Windom Schools Community Newsletter
By: Jamie Frank, Superintendent

Windom Eagle Families,
Fall is in the air! Welcome back, Windom students! As we prepare for a new school year, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the challenges our community faced this summer. The flood that affected our area brought with it many trials, but it also revealed the strength and resilience that define us as Windom. This summer many of you lent a helping hand, offered support, and showed compassion to those in need. Your hard work demonstrated to the spirit of our district and community for all students to see.
As we return to school, let's carry forward the lessons we've learned from this experience. Let's remember that together, we can overcome any obstacle and that the bonds we've strengthened through adversity will continue to grow in the years to come. Sandbagging and cleanup efforts taught our students first hand what it means to give of ourselves, to unite as one, and do everything in our power to overcome the obstacle.
Thank you for your dedication to our community and your unwavering commitment to our schools. We look forward to a year of learning, growth, and community.
Welcome back Windom Eagles! Let's SOAR!
Jamie Frank
Upcoming Dates:
August 27 at 6pm Orientation for 7th & 8th Grade
August 28 at 6pm Orientation for 5th & 6th Grade
August 28 at 7pm Orientation for 9th-12th Grade
September 3 & 4 Entrance Conferences for Grades PreK-4 (watch for packets in the mail)
September 3 - First Day of School for Grades 5-12
September 5 - First Day of School for Grades PreK-4
Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus our new student information system. Please watch your email inbox for directions to log into the parent and student portals. This is where parents will check accuracy in contact information, register for the new school year, check grades, schedules, lunch balances, fees, and the like.
Please make sure that your contact information is up to date so that you receive emergency messages and progress reports from teachers. We were able to transfer most information from Skyward so we ask that you review the information, update any changes, and add new emergency contacts.
If you have difficulties, please contact the office at 831-6910 or grogotzke@isd177.com
Home Field Advantage
Windom Schools has been fortunate to play baseball and football at Island Park for decades. We thank the Baseball Association for the care they've given the field to make it beautiful for our players over the years. Unfortunately, the flood damaged the park and it will not be usable this fall for our football program.
Many options were explored when determining a location for football and soccer games this fall. Options included playing our home games in St. James or Worthington, playing in the outfield at the Rec Center, and playing inside the track at school. Ultimately, we decided to relocate the field events from inside the track (long jump, triple jump, high jump, and pole vaulting) to outside of the track. This will allow football and soccer to play at home, in Windom, this fall. This was at little to no cost to the school due to community members volunteering time, materials, and equipment. For this, we are extremely appreciative and humbled by their acts of kindness.
Thank you to:
Staples Oil Co., Inc.
Kulseth Lawn Landscaping and Concrete
GDF Bobcat
Ag Builders
Negen Construction LLC
Balzer Inc.
Johnson Engineering Group, LLC
Windom Eagle Booster Club
Windom Fire Department
Jacob Johnson, Windom Schools Activities Director
City of Windom
Windom School Buildings and Grounds Crew
A long-term plan is also being discussed with an engineering and architectural firm. As recommendations and costing become available, we will share with the community for comments.
Bridges Preschool for Fours is FREE for ALL!
Windom Schools received funding from the state of MN for Voluntarily PreK! We are now able to offer 4 year old preschool for free! If your child will be four years old by September, 1, 2024, now is a great time to enroll him/her in preschool. Please call 831-6910 or email Caitlin at cgilbertson@isd177.com to register.
See you soon, Windom Eagles!
Learning. Leading. Excelling. Together!