September 19, 2024
Representatives from Graduate Services met with the seniors today regarding ordering Caps & Gowns and other graduation products. All seniors received paper packets with instructions on how to order. Orders can be placed online by going directly to the Graduate Services website. On the website, you will find 2025 apparel and announcements seen here that are available for purchase. Please note, the only required purchase for ALL GRADUATES is the Cap, Gown & Tassel Unit which can be found by clicking on the tab that says "Grad Gear & Apparel" and scrolling all the way to the bottom. The cost is $49.99. The cost will go up after December 1st so make sure your order is placed before then! Finally, the gown is a rental and will be turned in after graduation. The cap & tassel is the graduate's to keep.
Graduate Services will also be available here at the high school on the following dates to take hard copy orders with payments of cash or check.
Thursday, September 26th 3-7 Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday, September 27th For Students During Lunch
Order forms are also be available in the main office.
College Application Season is Here!
SchooLinks is our online platform that will be used for all things college. Through SchooLinks, students will be able to research colleges, build an application list, request and submit letters of recommendation, have transcripts sent, and much more.
For detailed information and instructions, please go to our College application Process 2024-2025 Google Site. The link is also available in the left menu of the Office of School Counseling website.
We are so excited for our school trip to Washington, D.C. and hope that you are ready for an amazing adventure! For those attending,there will be a meeting in the high school auditorium on September 26th at 6:30pm. This meeting is for parents and students. We will review the itinerary and other important information, and will also answer any questions that you may have. Please plan to attend!
Yearbook Senior Pictures Due December 1
Click here for important information and deadlines regarding yearbook orders, senior picture submissions, yearbook quotes, and senior recognition ads.
Click here to order a 2024-2025 yearbook. Please note! Yearbook prices increase as the year continues. The earlier you buy, the lower the price. This year we will be having a SPRING Yearbook which means that seniors will get their yearbook at their Senior Picnic in May, An addition to the yearbook that includes prom and graduation will be mailed to your home over the summer. In order to meet this new deadline all yearbooks must be purchased by March 1st.
Information is always available on the Class of 2025 page of our website!
Thursday, September 19- Graduate Services Representatives here to meet with seniors during advisory
Thursday, September 26- Representatives here during Parent Teacher Conferences to assist with Cap & Gown orders 3pm-7pm
6:30 Parent/Student Meeting in the Auditorium for those attending the DC trip
Friday, September 27- Representatives here at lunch from Graduate Service to assist with Cap & Gown orders
Sunday, December 1 - Senior Pictures & Yearbook Quotes Due
Monday, December 2- Deadline for Cap and Gown orders before the price increase
Monday, March 10- Announcement Delivery during lunches
Saturday, April 26 Junior/Senior Prom
Tuesday, May 6 - Cap and Gown Distribution during lunches
Sunday, May 18 Graduation - Cintas Center - 8pm
Stay in Touch!
Loveland High School Administration
Principal: Dave Spencer
Assistant Principal: Mary Beth Corbin
Assistant Principal: Brian Conatser
District Director of Student Athletics: Jayson Bruce
To report an absence call 697-3715 by 10 a.m.
Location: 1 Tiger Trail, Loveland, OH, USA
Phone: (513) 683-1920
Twitter: @Loveland_HS