Jackson Jaguars ROAR!
---------------------September 2023-------------------------
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From the Principal...
This has been the start of what is expected to be a tremendous school year. Thank you to those of you who were able to attend our Back to School Night on August 31st. It is so important for families and schools to work together to support students with their learning. If you were unable to attend, you will have the chance to talk with your child(ren)'s classroom teacher at Parent/Teacher Conferences during the final week of October.
I would also like to thank the drivers in the Kiss N Go Lane. This year, we have seen a remarkable difference in the flow of traffic. Thank you!
Those of you who come late to school or during the day to pick up/drop off a students, remember to park your car in the parking lot. The yellow curb is a fire lane and must not be parked in. Thank you!
I look forward to a terrific, new school year and as always, if you need anything, please call, email, or ClassDojo me, your classroom teacher(s), Social Worker, Counselor, Academic & Behavior Interventionist, etc. Together, we will make a difference!
Thank you,
Sara Miller, Principal
Upcoming Events
- September 4th:
- September 14th at 4:15:
- September 16th 10:00am (arrival at 9:15):
Coronado Homecoming Parade
- September 20th @ 5:00 (link below)
PTO meeting on WebEx
- September 22nd:
NO SCHOOL-Professional Development Day
Title 1 Funding Needs You!
As part of the Healthy School Meals For All (HSMA) program, all students who attend a public school that D11 FNS provides meals for as part of the National School Lunch program will have access to free breakfast (at the schools that provide breakfast meals) and lunch.
Families who qualify for free or reduced meals are strongly encouraged to complete the Meal Benefits Application. It can provide additional benefits to you and your school in the form of fee waivers and additional school funding.
You will be notified by email of your child's status. Please update your contact information and email address at your school.
CEP Schools
If ALL of your students attend one or more of these schools, you will NOT need to list your social security number on the Meal Benefits Application.
Coronado Homecoming Parade
Saturday, September 16th at 10:00am
Please join us for the Coronado Homecoming Parade on Saturday, September 16th at 10:00am (arrive at 9:15am). The exact street location is yet to be determined by Coronado, but we will let you know as soon as possible.
Students should wear Jackson attire. Staff will walk with the students down the parade route while families cheer us on from the parade route. Parents/Guardians will meet us at Bancroft Park.
Governor Polis Visited Jackson
Governor Jared Polis visited Jackson's PreSchool program(s) on Tuesday, August 29th. He played with the students in Ms. Bridgette's class and read The Color Monster to Mrs. Henderlong's class.
As he was walking through the building, he was given the opportunity to meet with a class of 1st graders and 4th graders before leaving. It was an honor of have Governor Polis at Jackson Elementary!
Governor Polis answers questions from the press.
4th graders got the chance to meet with the Governor.
Governor Polis read "The Color Monster" to Mrs. Henderlong's class.
Governor Polis asked students about their feelings while he read.
Governor Polis played with Ms. Bridgette's students.
A student brought Governor Polis a car to play with.
Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO)
September 20th at 5:00pm PTO Meeting link
An Update About Attendance with Ms. Kahrs
Hello! My name is Kyla Kahrs, and I am the new Attendance and Behavior Interventionist here at Jackson. My job this year is to help make sure that as many students as possible are in school on time, every day.
When students aren’t in school, they aren’t learning the academic, social, and emotional skills they need to be successful in life.
Ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a rise in chronic absences to almost double the pre-pandemic numbers. Some of this is due to anxiety, depression, or other mental health concerns. These students are at risk of not being able to read by third grade and dropping out before graduating high school.
Colorado law states that:
· Every child between the ages of 6 and 17 years old must attend school regularly.
· A student with more than 4 unexcused absences in any one month or 10 unexcused absences in any school year is deemed “Habitually Truant”.
· When a student is absent 10% or more of the days, excused or unexcused, they are considered chronically absent.
· Absences must be called in within 48 hours. 719-328-5813.
· Illnesses of 3 or more days require a doctor’s note.
· Special circumstances must be prearranged through the Principal, Sara Miller.
Colorado Springs District 11 Board Policies also state:
· Any elementary student grades K-5 who is tardy 20 or more minutes will be counted absent for the morning.
There are also guidelines for what is referred to as “educational neglect”. They include:
· 5 absences in one month without an attempt to change the problem.
· Failure to follow through with treatment for a child’s diagnosed learning disorder or other special education need without reasonable cause
· Ongoing failure to provide a child with the resources and environment they need to learn.
Truancy may result in consequences such as an attendance contract, other discipline, and/or referral to the local court system.
We at Jackson want to work with families to break down the barriers to being at school, on time.
If your student is having trouble attending school, or if there is a problem with getting your student to school, please contact me at 719-328-7175 or kyla.kahrs@d11.org.
Thank you,
Kyla Kahrs
Academic & Behavior Interventionist
Musically Speaking with Mr. Miller
Music Class is off to a great start this year. Each grade has learned several new songs and games already! Ask your child to sing some of those songs for you. In addition, each grade has learned a lot about what makes music. Ask your child to explain the different parts of music and how those parts make music more exciting.
Important Dates:
Friday, November 10th 6:00pm– 5th Grade Musical (Ferguson & Sanchez)
Friday, April 19th 6:00pm– 3rd Grade Recorder Concert (Gardner & Morton)
Instrumental News:
Both the Band and Orchestra are off to a great beginning. The Band/Orchestra winter concert will be Thursday, Dec. 14th at 6:00pm, and the spring concert will be Thursday, May 9th at 6:00pm.
Thank you all for the encouragement you give your students in appreciating music.
Musically yours,
Mr. Miller
Media Moments with Mrs. Sobecki
Welcome back to a new school year at Jackson Elementary Media Center! We have been busy in the library!
By this time all students should have a device checked out and these devices are staying at school. We have started checking out library books.
- The Kinder-2nd graders can check out one book for one week.
- The 3rd-5th graders can check out two books for two weeks.
Welcome to Mr. Jared!
Mr. Jared is helping us this year in the Media Center with library and technology support. Thank you Mr. Jared!
Kids Collection on Display
We will offer the students the opportunity to display their collections from home in the Media Center display cases. The students really enjoy sharing their collections with their classmates and the display cases are locked.
To sign up call Mrs. Sobecki (719-328-5824) or send an email to rhonda.sobecki@d11.org.
Please help make this a special way to let your child share their interest or hobby at school. I would like to thank Ms. Kahrs for sharing her collection in September.
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library Free for 0–4 Year-Olds
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is available to all 0-4 Year Olds that live in zip code 80907. (There are more zip codes available, and you can call me – 719-328-5824 - to check if your zip code is eligible.)
The Imagination Library will send every child a free book every month! To apply, just stop by the Jackson Media Center and I can give you the application or the QR code to apply.
Happy Reading for our little friends!
Little Library Available at Jackson Elementary
Please feel free to see what books are available in our Little Library out front of Jackson! You can also leave a book that you have finished for the next person.
Time with the Social Worker
Welcome to a new school year! My name is Mrs. Ruiz and I am the School Social Worker at Jackson. Feel free to reach out to our School Counselor or myself for any needs you might have. Here are a few resources that you might be interested in. Please check Dojo, as I will be posting resources as they become available. Let's have a great year!
The start of a school year can be a tough time for youth. Speaking to a therapist can make transitioning into the new academic year easier. If you know someone who might benefit from free therapy sessions, visit IMatterColorado.org to get started.
Need help with resources? 2-1-1 can help.
Dial 2-1-1 or (866) 760-6489 toll free
Text your ZIP CODE to 898-211*
*Standard message and data rates may apply.
Search the online database or live chat with a resource specialist in English or in Spanish
https://www.211colorado.org/Finally, it is time for everyone in Colorado to renew their Medicaid/CHP+
Leslie Clinite Ruiz, LCSW, MA
School Social Worker
Jackson Elementary School
Se Habla Español
(719) 328-5836 Desk
(719) 328-5800 Jackson Main office
(719) 328-5813 Attendance
Jackson Elementary School
Email: sara.miller@d11.org
Website: https://www.d11.org/Domain/37
Location: 4340 Edwinstowe Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Phone: 719-328-5800