September Family Newsletter
Hello Epworth Elementary Families,
Thank you for your support as children have transitioned back to school. It has been a great start to the 2022-23 school year and I am excited to see all the learning and growing that will happen this year. The first few weeks of school have been very busy. Kids are wrapping up beginning of the year assessments, learning expectations in the classroom and in common areas, and have been engaged in a variety of lessons.
Each month we will have an assembly to bring a focus to the positive behaviors that we see around Epworth Elementary School. The first part of these assemblies will be to award three trophies to classes that model excellent behavior in the lunchroom, during specials, and at recess. September's winners where Mrs. Griner's 3rd grade (lunchroom), Mrs. Wagner's 5th grade (specials), and Mrs. Kramer's 1st grade (recess). The final part of our assembly allows us to recognize 2-3 individual students from each classroom and announce a specific positive behavior they have demonstrated. I am so proud of how hard our kids are working at being ROAR students.
Wednesday we kicked off Bobcat time here at Epworth Elementary School. Each Wednesday from 1:30-1:50 adults and students will focus on classroom community and teaching students strategies for social emotional success.
We are only four weeks into the school year and so many amazing things are already happening at school. I am excited to see what the rest of the school year brings!
Thank you,
Greg Deutmeyer
The Counselor's Corner
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am so excited to see our students again. It has been a great start, and everyone seems to be getting in the swing of things. As your school counselor, I wanted to share a little about me and how I can support your family this school year.
This is my 6th year at Epworth Elementary. My husband, Nick, and I live in Epworth and both work for the Western Dubuque School District. We have one little bobcat, Raymond (3), and are expecting a second little bobcat in November.
My job as the school counselor is to ensure all students are meeting their highest potential in academics, thriving socially and emotionally, and living the best quality of life. I will be meeting with students individually and in small groups, conducting classroom guidance lessons, collaborating with teachers, and consulting with community organizations to meet the needs of all Epworth students and their families. Any student can request to meet with me, or they can be referred by a teacher, administrator, or parent.
The demands of life can be overwhelming, so if you ever find that your family could use assistance in locating resources such as clothing, financial assistance, food, or counseling support, please reach out.
For assistance in feeding your family, Epworth United Methodist Church can help with their “Backpacks for Hunger” program. Each week a grocery bag of non-perishable foods will be sent home in your child's backpack. If you would like to sign your family up for the "Backpacks for Hunger" program, please complete this form. Backpacks for Hunger Sign Up Form - https://forms.office.com/r/y4YSSMbzr5
Best Wishes,
Mrs. Elsinger
(563) 258-4013
EES Annual Walk-a-Thon
On September 20th, the PTO will be put on our annual Walk-a-Thon from 1-2 p.m. Families are welcome to attend any time after 12:45. When you arrive check in at the office. This event is the primary fundraiser of our PTO which supports student field trips, technology upgrades, school branding, and so much more to enhance the experience of the kids at Epworth Elementary. Thank you for all the fundraising support!
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) News
On October 5th, the PTO will host a burger night at Locals in Epworth. A portion of the proceeds will go to our Epworth Elementary PTO. A great way to have some fantastic food while also supporting the PTO!
Dress for the Weather
Fall is a tricky time in Iowa as one day can be 80 degrees and calm and the next 55 degrees and windy. Unless it is raining, kids will enjoy outdoor recess. Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.
Western Dubuque Homecoming Apparel Store
The WDHS entrepreneurship class created and organized a homecoming apparel order. Check out the link below. The store closes Friday, September 16, at noon.
Epworth Elementary Student Handbook
The 22-23 student handbook can be found by clicking the button below.
Connect With Us
Social Media - Epworth Elementary can be found on Facebook, Instragram, and Twitter. You will find our handles in the graphic below.
Text Messages - Text alerts are a great way to stay up to date on upcoming events, changes, and need to know information from school. The graphic below will walk you through the process of setting up these messages.
SeeSaw - This is our new learning management system this school year. Teachers have been sharing out a lot of great things happening in classrooms through this app. If you are not connected through SeeSaw please reach out to your child's teacher and we will get you connected to this platform.