Lowell Lantern
Principal's message
Dear Lowell Families,
We celebrated the conclusion of our Kindness and Justice Challenge today! What an uplifting celebration! We are so proud of all of our students for all they have done to contribute to this Challenge. They have spread kindness and goodwill to each other and to those in our community! Students participated in our many spirit days and our penny war. In doing so, our students and staff were able to raise money to donate to our charities and organizations. The final donations were: American Heart Association -- $2102; Riley Children’s Hospital -- $1,000; Warren Early Childhood Center -- $1300. Wow ~~ our students and families are fabulous! Thank you for supporting these efforts and for helping our students to see and to understand the value of giving back to others!
As a reminder, our 3rd graders will be taking the IREAD-3 Assessment the week of March 16, 2020. We continue to work with students to prepare them for this important test. We appreciate your continued support with your students! Continue to encourage your students to do their best! We know they have been working hard to prepare!!
Our Fourth Grade Basketball Team will be participating in a tournament with other Warren Elementary Teams on Friday, March 6. The tournament takes place at the High School Fieldhouse and starts at 6:00pm. This is a fun, family event so we hope you can come and watch our 4th graders compete. There is a cash only admission of $3.00/person or $10/family of four. All proceeds go directly to the Warren Arts and Education Foundation which in turn supports Warren students and staff through funding grant projects. Elementary and District Administrators will participate in a free throw shooting contest. Come cheer on Mrs. Griffin as she shoots free throws! We hope to see many of you there on March 6!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Griffin
MSD of Warren Township is excited to be the host of the first Community Engagement Network Community Listening Session on Monday, March 2nd from 6-8 PM at the Warren Education and Community Center located at 975 North Post Road. This is an opportunity to bring the Far Eastside community together to engage with one another, connect resources, and speak about issues of concern amongst a diverse group of community members.
Community leaders, City Councillor Michael-Paul Hart, Superintendent of MSD Warren Township, Dr. Tim Hanson, Founder of the Ross Foundation, Dee Ross, IMPD Community Liaison, Gregory Merriweather, and community member Whitney Yates will provide some information about their community involvement. The remainder of the evening will be allocated for members of the community to share information, ask questions, and engage in community discussion. All are invited to attend. We look forward to this opportunity to engage with our community to build our community!
Vision and Hearing Screening
On March 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, the Marion County Health Department will be doing Vision screenings for students in grades 1 and 3. In addition, they will do hearing screenings for students in grades 1 and 4. All students in these grade levels will participate in these screenings. If you would prefer your child to not participate in these screenings, we must have a written note prior to the screening dates.
3rd Graders will take the IREAD-3 Assessment during the week of March 16 - 20. This is a critical statewide standardized assessment. The Indiana Reading Evaluation and Determination (IREAD-3) assessment measures foundational reading standards to Grade 3 students each spring. Based on the Indiana Academic Standards, IREAD-3 is a summative assessment that was developed in accordance with House Enrolled Act 1367 (also known as Public Law 109 in 2010). For further information on IREAD-3 you may visit the IDOE website at https://www.doe.in.gov/assessment/iread-3
Join Us for a Magic Show by Magic Mike at the Performing Arts Center -- March 6
Little Known Black History Fact:
He swallowed swords and molten lead. He danced on eggs without cracking their shells. He threw knives; he threw his voice. He was Richard Potter, the first African American born stage magician, and ventriloquist. Come see the modern-day Richard Potter, Magic Mike, at the Warren Performing Arts Center. "Magic with a Message" - Michael Ray
Friday, March 6th, 6pm
Warren Performing Arts Center
9500 East 16th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46229
HOW MUCH: Cost is $10.00 at the door. You can get in for FREE if you RSVP
to our front office prior to the day of the event. Please call 532-3900 by Marc 5th to RSVP for the event. We hope to see you there!
Updated Visitor Policy----Effective January 6, 2020
MSD of Warren Township Elementary School Visitation Procedures
Parents and visitors are encouraged to visit Lowell Elementary. We are making a more concise effort in our visitor policy because the safety and well-being of our students and staff is our highest priority. All visitors must provide a government-issued ID to be scanned into the Raptor Visitor Management System. At the conclusion of all visits, please return to the main office to sign out. You can find more information about Raptor by visiting our website. School administration reserves the right to refuse visitation for anyone who does not comply with school visitation procedures.
Classroom Visitation
Classroom visits consist of observing teaching and learning in action. To protect instructional time and the activities taking place in the classroom, we ask that parents refrain from talking with the teacher to allow him/her to continue teaching. If you need to speak with a teacher, please follow the procedure for teacher visitation below. Procedures for classroom visits:
provide advanced notice to the teacher
must be on students emergency contact list
maximum visitors in a classroom of 2 parties
limited to a maximum of 30 minutes
classroom visitations during arrival and dismissal will not be allowed.
including walking students to class
Teacher Visitation
Meeting with your child’s teacher(s) is a valuable part of the education process. Procedures for teacher visitation:
schedule a meeting time with a teacher
must be a custodial parent or guardian
Lunch Visitation
If you are interested in eating lunch with your student at school, please follow these procedures:
eat in a designated area assigned by the school
only visitors who are on a students contacts list
other students will not be able to accompany your student
outside food/drink is permitted
at the conclusion of lunch, please return to the office.
Thank you for your assistance in ensuring a safe and secure school environment for all students and staff members.
Construction Update -- Please Read!
You will notice additional fencing has been added to our parking lot area. This fencing has eliminated some additional parking spaces. The back half of the parking lot will no longer be accessible for parking. We will begin to use the new gravel lot. Please be mindful of parking in this lot and follow the correct traffic pattern. Please park only in the designated areas. If you are visiting school during the school day, parking may be limited in the lot. Check the gravel lot for spaces as needed. Parking is available on the south side of the building until 2:15pm. All vehicles must be moved from the south side by 2:15pm to ensure that space is readily available for our buses at the end of the day.
A couple of reminders:
Lowell is a SMOKE-FREE CAMPUS. There is no smoking anywhere on Lowell’s campus. This includes smoking in cars while waiting in the car rider line. Please extinguish all smoking materials before arriving on Lowell’s Campus.
Please be attentive while in the car rider line. Move your cars to the furthest point in the line. Do not leave gaps in the line. Listen for directions from school staff as you are moving through the car rider line.
Remember, our priority is student safety. We realize this may mean a few more minutes in the car rider line. Please be patient and adhere to the procedures so that we can ensure the safety of all of our children and staff!
We appreciate your attentiveness to following our car rider procedures and your efforts to ensure student and staff safety during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up! Thank
Warren's High Ability Program
Journey of a Graduate (JoG)
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Fro-Yo Friday!
Our students will REALLYappreciate it!!
Important Dates
3/4/20 Skating Party 6:30-8:30pm
3/20/2020 CORE Bash
3/23-4/3 Spring Break
4/6/2020 School reconvenes
Birthday treat policy
While we love to celebrate, please remember there is a "no birthday treats" guideline. To access fun and helpful resources for healthy celebration ideas, please visit:
Thank you for understanding and adhering to this policy!
Clothing donation for the Lowell Clinic
No Smoking
Please remember that our Lowell Campus is a smoke-free campus. There is no smoking allowed anywhere on Lowell grounds. This includes smoking in your cars while on the Lowell Campus. Please refrain from smoking on school grounds if you are picking your child up or dropping your child off at school. We appreciate your support with this policy!
* If your child will be absent due to illness or late due to a doctor's appointment, please call the front office at 317-532-3900 to report the absence or late arrival. This helps to ensure your child's safety. Please bring a doctor's note to document the excused absence.
* Dismissal is at 3:05pm. If you are picking up your child from school, please follow our car rider procedures.
* When arriving at Lowell, please make sure you stop first at the front desk. All visitors MUST sign in and put on a Lowell Badge while in the building. Safety is our top priority for our students. This process allows us to ensure every child's safety during the school day. Thank you for your cooperation.
* Parents are always welcome at Lowell! If you would like to visit your child's classroom, please call or email your child's teacher or Mrs. Griffin so we can make arrangements and ensure that the students will be in the classroom at the time of your visit. We encourage you and welcome you to always be a part of your child's learning, and we truly value your involvement!
* Please remember that our Lowell Campus is a smoke-free campus. There is no smoking allowed anywhere on Lowell grounds. This includes smoking in your cars while on the Lowell Campus.
The occasion may arise when the school district wants to recognize your child or your child's school. This may include your child's photo, your child's name or your child's work in district publications, newsletters, on school district websites, and in electronic/ social media or in staff training videos. We may also want to tell the media (including newspapers, television, and radio) about your child's achievements. We never knowingly release information about a student to anyone who wants to use it for commercial/ political purposes. However, we will honor your request to not include your child in these types of recognitions if you notify your child's school office in writing that you do not want this type of information released.
Student Success Handbook 2019-2020 School Year
Lowell Elementary School
Contact Us
Kim Griffin -- Principal
Tasha Reedus -- Dean
Website: lowell.warren.k12.in.us
Location: 2150 South Hunter Road, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: 317-532-3900
Facebook: facebook.com/LOWELLLEOPARDS
Twitter: @LowellElementa1