Head's Highlights
September 6, 2024
Where Learning Comes First
Principal's Post
Dear Head Community,
I want to say a special congratulations to our Teacher of the Year, Aishah Cochran! Ms. Cochran is a wonderful educator who will represent Head well. Next week is Grandparents' Week. Please see the schedule below for the day/time of your child's special lunch. We cannot wait to see all of our special visitors! Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the cooler temps.
PTA News You Can Use
Thank you to all who have joined the PTA so far this school year, we are off to a great start with nearly 200 members! Memberships can be purchased online using the following link:
Classes with 100% PTA membership (1 membership per student) will earn a popsicle party! Please be sure to enter your student and teacher name when purchasing your membership.
We've got SPIRIT! Spiritwear that is! Gear up for the school year using the following link. Orders will be shipped directly to your home.
Head Elementary School Online Store
Looking for a way to get involved? Would you like to help our teachers get a much deserved break? Please consider volunteering as a Lunch Helper.
Ice Cream will be sold in the Cafeteria for $1 during both Grandparent Luncheon days.
The lunch schedule is below.
Media Center:
From the Cafeteria:
Attention Parents- a reminder from the cafeteria:
Parents please be mindful of the balance in your child’s account. These accounts are meant to work as a prepay system, therefore keeping charges to a minimum.
Those students with free or reduced meal status from last year must renew their application every year. Current benefits will run out on Monday, September 16th. Please do not wait until the last minute to get your application in. The application must be processed and approved by September 16th and that process can take up to 10 business days. Online applications can be accessed at gwinnett.nlappscloud.com
If you have already done this process, thank you. You can check the status of your application at admin.nlappscloud.com/StatusLookup?districtId=1626
If you allow your benefits to run out, your child’s status automatically goes to full pay and you will be responsible for any charges occurred doing the time of no benefits.
If you have questions about your student’s account, you may call Doris Brewer, Cafeteria Manager at 770-736-4512. Thank You
Digital Learning Day - Friday, September 20
Friday, September 20 is the first GCPS Digital Learning Day. All students will learn from home, completing work assigned by their teachers. This newsletter provides you with some guidance and reminders as you prepare for DLD.
We encourage you to make sure your child is ready for DLD before September 20th. This will make the morning of the Digital Learning Day smoother for everyone!
Does your child know how to log in to the Student Portal?
Has your child joined the necessary Google Classrooms?
- Most of our students have done this in their regular classroom.
- Parents cannot join a GCPS Google Classroom.
- If your child is using a home device for DLD, have they logged into their Student Portal and Google account prior to DLD?
- Have you added your child's GCPS Google account to any personal devices?
- If planning to use a tablet (iPad, Kindle, etc...) for DLD, have you downloaded all the necessary apps?
Digital Learning Day Guide for Families: https://www.smore.com/70u5c
Stay Connected - A Technology Guide for Head Elementary Parents: https://secure.smore.com/n/7wm9u
Head Elementary's International Night
We are looking for families to share elements of their culture for International Night on Thursday, October 3 from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM.
We are looking for people to represent their culture or country who will:
🌏 Perform songs or dances
🌏 Dress in traditional clothing
🌏 Cook and serve food from their culture
🌏 Read a book or tell a story
🌏 Share crafts, artwork, or create a display
If you are interested in participating, please complete this form in ParentSquare by Friday, September 27.
Please email kelly.mraz@gcpsk12.org with any questions.
Connecting With the Community
Book it for the bus! The GCPS Book Mobile 5K and Fun Run will be held on Saturday, November 2, at the GCPS Instructional Support Center, located at 437 Old Peachtree Road, NW, in Suwanee.
This Book Mobile 5K and Fun Run will raise funds to purchase new books for the Book Mobile program, putting books in students’ hands. A family-friendly atmosphere before and after the race features door prizes, snacks, music, and more!
Learn more and find a link to register here: https://bit.ly/3XjEvhw
Looking AHEAD
Upcoming Events
9/10 - Grandparents' Luncheon Grades 1,4,2
9/10 - Cub Scouts Round Up in the Cafe at 7:00 PM
9/11 - Grandparents' Luncheon Grades 5,3,K
9/13 - Crazy Hair Day
9/13 - Back to School Dance at BHS 6:30 - 8:00 PM
9/17 - Dogwood Pizza Night
9/18 - All Pro Dads 7:15 AM
9/20 - Digital Learning Day