East Leyden Nardini Library
Hooked on Books Newsletter--November 2020
Mrs. Caneva, East Leyden Librarian
Hello, November!
It's November in the library, and for those taking an English and/or Literacy class, I hope you're well into your SSR books. It's American Indigenous Peoples' Heritage Month, and Mrs. Caneva has developed a presentation and a book talk to learn more about their heritage, the Truth about Thanksgiving, and Indigenous authors. November 11th is Veterans' Day, and we also have a great display that features nonfiction and fiction books about soldiers. And last but certainly not least, if you're 18 or over--don't forget to vote!!
American Indigenous Peoples' Heritage Month
November is American Indigenous Peoples' Heritage Month (also known as Native American Heritage Month). Teachers, ask Mrs. Caneva to pop in your classrooms to present about Indigenous authors and more resources about American Indigenous history. Here is a great link to learn more about American Indigenous Peoples' Month. I also penned an op-ed about the real truths of the European American and American Indigenous People. Read it if with this link if you are interested.
Veterans' Day
November 11th is a day that we set aside to honor our veterans that serve in the military. We have many amazing books about soldiers in the library. Check one out today!
Want to Check Out a Book? Here are the Details!!
We are keeping the process the same for students who attend school in-person and for those who attend school remotely.
If you place a book on hold in Destiny, Mrs. Shuipys will package it for you and bring it down to Entrance 22. The hours for pick-up and book return are as follows:- 7:30 am- 8:15 am
- 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Here is a link to our physical book catalog, Destiny.
Here is a link to Sora, our online catalog.
Don't forget to fill out the materials pick-up sheet as well. Here is that form for students.
Watch the video below for how to check out a book!!
How to Check out a Book!!
Librarian's Office Hours
Need help with research, reading, and/or writing? Visit Mrs. Caneva during her daily office hours from 2:00-3:15pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays. Here is the link: https://meet.google.com/krc-xczm-nfq
Blog with Us!
#leydenpride, we'd love to hear from you on our blog--Leyden212writes! In the spring, we had a lot of writers post about their thoughts on the pandemic and wishes for a return to school. Now, we have a new set of questions for you to share your writing on. We can't wait to read what you have written! The link is below.
Read a Magazine with Flipster
Here's a video of how to access magazines via Flipster.
Username: eagles@212
Password: leyden@212
Click this link to access our Flipster.
Research with our Databases
Calling all teachers! Contact Mrs. Caneva for a database lesson. She can create a video or hop in your classes to teach research skills with a variety of databases.
Current Events through Discovery Ed
Keep up with current events with Discovery Ed. Here's a tutorial on how to use it!
Text Sets for Teachers
Hey teachers, how about a ready-made text set that fits your course? Did I mention that you won't need to take the time to find the resources? Contact me, and I'll pull together a mighty text set for you and your students.
Here are some examples:
Leyden Students, Staff, and Faculty can access NYT for FREE!!!
While we are in a remote setting, you can access the New York Times for free! Teachers, just click on this link below to enroll your students: https://www.nytimes.com/initiative/highschoolaccess
Ask the Librarian
Just click on this link to ask me a question. I'm here for you!!
Lincoln Titles 2020-2021
Here's a link to Lincoln Award Nominees for 2020-2021. You'll get to vote in 2021 for your favorites. You have to read 4 or more books in order to vote. Place a hold now!!
Library Schoology Group
Join our Schoology Group for updates and resources galore! We'd love to collaborate with you on this platform as well.
Access Code: FDFN4--C8RVV
Contact Librarian Gina Caneva
Email: gcaneva@leyden212.org
Website: https://www.leyden212.org/domain/722
Location: 3400 Rose Street, Franklin Park, IL, USA
Phone: (847) 541-3000
Twitter: @E_LeydenLibrary