Sunset View Newsletter
Week of January 27th
Message from Jennifer
This month's Flag Ceremony was full of important information. Lucia Hall, Penny Sanders, and Fifi Cabido spoke to us about our Habit of the Month - Habit 6 Synergize. They reminded us of the importance of working together to accomplish our goals. Georgia Leigh led us in the Pledge and Bodhi Shelby, Luke Haden, Duncan Thompson, Lincoln Goetz and James Belding were our Color Guard. Our student leaders did an amazing job running this monthly assembly!
We also learned more about Jog-a-thon and got pumped up for this beloved annual event! This is one event that certainly draws upon Habit 6, as it takes the entire school community to collaborate to make this the best day ever at Sunset View!
100 Days Smarter (and older)
Counselor's Corner
Enrollment Survey for 2025-2026
Believe it or not, we are already thinking ahead to next year! In order to plan our classes for the 2025/26 school year, we need to have some idea of our expected enrollment count for August 2025. Please take this survey below and let us know if you will be returning and if your 4th grader will be going to Dana Middle School.
Guidelines for Keeping Sick Students Home
The cold and flu season is upon us and we are seeing an uptick in students out with flu and respiratory illnesses. Please refer to the guidelines linked below if you have questions about when to keep your children home. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our Health Office if you have any questions or concerns. Stay healthy!
Community Opportunities
12th Annual Hungry Dog Dash
Calling all kids and families! Join us for the 12th Annual Hungry Dog Dash Community 5K! THE SCHOOL WITH THE MOST PARTICIPANTS WINS A TROPHY!
The Dash is back - February 9, 2025 at 8 a.m.
Race Location: NTC Park Liberty Station
Registration is NOW OPEN!
Current race fee is $25 for youths and $30 for adults, prices will increase on January 18th!
Register Here!
Preparing for TK Enrollment
Next School Year TK Enrollment News (please share this information with your neighbors)
We at Sunset View love to practice Habit 1 - Be Proactive, so we are providing this information so that you are prepared for enrollment. Transitional Kindergarten (currently known as UTK) will do an online enrollment sometime in March. We anticipate having three TK classes onsite with 20 students and two teachers per classroom. The District will host TK Parent Workshops via Zoom in mid/to late January.
Please monitor our District website for updates to help you navigate this process and for the link to the Zoom workshop.
Since this will be an online only enrollment please secure your enrollment documents early. These were the documents requested last year but that could change:
- current immunizations,
- current proof of address (dated within 30 days of submitting the document to the school),
- birth certificate or current passport, and
- an IEP, if that pertains to you; it does not pertain to most.
We will provide up to date information as it is shared with us.
Friendly Reminders
1. DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAYS. This includes the driveway utilized for trash pick up and cafeteria deliveries. This includes the driveway leading into the staff parking lot. This also includes neighbor's driveways. We have multiple complaints each week and our neighbors should not be inconvenienced because of your decision to block them in. Please stop.
2.DO NOT ENTER OR PARK IN THE TEACHER PARKING LOT DURING MORNING DROP-OFF OR AFTERNOON PICK-UP. This is a safety concern. Each day there are near misses as children dart past moving vehicles. This parking lot is for staff. Do not enter this lot during morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up.
3. DO NOT PARK IN THE 3 MINUTE LOADING ZONE OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL DURING DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP. We asked the city to rezone this area so parents have a safe space to pull up, have their children get out of the car, and pull away. Parking in these spots is not permitted and we will have SDPD ticket parked cars if this continues.
I appreciate your immediate attention to this matter and your commitment to the safety of our school community. Please contact me should you have any questions regarding these protocols.
Please do not send your child to school when they are sick.
When your child must be absent for any reason, please call the office at 858-988-2000 by 9:30 a.m. every day of non-attendance, giving the exact reason for the absence. You can also email sunselm@sandi.net.
Any child arriving after 9:00 a.m. must stop in the office and pick up a tardy slip. Let's set good habits early in the school year to arrive on time.
Cell phones/smart watches:
Although we love your pets, they are not allowed on campus. Please do not bring pets past the school gates. Please see the district policy below.
Policy Reminder - Animals on Campus
- Animals are permitted at school only when needed for the instructional program and when
under the strict control of qualified instructors or handlers.
-Animals must be obtained from a reliable source and have written certifications that
they are in good health and are not carriers of dangerous disease-causing organisms.
- Hamsters, white rats, black widow spiders, rattlesnakes, and banded psittacine
(parrot-like) birds are too dangerous to have at school.
-Therapy and Service Dogs are allowed with proper certification.
Pets at school: Domestic pets shall not be allowed in classrooms, on or around campus.
Save the Date
Upcoming Events:
1/31 - Jogathon/Minimum Day
2/14-2/17 - President's Day Weekend - No School
2/27 - Spelling Bee
3/7 - Non Instructional Day - No School
3/7 - PWP!
Useful Resources
Sunset View Elementary
Email: sunselm@sandi.net
Website: https://sunsetview.sandiegounified.org/
Location: 4365 Hill Street, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: 858-988-2000