and our Student Management system can also handle Payments in Advance.
School App
- Reminder to check Skoolloop regularly so see any updates from the teachers and the office.
Office Hours
- School office will be manned by Caryn from 9-9:30 and 1:30-3:00
Break Times
- 10:45-11:10 Morning Tea
- 12:45-1:20 Lunch
From the B.O.T
Building Projects
Policies & Procedures
- Waikari School uses SchoolDocs to maintain a comprehensive, up-to-date set of policies and procedures online. These policies and procedures follow guidelines and legislation and best practice, and have been tailored for our school.
- Policies being reviewed this term are:
Māori Educational Success,
Learning Support,
Learning Support Coordination,
Identify Learning Support
Gifted Learners.
- You can use the SchoolDocs website to participate in a review. https://waikari.schooldocs.co.nz/Logon.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f
Username: waikari
Password: pride
- To do this follow the instructions, we as a B.O.T really value your feedback.
Term 3 Calendar - 2023
- Wednesday 16th August - 7 aside Tournament - at Hurunui
- Wednesday 16th August - Junior Games at Amuri
- Thursday 17th August - Assembly at 2:30
- Wednesday 6th September - Alpine Ice - Christchurch
- Wednesday 13th September - KiwiSport Visit
- Wednesday 20th September - Pet Day & End of Term Assembly
From the Community
Hawarden A & P Show AGM
Tuesday 15th August 7.30 pm
Hawarden Bowling club
We look forward to seeing you there and welcome new ideas. Please stay for a drink and nibbles and a catch up with our show committee afterwards.