MonthLea Update
November 2024 Edition

Greetings from Principal Snyder
October has been a wonderfully busy month filled with learning and joy at our school! We celebrated with an ice cream social for our middle school academy as part of our DOJO incentive program. Our K-5 students enjoyed a special picnic pizza lunch with me after winning our raffle with bulldog bucks. We are thrilled to have the recess yard repainted by our Home & School Association. A heartfelt thank you goes out to Ms. Hanlon, our Essentials teachers, and the Home & School Association for their hard work in coordinating a fantastic Fall Field Day. The excitement of our Fall Parties and book character dress-up days truly brought our community together in celebration of creativity and learning.
Thank you for your continued support! This coming month we have many activities and trip planned, please read the update carefully.
November Event Dates
Mark Your Calendar
Caregiver Café: Fridays
11/1: Picture Day
11/6: 2nd Grade Zoo Trip
11/7: MSA 3rd Floor Movie Incentive
11/8: Anti-Violence Assembly (Grades 3-8)
11/11-11/15: Art Fair
11/13: World Kindness Day
11/13: School Advisory Council (6-7:30pm in the Library)
11/15: Report Card Conferences (Full Day) - No School for Students
11/25: Thanksgiving Turkey Distribution (CCCP)
11/25: Franklin Institute Trip (4th & 5th Grade)
11/26: Multicultural Feast
11/27: Early Dismissal Half Day
11/28 & 11/29: No School
Instructional Corner
Report Card Conferences
Reading Instruction
All students now have access to our interactive online literacy programs. Students in Kindergarten through 3rd grade and in our Autistic Support classes will use Lexia while students in 4th - 8th grades will use Achieve3000. Both programs provide equitable learning opportunities for all students through an adaptive blended learning model that offers personalized reading instruction. This approach allows educators to deliver differentiated literacy instruction to students of all abilities. Students will use these programs in school during their literacy block.
Math Instruction
I-Ready Math is an online Math intervention program for students of all ages. It provides personalized instruction and learning support. We use I-Ready Math during our Math Block. Students take a diagnostic test at the start of the program. The results of the test help create a differentiated program to meet your child's individual needs. Your child should spend 60 minutes on I-Ready a week and complete at least 2 lessons every week.
Special Education: November is Epilepsy Awareness Month
November: Epilepsy Awareness Month
Date: November 1-November 30 Color/Symbol: Purple Ribbon Purpose: Epilepsy awareness month. Is a month-long campaign in November that aims to raise awareness about epilepsy and seizures, educate the public, and fight social stigma. NE AM also provides an opportunity to honor people. With epilepsy and their caregivers, and to remember those who have died from sudden unexpected death and epilepsy. (SUDEP) Definition: Epilepsy is a neurological disorder which causes seizures through electrical impulses occurring in the brain. It is the fourth most common neurological disorder. Epilepsy affects 50 million people worldwide. In the U.S., 1 out of 26 people are affected. A person is considered to have epilepsy if they meet any of the following conditions:
Multilingual Learners
Multilingual Families: If you would like language interpretation for Family/ Teacher Conferences or the School Advisory Council meeting on Nov. 13, please email Ms. Cesarini at ecesarini@philasd.org by November 11 and she will request an interpreter for you from the school district. If you need interpretation for the HSA meeting on November 6, please email her by Nov. 1.
Climate & Culture: LEAding by Example Always
Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe
We continue to practice respect, responsibility, and safety at school. Our DOJO incentive at the beginning of this month was an ice cream social. The winner of the bulldog bucks drawing participated in pizza with the principal. Please continue to support our effects in keeping learning at the forefront by reenforcing our norms.
Cell Phone Policy
At Henry C. Lea, we understand the importance of students having cell phones for communication and safety reasons. Unfortunately, cell phones also present a large distraction in school as students send text messages, use social media, take photographs, and record videos of one another. I ask that you reiterate to your students the importance of focusing on school while they are at school. Please remind your student to shut off and put away their cell phone. If you need to get ahold of your student during the day, please feel free to call the main office.
Inclement Weather Admissions/Dismissal
- Pre-K: Pre-K families will enter the building from the Main Entrance and drop their student(s) off in their classrooms (103 & 105).
- K - 3: Drop your child off at the auditorium entrance in the image below.
- 4th - 5th: Big school yard entrance in the image below.
- 6th - 8th: Cafeteria Entrance
- AS Classes + K - 3: Auditorium Entrance
- 4th - 5th: Playground Entrance Entrance
- 6th - 8th: Cafeteria Entrance
Meet Our School Counselors
Meet Mr. Hollenbach (Serves K-5)
What do you like most about being a school counselor? I love the school community at Lea. I enjoy helping our students through sometimes difficult situations, and am impressed every day by our student's good attitudes, kindness and senses of humor. Having been here for 8 years now, it has been a pleasure to watch our students grow as they progress through the grades.
What can families reach out to you about? I am always available to students and families. Please reach out if you are looking for support in school, need out of school resources such as counseling or help with housing or food insecurity, or just to say hi!
Meet Ms. Alicia (Serves 6-8)
Tell Us a Fun Fact: I love anime and video games and have tons of anime and video game related tattoos, merchandise, and even a club here at Lea!
What do you like most about being a school counselor? I love being a school counselor because it allows me to build unique relationships and support the many parts of a student that oftentimes cannot be achieved in a classroom setting. I also enjoy working with students 1-on-1, helping them find their own solutions and witnessing them discover their strengths!
What can families reach out to you about? high school selection, summer jobs, sensitive topics, community resources, academic, social-emotional & career-related questions or concerns & more!
Caregiver Cafe
The Caregiver Café program of Henry C. Lea School is a weekly meeting of Lea parents, guardians, and caregivers hosted in Cafeteria A from 9:15–10:45 am on Friday mornings during the winter months.
We are tentatively scheduled to begin Caregiver Café meetings on Friday, 12/6, and will confirm the start date in the weeks ahead. Please use this link or the attached QR code to RSVP for Caregiver Café meetings this school year: https://tinyurl.com/lea-caregiver-cafe-RSVP-24-25
The Caregiver Café is a support group for the parents, guardians, and caregivers of Lea students. The group discusses topics of interest to Lea caregivers at each weekly meeting, and ALL Lea parents, guardians, and caregivers are welcome and encouraged to attend!
Multicultural Feast
Our multicultural feast will take place on November 26th. We are excited to host on every floor. Families are welcome to bring in dishes that reflects their home culture. This community event can be attended by any members of the Lea School Community. More details will be coming out closer to the event, but please mark your calendars.
Nurse's Corner
Wishing everyone a healthy and happy month! Thank you everyone for your help with keeping our school healthy and safe for everyone. Here are some reminders as we approach the new month:
- If your child saw Eagles Eye last year and needs replacement eyeglasses; please see the attached flyer on how to order the replacement. Here is the link to the website: How to order replacement eyeglasses
- If your child had any recent serious surgeries/procedures/injuries/illness, the school nurse must be notified and a note from the doctor must be provided stating when the child can return to school and describing any limitations or special needs prior to returning to the classroom. Possible modifications to school schedule, physical activity, and mobility in the school should be evaluated. This is for your child's safety and so we can ensure all safety measures are taken to protect your child in advance.
- Please provide the school nurse with a copy of your child's updated physicals, dental exams, immunizations to ensure compliance.
- Mandated screenings are taking place which include height, weight, vision and hearing tests, if you would like to opt out your child from having this test or have questions, please notify the school nurse.
- If your child has Asthma, Severe allergies, Seizure Disorder, ADHD, Diabetes, any other medical condition(s) requiring medication while at school such as Albuterol, Epi-Pen, Seizure medicine, Insulin, ADHD medicine, etc- please complete the S865 form to provide consent, have the doctor complete the Medication Administration form and the applicable Action Plan, and provide the medicine with proper labeling from the pharmacy.
- Parents/guardians should notify the school or school nurse if their child is diagnosed with any contagious illness.
- If your child is sick, keep your child home until their symptoms are not present or have improved and they have no diarrhea, vomiting or fever (without taking fever-reducing medications) for at least 24 hours.
- If your child tested positive for COVID-19, please notify the school nurse. The student will need to wear a mask for 5 days while in school.
I am grateful to have the privilege to serve your children and help in aligning with you to ensure their wellness this school year. Please feel free to reach me if you have any questions.
Ways to reach your school nurse:
- Come to the health office anytime from 9am-9:15am
- Call 215-400-7660 and select the option for the nurse.
- Email the nurse at schadha@philasd.org
- Leave the documents directly in the nurse mailbox in the main office
Upcoming Field Trips
For our field trips this year, payment will go through the School District of Philadelphia payment link. Please click below.
All chaperones need to have completed the volunteer training and have completed clearnances on file with the school. We have database of all approved volunteers. Feel free to reach out to your student's teacher to ensure you have all the proper paperwork to attend a field trip.
November 6th - 2nd Grade Zoo Trip
November 25th - 4/5 Grade Franklin Institute Trip
December 2nd - 3rd Grade Franklin Institute Trip
December 9th - MSA Franklin Institute Trip
Volunteering at Lea
To serve as a volunteer, you must complete each step of the school’s volunteer registration process outlined in the Volunteer Registration Checklist linked here: https://tinyurl.com/lea-volunteer-checklist-24-25
For NEW volunteers, the first step in the process is attending a Volunteer Orientation Training with Lea's Family and Community Committee, which are provided throughout the school year. See below for the dates, times, and locations of trainings, and use this link to RSVP for a training: https://tinyurl.com/lea-volunteer-rsvp-24-25
Thursday October 17 from 9:00–10:30 am in Cafeteria A
Tuesday October 22 from 4:30–6:00 pm in the Library
Tuesday November 12 from 9:00–10:30 am in Cafeteria A
Tuesday November 19 from 4:30–6:00 pm in the Library
Tuesday January 14 from 9:00–10:30 am in Cafeteria A
Tuesday January 21 from 4:30–6:00 pm in the Library
Tuesday April 1 from 9:00–10:30 am in Cafeteria A
Tuesday April 8 from 4:30–6:00 pm in the Library
If you have any questions about volunteering at Lea, please contact Lea’s Family and Community Committee at lea.fac.committee@gmail.com.
Lea Partnerships
Lea School Library
- Our school library programming is going strong! Homeroom classes visit the library every other week on a Week A/Week B schedule, and students can check out 2 books every time they visit. Check our Library Schedule to see when your child’s class visits the library, and please remind your child to bring their books back to school every 2 weeks so they can return their books and check out new ones!
- Lea School Library programming is made possible by our community partners! WePAC volunteers and Penn Libraries staff manage our library, and A Book A Day donates new books for the library collection each month. A big shout-out and thank you to our library volunteers and specials teachers for making our first month of library programming a success!
- If you are interested in serving as a library volunteer, please contact Lea’s Family and Community Committee at lea.fac.committee@gmail.com.
- Our library partner, A Book A Day, is a West Philadelphia-based nonprofit organization that donates newly published children’s books to local schools and community-based organizations. Eight new, quality hardcover books are delivered to our library every month, and since the beginning of the program in October 2014, ABAD has donated over 1,300 new hardcover books to the libraries of Lea and PAS alone! See this flyer and this flyer for the book donations for August and September!
PennSmiles Mobile Dental Clinic
- The PennSmiles Mobile Dental Clinic from the Penn School of Dental Medicine provides complete dental care for every child at Henry C. Lea School whose family completes and submits a PennSmiles permission form, which were sent home during the first week of school, and can be found in the Lea Health Office (Nurse's Office, Room 123) or the Main Office.
- The parent/guardian of the student must fill out, sign, and return the permission form to their child’s homeroom teacher, the Lea school nurse, or the nurse's mailbox in the Main Office.
Partner and Program Directory
Our school’s Program and Partner Directory has information about school programming as well as a wide variety of partner program offerings: https://tinyurl.com/lea-program-directory. If you have any questions about partner programming, please contact our Director of Community Partnerships, Rich Liuzzi (rjliuzzi@gse.upenn.edu)
Out of School Time (After School Programming)
Garden Club
We meet on Thursdays from 4:00-5:00. We will work together to plan, plant, and harvest food and flowers, as well as care for our 6 chickens.
Right now, Ms. Cesarini will pick you up in the cafeteria at 4:00, and your families should pick you up at 5:00 PM. Currently, we have a limit of 15 students, but please tell Ms. Cesarini and Ms. Arttia if you are interested and we will include you or add you to our wait list.
This year, we earned a grant from Whole Foods, plus a new Community Compost Station for our neighborhood. We will use these tools to expand our Lea Community Garden, start a seed library, and teach more people about gardening.
Student Council
Student Council Applications are open for 24-25. Please visit our Lea Student Council Website for more information. Applications are due November 8, and elections will be held during the first week of December.
For more information, please read the one pager in English, Bangla, Arabic, French, Spanish, and Chinese
We have new compost bins donated by Farm Philly and Philadelphia Parks and Recreation. If you are interested in helping us make our own compost, please email ecesarini@philasd.org. In the meantime, if you have bags of leaves from our beautiful West Philly trees, consider stacking the bags in the open bins next to the garden so we have plenty of "browns" for our "greens" through the winter, spring, and summer.
School Advisory Council
Home & School Association
Mark your calendars for our Chil-Lea Cook-Off! Join our Fall Fami-Lea Gathering by purchasing tickets, submitting your own homemade chili for prizes, or even sponsoring the event! Everyone is welcome, so please spread the word far and wide, and be sure to join us November 23, 2-4 pm. See https://www.leahomeandschool.com/blog for more information and to purchase tickets!
Supporting Lea - Thank You!
Since the summer, 634 titles have been added to our catalog in the library. Thank you for all the volunteers who work to keep our school stocked with high interest books for students!
HSA - Yard Paining
Thank you to our Home & School Association for planning our yard painting for our recess yard. We are grateful for all the volunteers who showed up for this event!
Dr. Watlington's Facilities Listen Tour
Saturday, November 16, 9am – 11am
Southwest CDC, 6328 Paschall Avenue
School District of Philadelphia Policy Highlight
Each day in school is a valuable opportunity for learning, and we want to ensure that every student is present at least 90% of the time. We’ve been monitoring attendance, and we’re pleased to report that many grades are doing well! Please take a moment to look at the chart below to see how each grade is performing. Your support in encouraging consistent attendance helps us create a positive learning environment for all students.
Lost & Found
We collect items that are lost in the cafeteria. On Fridays, items are brought out to the big yard for families to look over to find missing items.
School Calendars
Lea Academic Calendar: https://tinyurl.com/lea-academic-calendar-24-25
The Lea Academic Calendar is a Google document for sharing scheduling information for Henry C. Lea School, the School District of Philadelphia, and Lea partner programs with Lea students, families, staff, and partners. This calendar outlines each month of the academic year, and is best used for long-term planning, such as checking what is happening at Lea over the course of the upcoming weeks and months.
Lea Family Calendar: https://tinyurl.com/lea-family-calendar
The Lea Family Calendar is an online Google Calendar for sharing scheduling information for Henry C. Lea School, the School District of Philadelphia, and Lea partner programs with Lea students, families, staff, and partners. This calendar is updated regularly and is best used for short-term planning, such as checking what is happening at Lea during the current school day or week.
Contact Info
Henry C. Lea Elementary
Principal: Julia SnyderAsst. Principal: Jason Benfield
Climate Manager: Nicole Walker
Main Office: Ms. Baxter, 215-400-7660
Location: 4700 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139