The Branch
A Monthly Newsletter from RootEd
Happy Summer!
Happy Summer! RootEd is excited to announce that we have created a search group for our neighborhood schools. You can find it here: San Antonio Neighborhood School Search Site hosted by RootEd | Facebook
We created the search group because we noticed that there are a lot of groups speaking for our schools. We want to take back the narrative to show people who are shopping for schools that our schools have amazing stories. We want parents to CHOOSE their neighborhood schools and this Facebook group will give them what they are looking for in our schools. You can search our site for stories or you can ask about a school which RootEd reps can respond or we'll seek information from principals.
We are looking for moderators for our search site, feel free to email gen@proudlyrooted.com if you are interested.
Stories from RootEd schools that we think are AMAZING! #RootEd
Scholarship Program
We're always taking donations for our scholarship program. Click the link to donate: RootEd Scholarship – RootEd (proudlyrooted.com)
RootEd Social
We had a great event in April! Join us for our next gathering in August!
August 2nd 5:30pm at Chuy's on I-10
RootEd Facebook Groups
Ready to dive into some podcasts that may get you fired up about public education? Or want to be in the know about our legislative priorities and what's going on in public education in Texas?
Check us out. Click on the graphic below for links.
Check out our annual top 10 list of digital publications! There are great pieces being produced about education...we are all very lucky to have access!
Books on Purpose! Our new book club!
Books on Purpose
Join us for our new book club: Books on Purpose: Books that will grow your advocacy skills, educate you on what’s happening in the public education landscape, and empower you to take charge.
Our next book will be Reinventing America's Schools by David Osborne. Dive into the history of charters and insight into their perspective.
Read at your leisure and sign up to be included in the emails about the book club. We will meet via zoom for the review on July 25th 7pm.
Link for the zoom:
Sign up HERE
Education is ALWAYS on the Ballot
Have you moved this Summer? Be sure to update your voter registration address.
Go Public Partnership
RootEd Updates
How to be RootEd this Month?
Reps...check in with Gen!
Be sure to use your RootEd hashtag!
Share a story about your school.
Come to a workday or a social.
Join the book club.
Plan your Future Football Game!
Check your voter registration address.
About RootEd
For past newsletters: https://www.smore.com/u/rooted
Email: info@proudlyrooted.com
Website: www.proudlyrooted.com
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Phone: (210) 617-0824
Facebook: facebook.com/RootEdTexas
Twitter: @RootEdSA
Instagram: @rootedtexas