Principal's Newsletter
Important Information from Miss Cappuccino and Mr. Zlupko
October 3, 2022
As the leaves and the weather begins to change, we welcome the month of October! This month is filled with lots of learning, Fire Prevention Week, Acadience Testing, Snipes Farm Nutrition Lessons, Picture Day, Literacy Night, Scholastic Book Fair and Halloween/Fall Celebrations.
Nutrition Lessons Are Back!
Thanks to a grant through Ivins House 21st Century, Farmer Mel and Farmer O of Snipes Farm and Education Center are back with exciting food adventures for K-5 monthly between now and June!
A message from Farmer Mel:
We begin in October with a lesson about local native foods: corn, beans and squash, that sustained the original people to this region, the Lene Lenape, to celebrate Indigenous People's Month. We include another native food, cranberries, that were included in Lenape meals.
We will send recipes and a monthly video recapping our classroom lesson to share with you and welcome feedback!
We are grateful to be a part of the MSD school community!
Fire Prevention Week
We encourage everyone to participate in the Fire Prevention Poster Contest. All posters are due Thursday, October 6th!
Visit the links below for more information on Fire Prevention Month.
Acadience Reading Testing
We encourage you to read with your child each night to help increase reading skills. For every book a student reads, they will receive a reading link to add to our Reading Chains located in Grandview Elementary and Morrisville Intermediate School.
Picture Day
Scholastic Book Fair & Literacy Night
The Scholastic Book Fair will be held in our Grandview Elementary Library October 24th - 28th. Your child's teacher will let you know when your child will be attending the Book Fair. Our Book Fair will also be open, Thursday, October 27th 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Literacy Night will be held, Thursday, October 27th beginning at 6:30 p.m. at Grandview Elementary.
We look forward to seeing you at Literacy Night!
Looking for Parent Volunteers
We are in need of parent volunteers to help with running the Book Fair which will take place in our Grandview Library October 24th - October 28th. If you are interested in volunteering for the Book Fair, please e-mail Miss Cappuccino at jcappuccino@mv.org . Please note that all volunteers will need to have the required clearances.
Please see the attached flyer to learn how you can be a parent volunteer within our schools!
There will be a PTO Meeting on Thursday, October 6th 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. in the Grandview cafeteria. This meeting will focus on Trunk or Treat planning. Come out and help plan a great event for our students and school community!
Dismissal Procedures
We ask that you place your dismissal placard on the passenger side car visor if you are picking your child up in the car line and bring the placard with you if you are picking up your child from the walker door.
If you are walking on foot to pick up your child, your child is considered a "walker". Please pick your child up at the side cafeteria door at Grandview Elementary and the Intermediate Lobby door at Morrisville Intermediate School.
If you are waiting in our single line car line or rides one of the after school vans (YMCA, We Care, Discovery or New Horizons), your child is considered a "car rider".
Please stay in your car and follow the car line. School staff at Grandview Elementary will accompany your child to your car, open the car door and will assist your child in entering your car. School staff at Morrisville Intermediate School will guide students to your car in our single car line.
We ask that you do not park on Grandview Avenue or Palmer Street during dismissal or cut the car line. This is a traffic and safety concern.
This Month In Classroom Champions ....
When you're centered, you feel calm, in control, and able to make responsible decisions. When you're feeling strong emotions like anger, despair, frustration, or even elation or pride, it's important to name the emotion you're feeling, and then find a way to get back to a place of calm control, or find your center. Finding your center looks different for everyone!
Through the Emotions unit, students will explore various ways to get back to center and move on — deep breathing, taking a drink of water, going for a short walk, and taking a moment to plan next steps are some options to explore. While the goal of this unit is to give students the tools they need to name their strong emotion, find their center and make decisions, it's equally important to ensure that students know that these strong emotions are normal, and not wrong or bad.
Please see our Family Newsletters linked below.
You can learn more about Emotions from Track and Field Olympian Hazel Clark by clicking the link below.
Important Dates to Remember
- 10/3 - Citizen of the Month Assembly - Students Only
- 10/3 - Snipes Farm Nutrition Lesson Grade 2
- 10/4 - 10/21 - Acadience Reading Testing
- 10/4 - Snipes Farm Nutrition Lesson Grade 3
- 10/5 - District Closed in Observance of Yom Kippur
- 10/6 - Fire Posters Due; Snipes Farm Nutrition Lesson Grade 4; Student Government Meeting 8 a.m. (Intermediate Cafeteria)
- 10/7 - Performance Concerns Sent Home for any student requiring one
- 10/9 - 10/15 - Fire Prevention Week
- 10/10 - Snipes Farm Nutrition Lesson Grade 5
- 10/12 - K-2 Fire Truck Visits
- 10/18 - Picture Day
- 10/19 - School Board Agenda Meeting - 7:30 p.m.
- 10/24 - 10/28 - Scholastic Book Fair
- 10/26 - School Board Meeting - 7:30 p.m.
- 10/27 - Literacy Night 6:30 p.m. at Grandview Elementary
- 10/31 - Happy Halloween
About Us
Mr. Zlupko, Elementary Assistant Principal - nzlupko@mv.org
Email: elementaryattendance@mv.org
Website: www.mv.org
Location: 550 West Palmer Street, Morrisville, PA, USA
Phone: 215-736-2681