Family Update
January 6, 2025
Greetings to you-
Happy 2025! We hope that this winter break has treated you all well and you enjoyed the extra day! (NOTE: Today's snow day will be made up on April 22nd.) While our break has been appreciated as well, we do miss our littles and look forward to seeing them soon!
THIRD GRADE FAMILIES: If your child has not returned money for music recorders, please send money to the office or use School Cash Online. Recorders are just $6 and students can select from their favorite colors: blue, red, green, yellow, orange, pink, purple or black!
SAVE THE DATE: Join us at Holly Hall on Tuesday, January 21st as we Warm-Up to Wellness! Flyers are heading home this week and additional information can be found below. Dinner is included!
Our next session of Homework Club will start later this month. New and returning students must register using the link below.
Our annual Hat and Mitten Tree is located in the lobby. If students need a hat or gloves we direct them right to the tree. Also, if you are open to donating hats or gloves to the tree, please send them to the office. Thank you!
Third Grade Families:
After School Homework Club
Holly Hall and Five Rivers Church
We are excited to bring you Session 2 of our After School Homework Club that takes place on Tuesday afternoons until 4:30. Each Tuesday your child is able to stay after school to receive assistance from HHES teachers and volunteers from Five Rivers Church on homework, math, reading, spelling, or writing. Even if your child participated in Session 1, registration must be completed again.
After School Homework Club REGISTRATION
Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee
Communication Strategies for Students with Language Disabilities
Presented by Hannah Harvey
16 January 2025 @ 6pm (until 7:30ish)
Chesapeake City Elementary School (Media Center)
2801 Augustine Herman Hwy, Chesapeake City, MD
Zoom Link (will be active ~30 minutes before meeting)
Dial-in Number: 301-715-8592
Meeting ID: 942 8013 7865
Passcode: 847733
Holly Hall PTO
From our Judy Center Partners!
Community Resources:
Holly Hall Elementary School
Proud Title I School
Email: ndreckner@ccps.org
Website: https://www.ccps.org/hhes
Location: 233 White Hall Road, Elkton, MD, USA
Phone: 410.996.5050
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HollyHallElem