Falcon Flier
Vol 52, Issue 19, January 10, 2025
Phelps Luck Elementary School
Sandra Anderson, Assistant Principal
Kelly Grenzer, Assistant Principal
Website: ples.hcpss.org
Location: Phelps Luck Elementary School, Old Stone Court, Columbia, MD, USA
Phone: 410-313-6886
Facebook: facebook.com/phelpsluckelementary
Twitter: @hcpss_ples
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From School Administration
We hope you enjoyed the winter weather this week. We have plenty of winter left, so please be sure your Family File is accurate and up to date in case we have an unscheduled emergency dismissal.
Inclement Weather Makeup Days
As you know, schools were closed for three days this week. The Howard County Public School System does not build snow days into the calendar. As a result, we will have to make-up the days we missed this week. The Board of Education will finalize make-up days in late March or early April, but in the mean time, please plan on the last day of school for Monday, June 16, with the three make-up day,
Coming Up! Dr. Martin Luther King Day
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. devoted his life to realizing the dream of freedom, equality, peace, and economic and social justice. At Phelps Luck Elementary School, we are committed to advancing that dream by ensuring equitable access to education for all our beautiful and capable students, and we thank you for the work you do to help.
School is closed on Monday, January 20 in recognition of Dr. King. Each year, instead of having a day off, the third Monday in January is a day "on" for volunteerism to help communities all over our country. I encourage you to learn more about Dr. King and find ways to further his vision through service to our community. There are many opportunities throughout Columbia, Howard County, and Maryland to help make January 20 a "DAY ON" and a day of service.
Mr. Cosentino, Principal
Dr. Anderson and Mrs. Grenzer, Assistant Principals
Important Upcoming Dates and Events
For a complete list of dates and events visit ples.hcpss.org/calendar.
January 2025
- 10 - JUST ADDED! PURPLE FRIDAY - Wear Purple in support of the Baltimore Ravens
- 15 - Texas Roadhouse Dine Out Night
- 20 - Schools and Offices Close - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- 21 - Rising 6th Grade orientation for Bonnie Branch Middle School, 6:00 p.m. (snow date 1/27)
- 22 - Rising 6th Grade orientation for Ellicott Mills Middle School, 6:00 p.m.
- 23 - End of Second Quarter - Schools close 3-hours early, 12:15 p.m.
- 24 - 5th Grade Field Trip to Robinson Nature Center
- 28 - School is open a full day (an older version of the calendar had this day as a half day).
- 28 - Winter Concert at Howard High School (Band, Strings, Chorus)
- 29 - Schools closed for students - Professional Work Day
To subscribe to the PLES calendar on your smartphone, electronic device, or email system, click the plus sign + at the bottom right-hand corner of the Google Calendar or click this link.
HCPSS Calendars
Join us for an inspiring evening of celebration, community, and purpose at the Asian American Educators of Howard County (AAEHC) Community Fundraiser! Held at the vibrant Tea Horse Restaurant in Ellicott City, this event supports AAEHC’s mission to ensure students see themselves reflected in our curriculum, classrooms, and community. The night will focus on raising funds for scholarships that empower aspiring educators and future leaders.
Enjoy an evening of delicious cuisine, live entertainment, and a silent auction featuring exclusive items and experiences.
Date/Time: February 4, 2025, 6-8 p.m.
Cost (if applicable)
ADULT - $40
COUPLE - $75
See attached flyer below for more information.
Road to Kindergarten Workshops Begin Jan. 21, 2025
Save the date! HCPSS’ Road to Kindergarten workshops begin Jan. 21, with additional sessions available through the end of the month. Each workshop will provide information on expectations for school readiness, the HCPSS kindergarten program, and more. Childcare will be available for children ages 2 and older. No registration is required, but attendees are encouraged to allow ample time for parking, childcare drop off, and check in.
Weather Guidelines for Outdoor Recess
Exercise outdoors is healthy and is strongly encouraged. It provides a break from the regular school routine, a chance to get some outside air, and an opportunity to run off excess energy.
If conditions preclude the full recess time, even a five-minute break can revitalize children and prepare them for more sitting and academic learning. Children are expected to wear warm clothing to protect them during cold weather when participating in recess or outside activities.
The decision to go out or stay in for recess is the decision of the Administrator at individual schools. However, the following are to be considered in determining whether recess is to be held outside:
- Temperature and Windchill
- Age of students
- Length of time outdoors
- Adequacy of the children’s clothing
- Condition of the playground
- Falling precipitation (more than a sprinkle or mist)
Generally, it is assumed that students will be outside for recess when the temperature combined with the wind chill is not less than 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Children with certain health conditions may need special accommodations during extremely cold weather. Parents of those children should provide medical documentation and may be consulted to determine if other arrangements are necessary.
Spirit Days
Please find the Spirit Day Schedule for the year below. We hope this helps in the planning and participation in our fun spirit days this year.
Early Pickup Reminder
To ensure smooth end-of-day procedures, please plan to pick up your child no later than 2:45 p.m. This helps us maintain a focused learning environment and ensures the safety and smooth dismissal of all students. Picking up students after this time can disrupt classroom activities and interfere with dismissal procedures.
We appreciate your cooperation in helping us provide the best possible environment for all students!
Reporting Student Absences
If your student is absent or will be absent, please contact us at the following email address to explain the reason: PLESabsence@hcpss.org. In the email, please Include the following information:
Student First and Last Name
Reason for absence (e.g., illness, bereavement, observance of a religious holiday, lack of transportation)
Community Notices and Programs
The below community notices are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the HCPSS.