The Raptor Report
RHAM Middle School
Message from the Principal
Dear Parents/Guardians:
It is the beginning of our busy season, with all our end of year festivities kicking off. Last night was our Spring Music Concert. Bravo to the band and chorus students who performed. Today was music festival at Six Flags.
Next Friday, 5/17 is the 8th grade, end of the year dance. This year the students have decided on the theme of the dance being New York City. Tickets will be on sale May 15 - 17 during lunch waves. The cost to attend is $10.00 and a signed permission slip is required to purchase a ticket.
I want to thank all the Parents/Guardians and local businesses that contributed to making our staff appreciation day exceptional for all of us here at RHAM. The volunteers who helped out during the day, along with the food and giveaways were amazing. We are thankful to work in such a supportive community and all of us here at the Middle School appreciate all your support. Thank you!!
That is all I have for now.
Have a great weekend.
Michael Seroussi
📆Upcoming Important Dates📆:
- May 13- Cesar Peter's Dig Site Field Trip (Inquiry Team)
- May 17-Inquiry Team to The Lebanon Green
- May 17- 8th Grade End of Year Dance (7:00 PM- 9:00PM)
- May 21- Smarter Balance Testing
- May 21- Alternative Energy Race Field Trip
- May 23- 8th Grade Field Trip- High Meadows
- May 24- Governor's Get Out and Play Day
- May 24- Early Dismissal (11:45 AM)
- May 27- No School (Memorial Day)
- May 27- Memorial Day Parade
- May 29- 7th Grade Field Trip- Lake Compounce
- May 31- Red Team Award Ceremony HS Auditorium (8:00 AM)
- June 1- Inquiry Team at Burnt Hill Park
- June 3- Gold Team Award Ceremony HS Auditorium (8:00 AM)
- June 4- Green Team Award Ceremony HS Auditorium (8:00 AM)
- June 5- Purple Team Award Ceremony HS Auditorium (8:00 AM)
- June 5- Inquiry Team Award Ceremony HS Auditorium (12:30 PM)
*All dates are subject to change*
**Sport and activity dates can be found under appropriate labeled sections below**
Attendance Reminders
As it is getting closer to the end of the year, we want to take a moment to remind parents of our attendance procedures.
- Please make sure to contact the school by 8:30am if your student will be absent.
- Please make sure to notify the school in advance if your student will be an early dismissal.
- Please make sure that students are coming to the nurse if they are not feeling well and the nurse will make contact with the parents (Please see the following school policy below).
Students who feel ill in school should ask the teacher for permission to see the nurse. The nurse, not the student, will call home if dismissal from school is necessary. Students must not leave the school grounds during the school day for any reason unless dismissed by the nurse or a school administrator. Illness will not be accepted as an excuse for not serving a detention unless authorized by the school nurse or the administration prior to the scheduled detention. Students who call from classrooms or cell phones will not be excused by the Nurse’s office. The student must first go to the Nurse’s office.
Coffee & Conversation with the Superintendent☕
Colin McNamara, Superintendent, is continuing one of his goals to meet as many parents and community members as possible. To help in this effort, he has added new opportunities this semester for "Coffee and Conversation" with community members at the dates listed below. We hope you are able to attend one of the listed times. Please watch for any updates due to weather or other circumstances.
- Wednesday, May 22, 2024 from 5:00 - 6:00 PM in the High School Media Center
- Wednesday, June 5, 2024 from 10:00 - 11:00 in the Middle School Media Center
📰News and Notes📓
8th Grade Promotion
Preparations have begun for our Grade 8 Promotion being held on June 14, 2024 at 8:00am. One of the most important steps in the process is the printing of the promotion certificates.
Please provide us with the first, middle (if student has one) and surname that you would like to have appear on your child’s promotion certificate. If you prefer that your child’s middle name does not appear on the certificate, just omit it. You may also use the first letter of the middle name only.
Please get these to us by May 15th
**Click photo for survey**
Team Award Ceremonies
May 31- Red Team Award Ceremony HS Auditorium (8:00 AM)
June 4- Green Team Award Ceremony HS Auditorium (8:00 AM)
June 5- Purple Team Award Ceremony HS Auditorium (8:00 AM)
June 5- Inquiry Team Award Ceremony HS Auditorium (12:30 PM)
Thank you for all you do!
Our staff appreciation went on without a hitch! Thank you to all the parents and staff that helped out and made this day one not to forget!
Thank you to the following restaurants for the donation of lunch and dessert:
Wicked Slice
Gina Marie's
Ted's IGA
Flour Girl
Zina's Cucina
Marlborough Bakery
Village Green Pizza
Marlborough Pizza
See the photos below of all the fun and happiness!
Staff Appreciation Photos
Smarter Balance Testing
Smarter Balance for both 7th and 8th graders
NGSS Testing for 8th graders ONLY
When- See Schedule Below
Make sure you -
Get a good night sleep
Make sure to eat breakfast. Free breakfast available daily
Bring a snack to have prior to testing
Charge your Chromebook overnight
Bring your Chromebook & charger
No smart watches or phones will be allowed during testing
Bring SSR Book for after testing
Make sure you have headphones
We request, if at all possible, to schedule appointments, late arrivals, and early dismissals around the times listed below.
News From Guidance
Grades 7 & 8: We're just about halfway through quarter 4, so now is a great time to check in on your child's academic progress but logging into PowerSchool. Please be aware that if your child is failing 2 or more courses for the year they may be facing taking summer school courses or retention. Summer School courses will be offered in English, Science, Math and Social Studies. Summer School will run from July 1st through July 25th (excluding July 4th). Classes will meet Monday through Thursday from 8 am - 12 pm. There is no cost associated with Summer School and bus transportation will NOT be provided. Your child's School Counselor will be in touch with more detailed information if Summer School is required.
Grade 8: Toward the end of this month 8th graders will meet briefly with a high school School Counselor to review their schedule/classes for 9th grade. At that time, if there are any conflicts in the students schedules they will work with the School Counselor to resolve the conflict. Please keep in mind that schedules can still change over the summer.
7th Grade Field Trip
On May 29th the Seventh Grade will be having their field trip to Lake Compounce. The permission slips have been given to the students, and are due as soon as possible. The cost is 27 dollars which includes transportation and admission to Lake Compounce. Lunches can be purchased from the cafeteria, brought, or purchased at the park. Lake Compounce is a cashless facility, if students wish to purchase anything at the park they must have a debit card or purchase one at the park.
Last Chance To Get The 8th Grade Field Trip Forms In
The RHAM 8th grade class will have their end of year class field trip to High Meadows on Thursday, May 23rd. Permission slips will be handed out on Friday, April 19th and are due Friday, May 10th. Students are not required to bring lunches and food is provided at the facility. We will depart at 9:00am and return by 6:00pm.
Come dance in the blinding lights of New York City
📚Incoming 7th Grade Registration📚
Our online registration program for all incoming 7th grade students will remain open for a short extended period of time. Registration directions were emailed out by the elementary schools and also can be found attached. All of this information is also available on our website ( Under the Parent tab (Incoming 7th grade Information). Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the middle school office or call or email, Mrs. Gail Beaulieu at 860-228-9423 ext. 4704 or
**Click on picture to access directions**
Chromebook Repairs
We have seen an uptick in damage being done to Chromebooks. Students are reminded to treat their Chromebooks with care. Chromebooks are the property of Regional School District 8 and damage determined by the IT department to be intentional or through negligence will be charged at the following rates.
Rhamblings 2024 Winter Edition
The Rhamblings 2024 Winter Edition is ready to view by clicking the link below. This issue highlights a variety of talented writers, painters, poets, digital artists, pencil artists, sculptors, and photographers throughout the Middle School. We hope you enjoy this issue and we look forward to receiving many new submissions for our Spring publication. If you are interested in submitting work for the Spring publication, please speak to or email Mrs. Connors in MS Room 110 or Julia Celona on Inquiry Team.
Clubs and Activities
Club & Activities - New Dates & Times have been updated for the 2023-2024 school year:
It is never too late to join a club or activity. Even if a club has already started, most clubs have the ability for you to jump right into. Please see the office or club advisor for details
Drama United: Drama United is a program designed to dissolve typical barriers between youth through transformative, school-based performing arts. Students with and without disabilities, of all backgrounds, come together as equals to put on a production entirely organized, written, and directed by students to put the spotlight on ability. Start date is September 7th (Peers Only) September 12th (Full Cast) Drama United will be running Tuesdays and Thursdays (Full Cast) Wednesdays (Peers Only) from 2:15 to 3:30 in the High School Auditorium. Any questions please contact Ms. Spodobalski or Ms. Emma Filosa.
Card and Game Club: is an after school club for card games and board games. Start date is October 5th. The club meets every other Thursday from 2:15 to 3:15 in room 103 Mr. Conroy’s room. Any questions please contact Mr. Conroy.
The Drama Club: Will be holding auditions for 'Puffs, or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic' on Wednesday, September 6th and Friday, September 8th after school in the auditorium. All those interested may pick up an audition packet from the main office. Any questions please contact Ms. Emma Filosa
Jazz Band: Jazz Band is an ensemble for students in Band who want to learn and perform Jazz Music. It meets every week for the year, with many performances throughout the year. Students who sign-up should plan to participate for the year. Will be held every Wednesday from 2:15 to 3:15 pm.
Literary Magazine: Interested in creative writing, graphic design, artwork, poetry, music, formatting, editing, web design, or just creating content for an online magazine? If so, Rhamblings is for you! Rhamblings is RHAM MS’s online literary and art magazine. We produce two issues a year and are always looking for contributors as well as those who just want to help publishing and web design. Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you at our next meeting! This club starts on September 26th and meets once a month on Tuesdays from 2:15 to 3:15 PM.
Ski and Snowboard Club: The club takes 5 trips each year to Ski Sundown in New Hartford. Signups start in October for the trips that start in January. The trips are starting after the new year and buses leave the school at 2:15 pm and return at 8:15 pm. All students are welcome. Lessons and rentals are available. Please see the announcement above with links to forms and information.
Student Council: Serves as an advisory group for the student body to the administration. All students are volunteers and have been chosen already for this year. Students discuss current issues concerning the schoolhouse climate, activities that are school-wide and special events. Students may be involved in planning special events for the 7th or 8th grade class separately as the need arises.
F.P.S (Future Problem Solvers): FPS develops problem solving skills through creative and critical thinking while learning about world issues, preparing students to compete against other schools in Connecticut and around the world. This club meets Monday evenings at RHAM High School Lecture Hall (Rm 115) from 6:30 - 8:15 pm starting on September 11th. For more information, contact Sherri Pelletier at
Home Economics Club: Do you like cooking? Maybe cooking from around the world? Do you like crafting and doing different hands-on projects? How about learning some cool life skills?! Then the home economics club is for you! We are having our first official meeting on October 18th, after school in room 226. We will be celebrating el Día de los Muertos, the day of the dead, and are making a craft and cooking something exciting! If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Barber or Mrs. Gonzalez for more information! It meets every other Wednesday until approximately 3:30pm.
World Language Club: The World Language Club provides students with an opportunity to expand their knowledge about the Spanish and French language and culture. We explore and experience various aspects of different cultures by participating in food tastings, holiday celebrations, foreign film viewings, music, dance, and much more. Our club meets every other Thursday after school from 2:20 pm until 3:00 pm in rooms 200 and 201. Please see Mrs. Sanady or Mr. Ndao if you have any questions. All students are welcome to join! First meeting will be Thursday September 21st.
Environmental Club: Interested in helping out the environment, supporting wildlife and green spaces? Then the Environmental Club is the place for you! Come join us in room 110 every other Wednesday from 2:15 pm to 3:15 pm starting on September 28th. All students are welcome.
Math Club: It meets every other Wednesday from 2:15 - 3:30 pm in Room 100. Starting on Wednesday September 27th.
Math Lab: Math lab is a quiet working time for students who are looking for extra help or enrichment in their math classes. It is a drop-in program after school on Tuesdays. Students do not need to sign up in advance to attend. You may drop in any Tuesday or Thursday from 2:20 - 3:30 in Mrs. Kane’s room 101 and Ms. Wang's room 217.
GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance) Club: The Gender Sexuality Alliance, or GSA, is a club for LGBTQIA+ students and allies. We participate in a combination of advocacy and social fun activities every other Thursday throughout the school year. This club meets in the Team Room every other Thursday from 2:15 to 3:15 PM starting September 28th.
Lego League/ Club: Are you a Lego Master? Do you enjoy building Lego structures? Want to hang out with other Lego builders? Come to Lego Club. Lego Club is the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 2:20 to 3:30 PM in Room 123. 10/18/2023
TSA/VEX Club: Students interested in Robotics, Computer programming, Aerodynamics come to the TSA/VEX Club. TSA/VEX is the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 2:30 to 3:30 PM in rooms 122 and 123. 10/25/2023.
RHAM Alt. Energy Race Team MS: Looking on how to build and gear a vehicle that is powered by batteries? This is the Club. The Race Team will race their vehicles in May 2024. This Club will run on Thursdays from 2:25 to 3:30/3:45 PM in room 122. Start date of this club is 10/19/2023.
Newspaper Club: Students help create and publish the RHAM Middle School newspaper. Please see Mrs. Sue Lynch (Rm 142) for more information. This Club meets every Wednesday from 2:15 to 3:30/4:00 PM.
Yearbook Club: Please join us in creating the 2023/2024 Middle School Yearbook. This club runs every other Tuesday from 2:15 to 3:30 PM in room 123.
- Footnotes: Footnotes is a group voice lesson club available to anyone who would like to learn how to sing solo! From pop music, to classical - we cover anything you'd like to sing! Footnotes meet on Wednesdays 2 times a month from 2:15 to 3pm in the Chorus room 229. Starting date September 13, 2023.
- Art Club: Interested in art? Want a space to be creative? Come join us in the art club for a space to create art, explore different media, and connect with other creatives. Start date is October 17th. The club will meet every other Tuesday from 2:15 to 3:15 pm in room 237, Mrs. Gradie’s art room. Space is limited so please contact Mrs. Gradie to sign up for or for more information.
- SOAR Youth Leadership Group: Welcomes students from RHAM Middle School and RHAM High School who would like to make positive changes on the RHAM campus through service and education by planning small events and activities that focus on mental health awareness and healthy lifestyle choices. Google Classroom Code: fpkati3
- Writing Lab – Writing lab is a quiet working time for students who are looking for extra help or enrichment with their writing. It is a drop-in program after school on Wednesdays. Students do not need to sign up in advance to attend. Students please check the morning bulletins to see dates on when this lab is running. Start date February 14, 2024.
Notes from the Nurse
Attention 8th grade parents - This is a friendly reminder that every 8th grade student is required to have a physical during their 6th or 7th grade year. The physical must be dated between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2023.
Attention 7th grade parents - This is a friendly reminder that every 7th grade student is required to have a physical during their 6th or 7th grade year. The physical must be dated between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2024. Please submit your child's physical to the school nurse as soon as possible. Link for a blank copy of health assessment is found below. Students can bring the paperwork to the nurse's office or you may email them to Lucy Bernier at Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the nurses office.
Attendance - Absent/Late Arrival/Early Dismissal
Late Bus Information
Late buses run Monday - Thursday (No Fridays).
Students are picked up at the Middle School around 4:00pm.
There is 1 bus per town.
Bus routes are determined at the time of pickup, based upon how many students are on the bus and student locations, the amount of time it takes to get home will vary. You might not be dropped off at your actual home, you could be dropped off up to 1 mile away.
You will report to the library after your activity or event and wait there doing school work, etc until the late bus arrives.
You must be staying after school for an event or activity.
Spring Athletic Information
Good Afternoon RHAM Middle School Families,
Please see information below regarding RHAM Middle School Spring Athletics and Registration. Thank you.
RHAM Middle School Student-Athlete Pre-Season Participation Checklist
- Complete FamilyID Registration:
- Complete and submit registration via RHAM Middle School FamilyID. (
- If you have an account already, log in and use previous information to register for current season.
- If this is you or your family’s first time registering for athletic participation through FamilyID, create a new account and register for the current season. Your information is now saved and will make future registrations easy.
- Submit a valid State of CT School Health Assessment Record Form to the Athletic Director’s Office.
- Page 1-Completed and signed by parents.
- Page 2-Completed and signed by medical provider.
- CT Health Assessment Record Link:
- Complete a concussion baseline test. These expire every two years. If you do not have an up to date concussion baseline test, you will not be able to participate. Upon registering on FamilyID, you will be able to check the expiration status. If no information is listed, email to notify.
- If you’re test is expired you may retake it at home by following the instructions
- Go to:
- Enter customer code: 2fc3a5690f
- Click “Validate” and then “Launch Baseline Test”
- Register and follow instructions to take Impact Test.
- Complete the test and check result. If taking test for first time, your result needs to read “Baseline”. If it reads “Baseline++”, a second test needs to be taken. (A loud or distracting environment can result in a “Baseline++” reading.) Once completed, close browser and the record is automatically logged in our software.
**All times subject to change. Coaches will provide updates.**
Where Can I Find the Menu?
We like to remind everyone that, because of allergies, no nut products are allowed in school. There are times when families find themselves in need of some support to ensure that their children are able to get lunch at school. If you feel that you are in need of some support then please see the Free/Reduce information under the parent tab and then click on food service. ( )
AHM Youth and Family Services
SCREENAGERS: Growing up in a Digital Age Join us at 6:30pm on May 14th 2024 at the AHM Building for the next showing of this incredibly well made docuseries that takes a look at how technology impacts child/teen development in many ways. The film also suggests solutions on how adults can empower youth to best navigate their way in the digital world we live in. The screening its best suited to students in 6th grade and above accompanied by their parent/caregivers. Please RSVP to Prevention Coordinator Ashlee Parks at .
SOAR Youth Leadership Ice Cream Party! Bring your friends and join us for our last SOAR Youth Leadership meeting of the school year on Tuesday, May 21st from 2:20-3:30. We will meet in the RHAM High school Fishbowl to make delicious ice cream Sundaes, chat about what we enjoyed about this years SOAR meetings and plan for the year ahead. Please RSVP to Ashlee Parks at if you plan on attending.