Wentworth School Family News
2024-2025 School Year
October 17, 2024
Upcoming Dates
Mark your calendars:
Friday, October 11 - No School for Students: Staff Professional Development Day
Monday, October 14 - No School recognizing Indigenous Peoples' Day
Wednesday, October 16 - October Early Release at 1:45
Friday, October 25 - Spirit Day: Costume Day* See Below
Monday, November 11 - No School for Veterans' Day
Tuesday, November 12 - Fall Conferences Begin
Wednesday, November 13 - Picture Retake Day for all Learning Communities
Wednesday, November 20 - Early Release at 1:45
Tuesday, November 26 - Last Day of Fall Conferences
Wednesday, November 27 - No School for Thanksgiving Break
October Community Day was AWESOME!
This week on our early release day we had our second COmmunity Day. As a reminder, on those days we focus on learning activities with an SEL lens, team building, and a grade level schedule. Kids have been loving connecting with friends from other learning communities!
This month we are focusing on building class charters. The Classroom Charter is a tool that can help us create the positive, supportive social-emotional environments that we know are best for learning. The Charter is like a promise we make to one another, or an agreement. Check out the Family Connection below for more information about creating a charter.
On Community Day we also have time for team building activities across the grade levels. Teachers and classes are planning all sorts of activities to support our community, learn about service, perform acts of kindness, and connect with other classes. Check out the photos below of the playground map Ms. Chin's and Ms. Hewitt's classes are repainting and the Hula Hoop challenge fourth graders in Ms. Huth's and Mrs. Maddock's classes worked together on!
Fall Conferences
Dear Wentworth Families,
While you are welcome to request to meet with a teacher regarding your child’s progress at any time throughout the year, Wentworth designates time as a school in the fall and spring to offer formal conferences. This year, Fall Conferences will be held between November 12-26. We find these conferences to be valuable, and an opportunity to learn more about your child’s progress in addition to their work and teachers’ individual communications that occur throughout the year. We look forward to meeting with you.
Wentworth School will use Conference Manager by SchoolSoft to schedule conferences. We ask that you please coordinate between parents/guardians the date/time that works best for both of you to meet together. Instructions are included below for how to create an account (or use an account you have already created) to log on to Conference Manager scheduling system where you may select dates and times that are convenient for you and your family. Registration for conferences will begin on Monday October 28th at 6:00AM through Sunday, November 10th at 6:00PM. Once you have completed your requests, an email confirmation will be sent to you.
Please sign up for one conference with your child’s homeroom teacher
We encourage you to also sign up to meet with one or more Allied Arts teachers
Additionally, please sign up with your child’s case manager, math/literacy support teacher and/or student advocate; they are looking forward to discussing your child’s progress toward their goals!
Here is the link for parents to register click here or copy and paste this address to your browser: https://scarboroughschools.schoolsoft.com/login.jsf. If you have questions regarding this process, please contact LyndaLee Landry at 730-4609 from 8:00 – 3:00, Monday-Friday. Our teachers are available by telephone or email if you have questions or have a unique scheduling situation. Thank you for your continued support; we are looking forward to the opportunity to discuss your child’s successes and goals together!
Kelli Crosby
Costume Day - Keep it Fun for Everyone!
Dear Families,
Students have used their RESPECT tokens to vote for the October spirit day (on Friday the 25th) and they have chosen Costume Day. Students are invited to dress up in any way they want - their favorite book or movie character, what they want to be when they grow up, as their hero, or in a Halloween costume if that is a holiday your family celebrates. Here are some guidelines:
- We appreciate props being left at home; a costume is just something you wear
- It is still a school day, so something that students can reasonably learn in is required - save the blow up dinosaurs for another party!
- We want to see all of our kids' sweet faces - no face paint (messsssyyyy) or masks, please.
- Nothing gory, bloody, violent or too scary. Think G rated.
- Be creative and have fun!
Thank you for your cooperation and support!
Tooth Protectors, Inc was here at Wentworth
Thank you to all the staff that assisted to make this wonderful program happen. A special shout out to the Bus Department for transporting the K-2 students safely back and forth from their schools to Wentworth, and our school nurses for hosting and organizing! Tooth Protectors will be coming back on April 15th to Wentworth School.
Volunteer Training
Speaking of Volunteering...are you Handy? Or Organized?
We need you!
There are two jobs nagging at me that might just be perfect for a parent volunteer - so this is worth a shot! First, our lost and found is bananas! I would love someone to come organize, sort through clothing with labels and deliver to classrooms, and take photos of the remainder for an upcoming family news. See below, we need your help! I will even give you a shout out, and I am willing to bet you will find at least one article of your child's clothing amidst the chaos!
Second, some of our playground signs made a couple years ago as part of an Eagle Scout project need some love. The inserts need to be updated, some need a new piece of plexiglass on top, and before the snow flies, the posts need a neon banner so kids do not get accidentally injured when the posts become one with the snow and difficult to see.
If you are interested in being a hero, please contact me at kcrosby@scarboroughschools.org
Thanks for considering!