Community Newsletter
Denny International Middle School | December 20, 2024
Dear Dolphin Families,
During the (December 23rd to January 5th) winter break from school, we are grateful to everyone for helping to restore a routine for showing up to school while supporting students and families.
We appreciate everyone’s efforts to avoid taking extra time off during the winter break. As long as your child is healthy, please encourage showing up to class when school is in session.
Every day of school is an important opportunity for students to learn as well as to connect to their peers and teachers.
We thank:
- Our students and their families who do their best to show up daily even when it isn’t easy.
- Our teachers who go above and beyond to make school a welcoming and safe place for all students to learn.
- Our administrators who help us work together to ensure we create a physically and emotionally safe and engaging learning environment.
- Our many, many healers and helpers - the support staff and community volunteers who provide the extra hands and attention our children need.
- We appreciate each one of you. May these days off be restful and healing.
- If your family or your child needs support, please reach out to our main office for help.
- We look forward to seeing you again when school resumes on January 6, 2025.
Thank you for partnering with us!
Principal Ingraham
- 12-23 to 1-3 No School Winter Break
- 1-6 Return to school from Winter Break
- 1-8 Parent/Caregiver Fentanyl Workshop 7:40-8:20 on Zoom through the PTSA
- 1-11 Varsity Boys Basketball game against Meany at 11:30 at Franklin 1
- 1-11 JV Boys Basketball game against Whitman at 10:00 at Denny
- 1-11 JVC Boys Basketball game against Hamilton at 11:30 Denny
- 1-11 Varsity Girls Basketball game against Aki at 8:30 Lincoln 2
- 1-11 JV Girls Basketball game against Meany at 10:00 Chief Sealth
- 1-20 No School, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
The Child Nutrition Eligibility and Education Survey is the data that is used to see if a school qualifies for Title 1 funding. This school year we re-qualified and have been able to have additional classes, teachers, counselors, social workers, mental health services, programing, before and after school programs, health and wellness services, and much more. Our staff has been reaching out to families who we do not have record of completing the survey. If you have not completed this important survey we kindly ask if you would please take a few moments to complete it. Thank you so much!!
Applying for Child Nutrition Eligibility and Education Benefits
Does our family complete the school meal application?
Yes. Families at these schools should still complete the free student meals application to help our schools maintain federal and state funded programs.
Why is this survey important?
The School Meals Application provides your student’s school with a way to collect household income information. This information is important because it helps your school receive federal and state funding.
In addition to healthy and nutritious meals, the School Meals Application also helps to fund school programs such as:
- Before- and after-school enrichment programs
- School counselors
- Health and wellness services
- Resources for classrooms and teachers
Please complete this Online School Meal Application form.
Families with multiple students will only complete this form once. The form is simple to fill out and confidential. The information will only be used to help your school receive funding from state and federal programs.
We have gotten our link so that all can officially join the PTSA. Please use the following link to become a Denny PTSA member: https://wspta-00030863.givebacks.com/store
PTSA General Meeting January 8th
The PTSA will hold their next general meeting on Wednesday, January 8th from 7:00 to 8:00 by Zoom. Please find the link to join below. The general meetings will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each months.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 955 5948 4589
Passcode: 363034
Parent/Caregiver Fentanyl Workshop Jan.8th 7:40-8:20 on Zoom through the PTSA
Dear Denny Parents/Guardians/Caregivers,
There is a growing threat to the health and safety of our youth that we want to bring to your attention. Fentanyl is a man-made, Schedule II narcotic that has reached a growing number of communities of all sizes across Washington and has impacted so many lives. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), within the last two years, teen overdose deaths related to Fentanyl have tripled. Over half of all overdose deaths are related to Fentanyl use. Death from Fentanyl overdose happens when the respiratory system slows, or not enough oxygen gets to the brain.
Fentanyl is a manufactured opiate drug that is generally used in the medical field to treat severe pain. It is often used in emergency situations and given by paramedics and in emergency rooms. Sadly, an underground market has developed for this drug, and it is often marketed to youth. Fentanyl can come in many forms and even the smallest amount can be lethal. It is often mixed with other drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Prescription medications can also be laced with it. There have been some cases where the Fentanyl pills were made to look like candy. Oftentimes, the teen has no idea that what they are taking has Fentanyl in it.
What can you do as a parent to prevent your teen from falling prey to this deadly trend?
1) Talk to your teen. Talk about the dangers that they may face at parties and social events. Let them know that they can talk to you about things that are concerning them.
2) Monitor their social media and app usage. This is a common way that teens get access to this drug.
3) Encourage your teen to get involved with extra-curricular activities, church, service projects, community, and school organizations. Keeping your teen involved can help battle loneliness, isolation, and hopelessness.
4) Monitor your child’s behavior. Has their behavior changed lately? Do they have a new set of “friends”? Are they keeping to themselves more often than usual?
5) Seek help if your child is facing a mental health challenge or if you suspect they are using any substance.
Another way to help your child is to become educated about this deadly drug. We invite you to a workshop that will be held online January 8th through the Denny PTSA. Please reach out to Drea Jones dmjones3@seattleschools.org for more details about the workshop.
Together, we can help our youth make better choices to avoid this dangerous drug and to keep it out of our schools and communities.
Sexual Health Education in Science Classes
Our science classes will be teaching Sexual Health Education (SHE) during the month of January and February. The 7th grade science classes will be beginning these lessons on January 7th and concluding them on January 17th. Our 8th grade science classes will begin the lessons on February 3rd and complete them by February 14th. The 6th grade science classes will begin the lessons on January 7th and complete them on January 17th. The teachers will be sending a family letter home with your student with information for you to reach out with questions, preview the materials, and opt out of part or all of the lessons. I have included the link to Seattle Public School's Sexual Health Education website for your reference.
Seattle Public School’s Sexual Health Education website: https://www.seattleschools.org/departments/health-education/sexual-health-education/
SBIRT Anxiety Newsletter
The December SBIRT newsletter is focused on how you as parents and caregivers can support a child with symptoms of anxiety. Last year, 18% of SPS 6-9th graders experienced symptoms of anxiety. You can view the newsletter on our website at https://www.seattleschools.org/departments/prevention-and-intervention/sbirt-check-yourself/sbirt-newsletters/. You can also find more resources about anxiety on our website: https://www.seattleschools.org/departments/prevention-and-intervention/sbirt-check-yourself/parent-resources/mental-health-resources/. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to Drea Jones, Prevention Intervention Specialist.
Community Resources
- Byrd Barr Place | https://byrdbarrplace.org/ 722 18th Ave (206) 812-4940
- Open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Market (Food Bank) Open Tuesday 11:00am - 4:00pm ; Wednesday 12:00pm - 4:00pm ; Thursday 10:00 am - 2:00 p.m.
- Call (206) 812-4940 for weekly home delivery service - Serves the 98102, 98112 or 98122 ZIP codes.
- Food Pantry (King County) | https://www.foodpantries.org
- Non-profit, charitable organization that distributes food to those who have difficulty purchasing
- Seattle Community Kitchen Collective | 2822 Martin Luther King Way S. Seattle, WA 98144
- http://www.thatbrowngirl.com/everybodygottaeat
- Chef Kristi & The That Brown Girl Cooks team will be operating as a Community Kitchen. Serving free meals to the community every Thursday & Saturday 2pm - 6pm.
- Sound Generations
- Community Dining Locations - https://soundgenerations.org/our-programs/food-security/community-dining/locations/
Rent/Housing Supports:
- Byrd Barr Place | 206-812-4940, housingassistance@byrdbarr.place
- Offers financial support for apartment and home renters in the Seattle area who have an active eviction notice or who have had a loss of income and owe past-due rent. We currently have a waiting list for rental assistance.
- Online form at https://westseattlefoodbank.org/apply/assistance/
- Catholic Community Services | (206) 328-5724 South: (253) 850-2523 East: (245) 213-1963
- https://ccsww.org/get-help/shelter-homeless-services/emergency-assistance/
- This program offers King County residents emergency assistance and move-in cost assistance.
- Housing and essential needs (HEN) (206) 328-5755
- Emergency Assistance Program – (253) 850-2523: Call First and Third Thursdays of each month from 2:00 - 3:00 pm
- El Centro De La Raza | (206) 329-0786 | 2524 16th Ave S, Seattle | www.elcentrodelaraza.org
- Provides assistance for various types of housing emergencies, affordable housing, transitional housing, and rental assistance
- Neighborhood House Helpline | (206) 767-7124
- Low-income residents of South King County, including White Center/Burien residents, can get assistance with eviction prevention funds and grants
- Washington 2-1-1
- Help line number to connect with services that can help with rental assistance, shelter, legal referrals, housing assistance, transportation, food, and other needs. Larger organizations may not accept clients unless they’ve gone through 211
- Search for available resource at https://search.wa211.org/
- YWCA Project Self-Sufficiency | (206) 209-5677| 211 referral needed
- The agency provides several services to women, their children, and their families. This service is for families or individuals who are on the edge of homelessness and need help maintaining their current rental or find alternative home
- https://www.ywcaworks.org/programs/housing-stability-project-king-county211
- Salvation Army | (206) 442-8365 | (206) 447-9944 |811 Maynard Ave S, Seattle |
- Resources can help with housing needs, with a focus on preventing homelessness in the King County area.
- Eviction prevention, move-in and security deposit assistance, limited rent help, and utility bill assistance.
- Salvation Army's Social Services Department in White Center | (206) 767-3150
- http://seattlewhitecenter.salvationarmy.org/
- 9050 16th Ave SW Seattle WA, 98106 Hours: Monday, starting 8:30am until all appointments are filled.
- Jewish Family Services | (206) 861-8796 | 1601 16th Ave, Seattle
- https://www.jfsseattle.org/get-help/community-stabilization-services/financial-assistance-request/
- JFS provides services to people of all backgrounds as well as Jewish individuals and families. They accept financial aid requests on Mondays, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Visit during those times to fill out the online request form. All financial assistance requests must be submitted using the online form.
- Saint Vincent de Paul Financial Assistance | (206) 767-6449 | 5950 4th Ave S
- https://fs20.formsite.com/svdpseattle/form20/index.html?1500502963998
- The Society of St. Vincent de Paul parish is a non-profit that serves people of all backgrounds and religions. They offer personal assistance with food, clothing, gasoline, medicine, rent, utilities, and transportation to people facing economic or emotional crises.
- Families can call the helpline center or complete a request form at https://svdpseattle.org/get-help/online-help-request-form/
- UNEA Community Outreach/Rent Assistance | markseattl3@aol.com
- Provides limited assistance with rent to qualifying King County families. If you are interested, please email. Due to funding limitations, this program is only able to serve Seattle families, with youth and/or Elders in the household.
New School-based Health Center Service Provider: Neighborcare Health
To learn more about Neighborcare Health and school-based health center services for the 2023-2024 school year, or to pre-register your student for services, view the Denny International Middle School page on the Neighborcare Health website.