Catching Up with the Coyotes
April 21, 2024

Upcoming Dates:
- April 22: Talent Show Rehearsal
- April 25: Talent Show
- April 27: Earth Day & Rummage Event (Sunset Hills Elementary)
- April 30: Panda Express Scripps Ranch Dine-Out Fundraiser 10:00 am - 9:30 pm
- April 30- May 15: CAASPP Testing for grades 3-5
CATCHING UP WITH... Mrs. Edmonston
Principal's Notes
Dear Coyote Families,
We had another GREAT WEEK at Canyon View Elementary School! Some highlights included a Field Trip to the Fleet Science Center for our second and third grade students on Thursday and a Character Counts assembly on Friday with performances from the West View Ambassadors and as well as our very own No Place for Hate club. What a special treat!
Please take a few minutes to read through this newsletter, which is full of important information. We have many activities and events scheduled in the weeks to come!
Let's Make it a GREAT YEAR Together,
Mrs. Erica Edmonston (she/her/hers)
Principal, Canyon View Elementary School
Announcing Canyon View Elementary School's 2024 Volunteer of the Year
Congratulations Karolynn Sparlin!
I am delighted to announce that Karolynn Sparlin has been selected as the Canyon View Elementary School 2024 Volunteer of the Year. Karolynn has been an exceptional leader and volunteer at Canyon View Elementary, serving as the PTO President for the past two years and as a member of the PTO Board for a total of seven years - since her son was in TK! Her leadership as PTO President has been instrumental in enhancing the school experience for students, parents, and staff.
Karolynn's dedication and commitment to Canyon View are nothing short of extraordinary. Despite facing personal challenges, including her battle with breast cancer, she has continued to serve our school with unwavering enthusiasm and tireless effort. When Karolynn has been unable to show up in person, she has worked behind the scenes coordinating with other volunteers to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
In addition to her current role as PTO President, Karolynn has been a room parent for six years. She has chaired countless PTO events, including the Coyote Round-Up and the Bingo Night. Her creativity and organizational skills have been evident in the success of these events, which have become cherished traditions at Canyon View.
Karolynn's ability to lead with grace and resilience, even in the face of personal adversity, is truly inspiring. Her dedication to the betterment of our school community has left a lasting impact, and her contributions will be deeply missed as her son prepares to promote this year.
Thank you Karolynn, for your outstanding contributions to the Canyon View Elementary School community.
Gearing Up for State Testing
CVES students in grades 3-5 will begin taking the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) on Tuesday, April 30. We will test in the morning from 9am-10:15 AM over a three-week period. We have scheduled the tests so that students can focus on one portion of the test each session:
English Language Arts: April 30-May 2
Science (5th grade only): May 7-8
Math: May 14-15
Make-ups: May 21-23
In order to support your child in having a successful testing experience, we have the following recommendations to prepare your child:
Help your child get to bed on time. Research shows that being well-rested helps students do better.
Be sure to have your child at school on time.
Have your child eat a good breakfast but not a heavy one. Research shows that students do better if they have breakfast before they take tests.
Avoid scheduling appointments on testing days.
Be positive about the test. Acknowledge that tests can be hard and that they’re designed so that no one will know all of the answers. Explain that doing your best is what counts. The important thing is to make your child comfortable and confident about the test.
Thank you for your support!
New Student Enrollment Information
Poway Unified New Student Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year opens online, April 1 at 8:00 a.m.
We can’t wait to meet our new students, including our new Kindergarten and TK students!
New Student Enrollment for Poway Unified School District is an on-line process on our website. Packets are completed digitally using any computer, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection. (Please contact your assigned school of residence to schedule an appointment if you do not have access to a device/internet or need assistance with completing the online enrollment packet.) School starts on August 21st for the 2024-25 school year. Welcome to PUSD!
TK/Kindergarten Parent Orientation
We invite parents of 2024-2025 TK and Kindergarten students, to join us for an informational meeting.
Date: May 23, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Canyon View Elementary MPR
This is an informational meeting for parents of incoming TK and Kindergarten students. We kindly request that children not attend.
2024-2025 PTO Board Nominees
The Canyon View PTO is pleased to present our 2024-2025 Board Nominees. Current PTO members will have the opportunity to cast their vote between April 29th and May 2nd at 6:00 pm. An email will go out to all current members by April 29th with the link to cast an electronic vote. Paper ballots will also be available in the office to any member who chooses not to cast an electronic vote. One position remains open for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested in serving as the Technology Officer, we would love the help! Please email caseymac81@gmail.com by Thursday, April 25th for questions about the position and to be added to the ballot.
Earth Day Fair and Share & Care: April 27 @ Sunset Hills Elementary 2-4 PM
Earth Day Fair: April 27 @ Sunset Hills Elementary 2-4 pm
Share and Care - Seeking Items and Volunteers
We are seeking donations and volunteers to make this event successful. Pleas sing up at the link below and let us know what items you plan on bringing to the fair. You do not need to host a spot in order to participate. See the flyer for suggested items.
Items are to be taken directly to the Share & Care event.
EPI School Supplies Fundraiser - Make School Shopping Easy!
Make school supply shopping easy by ordering a supply kit! Eliminate the hassle of going store to store to find all of the supplies your child will need for next school year. These kits provide the supplies requested by your child's teacher while saving money and giving back to the school. Simply visit http://www.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks and enter code CAN083. Your child's supplies will be delivered to his/her classroom by the first day of school saving you the stress of transporting heavy bags for each of your children and giving you more time to focus on capturing special memories. The deadline to order is June 23rd. Purchase through this program is voluntary and not required.
The CVES Variety Show is Coming Soon!
Join us on Thursday, April 25th at 6 pm for Canyon View's Annual Variety Show! We are excited to showcase our talented Coyotes! We hope to see you there!
Panda Express Dine-Out Fundraiser: April 30
CVES Marquee Sign Fundraiser
Celebrate your students accomplishments or special events with a personalized message on the CVES marquee! This fundraiser benefits the 5th Grade Committee and allows you to purchase a message for $25 to be displayed for 2 days on the digital marquee sign in front of the school. There are 2 message slots available on a first come, first serve basis for each 2-day period. Please visit https://bit.ly/cvesmarquee2024 to purchase. Participation is voluntary and not required.
TEAM CV Meeting
Coyote parents (members or not) are invited to attend our monthly Team CV meetings, especially if you are interested in learning what the PTO & Foundation do, how money that is raised is spent, or are interested in training or shadowing for a position on the board/s next year. Many of our current board members are graduating out with their 5th graders this year and having people who are comfortable taking over key roles is important to ensuring we maintain a strong partnership for our younger kids. Though formal childcare is not available, children are invited to attend meetings and sit in the room with parents. Meetings occur every first Thursday of the month at 6 pm in the Innovation Station or via Zoom. For Zoom info, please DM us to be added to the distribution list.
Our next meeting is Thursday, May 2nd. Hope to see you there!
Team CV Volunteer Opportunities
Hello Canyon View Volunteers,
We are looking for volunteers for upcoming events. These are some smaller jobs for parents/ guardians who are looking to start with a smaller task. Seasoned CV volunteers are also welcome, of course!
The Silent Auction. Also a Foundation event to raise money for the same programs listed above (see Jog-A-Thon). Date is May 17. The Silent Auction is an online auction with the big finale at the Coyote Roundup. (See below for more info about the Roundup.) The Silent Auction also has a chair and is looking for committee members to help. Tasks include finding vendors to make donations, communicating with CV room parents, putting together baskets, and other organizational tasks.
Garden. The PTO Garden is looking for some more help. They really need someone who can volunteer 2 hours, once a month, to cut back weeds.
The Coyote Roundup. Our big annual event at CV. Date is May 17. It is our carnival style event, with games, food, cake walk, prizes, and our Silent Auction in the MPR. There are multiple committees for the Roundup and we need more volunteers.
Thank you so much for helping make our school such a fun community! If interested or to learn more, please reply to me (just me) or you can email the Foundation or PTO Presidents (see above).
Thank you,
Sabrina Monahan
PTO and Foundation VP of Volunteers
PTO Membership
Join the PTO or Sponsor an Event
It's not too late to become a member or sponsor an event this year. PTO Members receive two discount cards good until the fall of 2024 at some incredible local businesses and have a voice when deciding how money is spent and what events and initiatives the PTO supports for the enrichment of our CVES kids and community. Sign up now at the links below:
CATCHING UP WITH... More News from CVES...
Attendance Matters at CVES!
Too many absences - excused or unexcused - can keep students from succeeding in school and in life. How many are too many? 10% of the school year - that's 18 missed days or 2 days a month - can knock students off track.
If your child can't avoid missing school and will be out for three days or more, call the CVES office to request an OCIS contract.
To report an absence or request an OCIS email or call our attendance hotline:
Phone ~ (858) 484-0981 cvesattendance@powayusd.com
Office Hours ~ Monday – Friday 8:15 AM to 4:00 PM
Congrats to our February Attendance Winners...
Mrs. Alexander's Third Grade Class!
Mrs. Alexander's class had the highest attendance rates in the school during the month of February. They celebrated with a Cookies, Games and Karaoke Party hosted by Mrs. Walsh! Thank you for making attendance a priority!
CVES Attendance Hall of Fame:
- January 2024: Mrs. Bay's 4th Grade
- February 2024: Mrs. Alexander's 3rd Grade
Picture Books for Our Families
April is Autism Awareness Month!
Let's celebrate the beauty of neurodiversity and move beyond awareness of Autism to acceptance!
Click on the books covers below to access YouTube videos with read alouds of each story. Use caution as there may be advertisements.
My Brother Otto Written by Meg Raby and illustrated by Elisa Pallmer
This is the story of two young crow siblings, Piper and Otto Crow, and their love for one another as they navigate daily life. Otto is non-speaking and uses a tablet to communicate. Young readers will also learn that when he spins a yellow pipe-cleaner, swings incredibly high without stopping and cuddles up next to his sister under a dozen stuffed animals at night, those are just other ways Otto communicates how he is feeling, as well as his likes and dislikes. Piper teaches readers that Otto needs to be Otto — he needs to be autistic — and though some things might seem different about him, he is a little crow who wants to be loved, have fun and feel safe, just like you and me.
Based on the true story of Temple Grandin, this picture book introduces readers to the autistic mind and heart of one of the most well-known scientists of our time. The message that being different is something that should never be associated with shame is highlighted in this fascinating story about Grandin's unique mind and her ability to connect with and help animals.
Trampoline Boy Written by Nan Forler and illustrated by Marion Arbona
Every day, multiple times a day, a young, autistic boy jumps on his trampoline, ignoring the sneers of other children passing by. One day, Peaches, a curious and kind girl, asks to jump with the boy. She ends up soaring to new heights among the birds and planes and ultimately gains perspective and a new friend. The author shows the reader how to engage in an autistic peer's life by participating in their interests.
Employment Opportunities
Special Education Instructional Assistant IA I and II
We are looking for enthusiastic, caring and dedicated individuals to join our amazing team of instructional assistants. We have IA II and Behavior Intervention Instructional Assistant Positions open at this time. You can learn more about these positions by clicking on the application link below. You will find a short video explaining the position as well as the job description. Our IA positions are generally 30 hours/week with benefits, with hours that align closely to the school day.
CATCHING UP WITH... Mrs. Cortez in the Science Lab
This past week, students learned about the phases of moon, the solar eclipse, and built simple eclipse viewers. 5th Grade built cylindrical viewers while 1st grade used flat viewing panes.
CATCHING UP WITH... Catching Up With The Coyotes!
Previous Editions of the School Newsletter
1/7/24 https://www.smore.com/q03zn
1/15/24 https://www.smore.com/qf8au
1/21/24 https://www.smore.com/d2rnq
1/28/24 https://www.smore.com/6h2yt
2/4/24 https://www.smore.com/1q80f
2/11/24 https://www.smore.com/w8qex
2/25/24 https://www.smore.com/n/us2ve
3/3/24 https://www.smore.com/n/ufyam
3/10/24 https://www.smore.com/n/xb27n
3/17/24 https://www.smore.com/n/q82dt
3/24/24 https://www.smore.com/n/2t30m
3/31/24 https://www.smore.com/n/u0a1w
4/14/24 https://www.smore.com/n/f7vxs
Nondiscrimination Philosophy and Policy Statement
The Poway Unified School District (PUSD) is an equal opportunity employer/program and is committed to an active Nondiscrimination Program. PUSD prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, immigration status, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For more information, please contact: Title IX/Equity Compliance Officer, James Jimenez, Associate Superintendent of Personnel support Services, Poway Unified School District, 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA 92128, 1-858-521-2800, extension 2121, jjimenez@powayusd.com. For students, you may contact Title IX Coordinator/504 Coordinator Jamie Dayhoff, Director of Attendance and Discipline, Poway Unified School District, 1-858-521-2840, jdayhoff@powayusd.com.