The Monthly Scoop
Irvington Public Schools ~ Early Childhood Department
Parent Newsletter
Ms. Tawana Moreland, Director
Ms. Lia Varsalona, Supervisor
Ms. Browne, Ms. Ortega & Ms. Robinson ~ Pre-K Social Workers
Vol. 1 Issue 2 -- November 2024/ December 2024
State Rental Assistance Program (SRAP) | Programa Estatal de Asistencia para el Alquiler | Pwogram Asistans Lwaye Eta a
State Rental Assistance Program (SRAP) Waiting List Enrollment
Preschool Families the NJ SRAP Program is open for applications January 13th (9:00am)- January 31st (5:00pm)
SRAP is a state funded program that provides housing subsidies on behalf of very low-income New Jersey residents, for decent, safe and sanitary housing. Persons applying must meet all applicable SRAP income and eligibility requirements. A total of 6,000 households will be selected through a lottery system to be placed on the State Rental Assistance Program waiting list. You must be eighteen (18) years of age or older or be an emancipated minor to apply. Please note that only New Jersey residents are eligible to apply for SRAP assistance.
The SRAP pre-application is available in 90 languages., which can be found at:
Inscripción en la lista de espera del Programa Estatal de Asistencia para el Alquiler (SRAP)
Familias en edad preescolar, el programa NJ SRAP está abierto para solicitudes del 13 de enero (9:00 a. m.) al 31 de enero (5:00 p. m.)
SRAP es un programa financiado por el estado que proporciona subsidios de vivienda en nombre de residentes de Nueva Jersey de muy bajos ingresos, para viviendas decentes, seguras y sanitarias. Las personas que presenten la solicitud deben cumplir con todos los requisitos de elegibilidad y de ingresos del SRAP aplicables. Se seleccionará un total de 6,000 hogares a través de un sistema de lotería para ser colocados en la lista de espera del Programa Estatal de Asistencia para el Alquiler. Debe tener dieciocho (18) años de edad o más o ser un menor emancipado para presentar la solicitud. Tenga en cuenta que solo los residentes de Nueva Jersey son elegibles para solicitar asistencia SRAP.
La presolicitud del SRAP está disponible en 90 idiomas y se puede encontrar en:
Pwogram Asistans Lwaye Eta (SRAP) Enskripsyon nan Lis Datant
Fanmi preskolè, pwogram NJ SRAP la ouvri pou aplikasyon yo soti 13 janvye (9:00 a.m.) rive 31 janvye (5:00 p.m.)
SRAP se yon pwogram leta finanse ki bay sibvansyon pou lojman nan non rezidan New Jersey ki gen anpil revni pou lojman desan, san danje epi sanitè. Aplikan yo dwe ranpli tout kondisyon ki aplikab sou revni ak kalifikasyon SRAP yo. Yo pral chwazi yon total de 6,000 kay atravè yon sistèm lotri pou mete sou lis datant Pwogram Asistans pou Lwaye Eta a. Ou dwe gen dizwit (18) ane oswa plis oswa yon minè emansipe pou aplike. Tanpri sonje se sèlman rezidan New Jersey ki kalifye pou aplike pou asistans SRAP.
Pre-aplikasyon SRAP la disponib nan 90 lang epi ou ka jwenn nan:
Free Dental Exam | Examen Dental Gratuito | Egzamen Dantè Gratis
Free Dental Exam
Preschool Families we are proud to partner with Rutgers School of Dental Medicine to provide free dental screenings for preschool scholars. This initiative ensures that all children in our preschool community have access to vital dental health services, including: Dental examination and cleaning, Oral hygiene instructions and Fluoride application.
The Dental Screening Program will include: Screenings conducted by a dental student supervised by faculty. A report with results and referrals (if needed) will be sent home. Transportation to and from Rutgers School of Dental Medicine is provided.
Complete the sign-up and consent forms to sign your scholar up today!
Examen Dental Gratuito
Familias de preescolar, estamos orgullosos de asociarnos con la Escuela de Medicina Dental de Rutgers para brindar exámenes dentales gratuitos para los estudiantes de preescolar. Esta iniciativa garantiza que todos los niños de nuestra comunidad preescolar tengan acceso a servicios vitales de salud dental, que incluyen: examen y limpieza dental, instrucciones de higiene bucal y aplicación de fluoruro.
El programa de exámenes dentales incluirá: Exámenes realizados por un estudiante de odontología supervisados por un profesorado. Se enviará a casa un informe con los resultados y referencias (si es necesario). Se proporciona transporte hacia y desde la Escuela de Medicina Dental de Rutgers.
¡Complete los formularios de registro y consentimiento para inscribir a su estudiante hoy!
Egzamen Dantè Gratis
Fanmi preskolè nou fyè pou nou fè patenarya ak Rutgers School of Dental Medicine pou ofri tès dantè gratis pou elèv preskolè yo. Inisyativ sa a asire ke tout timoun nan kominote lekòl matènèl nou an gen aksè a sèvis sante dantè enpòtan, tankou: Egzamen ak netwayaj dantè, enstriksyon ijyèn oral ak aplikasyon Fliyò.
Pwogram Depistaj Dantè a ap genyen ladan yo: Depistaj yon etidyan dantè ki sipèvize pa pwofesè. Y ap voye yon rapò ak rezilta ak referans (si sa nesesè) lakay ou. Yo bay transpòtasyon pou ale ak pou soti nan Rutgers School of Dental Medicine.
Ranpli fòm enskripsyon ak konsantman pou w enskri etidyan w jodi a!
Immigration Rights / Derechos de inmigración / Dwa Imigrasyon
Know Your Rights with ICE (English) Page 1
Page 2
Home Raid Booklet (English)
Alò, fòk ou konnen dwa w pou lè w kontre avèk ICE
ICE EN LA CASA ¡Entérate de tus derechos!
Soyez informés de vos droits avec la police de l’immigration (l’ICE).
Decemeber 2, 2024/2 de diciembre de 2024/2 desanm 2024 - National Special Education Day
December 6-12, 2024/6-12 de diciembre de 2024/6-12 desanm 2024- Computer Science Education Week
Click on the images below to receive these resources.
Haga clic en las imágenes a continuación para recibir estos recursos.
Klike sou foto ki anba yo pou w resevwa resous sa yo
Immigration Services / Sèvis Imigrasyon / Sèvis Imigrasyon
Housing Assistance / Alojamiento / Lojman
Financial Assistance /Asistans Finansye / Asistans Finansye
Employment & Education / Empleo y educación / Travay ak Edikasyon
Events & Activities / Eventos y actividades / Evènman ak Aktivite
Utility Assistance / Asistencia de servicios públicos / Asistans sèvis piblik
Parenting Skills / Habilidades de los padres / Konpetans paran
Child Care / Cuidado de los niños / Swen Timoun
Behavioral Health / Salud conductual/ Sante Konpòtman
General Resources / Recursos generales / Resous Jeneral
Potty Training / Entrenamiento para ir al baño / Fòmasyon Potty
Transportation / Transporte / Transpò
Grief & Loss / Dolor y pérdida / Dolor y pérdida
Poison Control / Control de veneno / Kontwòl pwazon
Legal Assistance / Asistencia legal / Asistans Legal
Domestic & Intimate Partner Violence / Violencia doméstica y de pareja / Vyolans nan patnè domestik ak entim
English As a Second Language / Inglés como segundo idioma / Angle kòm dezyèm lang
The Glow- District Newsletter
Know Your Rights As An Immigrant / Conozca sus derechos como inmigrante / Konnen Dwa Ou Antanke Yon Imigran
Dear PreK Families,
As we step into the months of November/December , we embrace them with gratitude and celebration! During the next few months, we’ll be engaging in various activities that highlight the importance of sharing and appreciating the world around us. We encourage you to join in at home by discussing the things you appreciate as a family! Thank you for your continued support and involvement. Together, we are creating a nurturing and joyful environment for our children to learn and grow. Wishing you a warm and wonderful Holiday Season!
See the below and check out some wonderful resources and activities to celebrate at home!
Estimadas familias de preescolar,
A medida que avanzamos hacia los meses de noviembre/diciembre, ¡los abrazamos con gratitud y celebración! Durante los próximos meses, participaremos en diversas actividades que resaltan la importancia de compartir y apreciar el mundo que nos rodea. ¡Lo alentamos a unirse en casa para discutir las cosas que aprecian como familia! Gracias por su continuo apoyo y participación. Juntos, estamos creando un ambiente enriquecedor y alegre para que nuestros niños aprendan y crezcan. ¡Les deseo unas cálidas y maravillosas fiestas navideñas!
¡Vea lo siguiente y vea algunos recursos y actividades maravillosos para celebrar en casa!
Chè Fanmi PreK,
Pandan n ap antre nan mwa Novanm/Desanm yo, nou anbrase yo avèk rekonesans ak selebrasyon! Pandan kèk mwa kap vini yo, nou pral patisipe nan divès aktivite ki mete aksan sou enpòtans pou pataje ak apresye mond lan bò kote nou an. Nou ankouraje w patisipe lakay ou lè w pale sou bagay ou apresye antanke fanmi! Mèsi pou sipò ak patisipasyon w kontinye. Ansanm, n ap kreye yon anviwònman ankourajan ak lajwa pou timoun nou yo aprann ak grandi. Swete ou yon sezon fèt cho ak bèl bagay!
Gade anba a epi tcheke kèk resous bèl bagay ak aktivite pou selebre lakay ou!
- Movies/Películas/Sinema -
Arthur MOVIE | An Arthur Thanksgiving - YOUTUBE
The Polar Express- Netflix
Dr. Seuss' The Grinch- Netflix
- YouTube Dance & Sing Along -
Thankful Song | Gracie’s Corner- YouTube
Holiday Dance | Jack Hartmann- YouTube
Let's Make A Snowman | Kids Winter Songs - YouTube
- Books/Libros/Liv -
The Snowman- Raymond Briggs
The First Day of Winter - Denise Fleming
Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter- Kenard Pak
Irvington Public Library's Community Programs and Events/Programas y eventos comunitarios de la Biblioteca Pública de Irvington/Pwogram ak Evènman Kominotè Irvington Public Library:
Newark Public Library's Community Programs and Events/ (can be accessed with Irvington Library card)/ Programas y eventos comunitarios de la Biblioteca Pública de Newark/ (se puede acceder con la tarjeta de la Biblioteca de Irvington)/ Pwogram ak Evènman Kominotè Bibliyotèk Piblik Newark/ (Ou ka jwenn aksè ak kat Bibliyotèk Irvington):
Check out the link below for great family activities. /¡Consulte el enlace a continuación para conocer excelentes actividades familiares. /Tcheke lyen ki anba a pou gwo aktivite fanmi.
Check out the link below for great learning and art activities!/ Consulte el enlace a continuación para obtener excelentes actividades de aprendizaje y arte./Tcheke lyen ki anba a pou gwo aktivite aprantisaj ak atizay.
Check out the link below for great STEM activities for Preschoolers!
STEM activities are all the rage in education right now, and for good reason. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) – and the Arts for STEAM – are crucial to kids’ learning and our future. But how to get your younger children interested? They might not be ready for coding, but many preschoolers under age 5 can enjoy some basic STEM principles through play.
¡Vea el enlace a continuación para ver excelentes actividades STEM para niños en edad preescolar!
Las actividades STEM están de moda en la educación en este momento, y por una buena razón. La ciencia, la tecnología, la ingeniería y las matemáticas (STEM), y las artes para STEAM, son cruciales para el aprendizaje de los niños y nuestro futuro. Pero, ¿cómo hacer que sus hijos más pequeños se interesen? Es posible que no estén listos para la codificación, pero muchos niños en edad preescolar menores de 5 años pueden disfrutar de algunos principios básicos de STEM a través del juego.
Tcheke lyen ki anba a pou gwo aktivite STEM pou timoun preskolè!
Aktivite STEM yo tout raj nan edikasyon kounye a, ak pou bon rezon. Syans, Teknoloji, Jeni, ak Matematik (STEM) - ak Atizay pou STEAM - enpòtan anpil pou aprann timoun yo ak avni nou. Men, ki jan ou ka jwenn pi piti timoun ou yo enterese? Yo ta ka pa pare pou kodaj, men anpil timoun preskolè ki poko gen laj 5 an ka jwi kèk prensip debaz STEM nan jwe.
Computer Classes/Clases de computación/Klas Odinatè
Game Day/ día de juego/jou jwèt la
Saturday GED Preperation and Computer Program/ Programa de informática y preparación para el GED del sábado/Samdi GED Preparasyon ak Pwogram Odinatè
Say More: 1st Thursdays at the Irvington Library
Enjoy poetry, spoken word and mental health awareness events at the Irvington Public Library every 1st Thursday of the month!
¡Disfrute de eventos de concientización sobre poesía, palabra hablada y salud mental en la Biblioteca Pública de Irvington cada primer jueves del mes!
Jwi aktivite pwezi, pale ak sante mantal nan bibliyotèk piblik Irvington chak premye jedi nan mwa a!
Fun & Games / Juegos divertidos / Plezi ak jwèt
Irvington City Council Meeting Schedule / School District Calendar / School Board Meeting Schedules / Trash & Recycling Schedule
Calendario de reuniones del Concejo Municipal de Irvington / Calendario del Distrito Escolar / Horarios de reuniones de la Junta Escolar / Calendario de basura y reciclaje
Orè reyinyon Konsèy Vil Irvington / Kalandriye Distri Lekòl la / Orè reyinyon Komisyon Konsèy Lekòl la / Orè pou fatra ak resiklaj
Irvington City Council Meetings | Reunión del Concejo Municipal de Irvington | Reyinyon Konsèy Vil Irvington
2024-2025 Irvington Public Schools District Calendar/ Calendario del Distrito de Escuelas Públicas de Irvington 2024-2025/Kalandriye Distri Lekòl Piblik Irvington 2024-2025
Irvington School Board Meeting Schedule | Calendario de reuniones de la Junta Escolar de Irvington | Orè reyinyon Komisyon Konsèy Lekòl Irvington
Trash & Recycling / Basura y Reciclaje / Fatra & Resiklaj
Trash & Recycling Schedule / Calendario de basura y reciclaje / Orè pou fatra ak resiklaj
November 2024/Noviembre 2024/Novanm 2024
November 4, 2024- District SEL Day
November 5, 2024- Election Day- District Closed
November 6, 2024- Veterans Day (Observed)- District Closed
November 7-8, 2024 NJEA Conference- District Closed
November 27, 2024- 4 Hour session- Teachers/Students
November 28-29, 2024- Thanksgiving - District Closed
December 2024/Diciembre 2024/Desanm 2024
December 10, 2024- 4 Hour session- Students
December 23, 2024- 4 Hour session- Teachers/Students
December 24, 2024 -January 1, 2025- School Closed
Important Resources/Recursos importantes/Resous Enpòtan
- PerformCare: Website 1-877-652-7624
- Family Support Organization/Organización de apoyo familiar/Òganizasyon Sipò pou Fanmi: Website
- Partnership for Maternal & Child Health/ Asociación para la Salud Materna e Infantil/ Patenarya pou Sante Mantèn ak Timoun: Website
- Programs for Low-Income Internet/Programas para Internet de Bajos Ingresos/Pwogram pou Entènèt ki fèb: Website
- Free Small Business Development/Desarrollo gratuito de pequeñas empresas/Devlopman ti biznis gratis: Website
- NJ211--Food, Housing, Shelter and other Resources/Alimentos, vivienda, refugio y otros recursos/Manje, Lojman, Abri ak lòt Resous: Resources
- Essex County COVID Vaccine & Testing Locations/Ubicaciones de pruebas y vacunas COVID del condado de Essex/Lokal pou Vaksen ak Tès COVID nan Konte Essex: here
- Support & Resources for families in Essex County/Apoyo y recursos para familias en el condado de Essex/Sipò ak Resous pou fanmi nan Konte Essex: Website
- Division of Family Assistance & Benefits/División de Asistencia y Beneficios Familiares/Divizyon Asistans ak Benefis Fanmi yo: Website
- NJ Dept. of Human Services Resource Guide/Guía de recursos del Departamento de Servicios Humanos de NJ/Gid Resous Depatman Sèvis Imèn NJ: Website
- Family Resources/Recursos familiares/Resous Fanmi : Website & Website
- Irvington's Parent Advocacy & Information/Información y defensa de los padres de Irvington/Defans Paran ak Enfòmasyon sou Irvington: Website
- For Free Emotional Support From Trained Staff call/ Para obtener apoyo emocional gratuito de parte del personal capacitado, llame/ Pou Sipò emosyonèl gratis nan men Anplwaye ki resevwa fòmasyon rele: 866-202-HELP (4357): Website
- Township of Irvington Employment Opportunities/Oportunidades de empleo en el municipio de Irvington/Township of Irvington Opòtinite Travay: Website
- Crisis Text Line: 24/7 support for those in crisis/Línea de texto en caso de crisis: asistencia 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana para personas en crisis/Crisis Text Line: sipò 24/7 pou moun ki nan kriz (Text HOME to 741741). Website
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline/Línea de vida nacional para la prevención del suicidio/National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988 Website
- Township of Irvington: Website
- ReachNJ: Addiction Resource Guide for individuals and families/Guía de recursos sobre adicciones para individuos y familias/Gid Resous Dejwe pou moun ak fanmi yo: (1-844-REACHNJ). Website
- Emergency Rental Assistance/Asistencia de emergencia para el alquiler/Asistans pou lokasyon ijans: here
988 Suicide & Crisis Hotline/ 988 Línea Directa de Suicidio y Crisis/ 988 Suicide & Crisis Hotline
Dial 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: a national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the United States. WebsiteThe Lifeline Suicide & Crisis Network is looking to bring on new volunteers and paid employees to answer calls, chats, and texts from people in crisis. All employees and volunteers receive training, so if you are a caring person who wants to help those in crisis, apply today.
Marque 988 para Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: una red nacional de centros locales de crisis que brinda apoyo emocional gratuito y confidencial a personas en crisis suicida o angustia emocional las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana en los Estados Unidos. Sitio web
Lifeline Suicide & Crisis Network está buscando traer nuevos voluntarios y empleados pagados para responder llamadas, chats y mensajes de texto de personas en crisis. Todos los empleados y voluntarios reciben capacitación, por lo que si usted es una persona solidaria que quiere ayudar a las personas en crisis, presente su solicitud hoy.
Rele 988 pou Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: yon rezo nasyonal sant lokal kriz ki bay sipò emosyonèl gratis ak konfidansyèl pou moun ki nan kriz swisid oswa detrès emosyonèl 24 èdtan pa jou, 7 jou pa semèn Ozetazini. Sit entènèt
Lifeline Suicide & Crisis Network ap chèche jwenn nouvo volontè ak anplwaye ki peye pou reponn apèl, chat, ak tèks moun ki nan kriz. Tout anplwaye ak volontè yo resevwa fòmasyon, kidonk si w se yon moun k ap pran swen ki vle ede moun ki nan kriz, aplike jodi a.
Child Abuse Prevention Tools/ Herramientas de prevención del abuso infantil / Zouti Prevansyon Abi sou Timoun
Helping Children with Tragic Events & Gun Violence/ Ayudando a niños con eventos trágicos y violencia armada/ Ede Timoun ak Evènman Trajik ak Vyolans Zam
Connecting NJ Logo- We connect New Jersey families - moms, dads, newborns, teens, young adults, and the elderly - with the best health and social resources available in your local community.
*Connecting NJ is a network of partners and agencies dedicated to helping New Jersey families thrive. We provide mothers, fathers, grandparents, and guardians free or affordable access to people, organizations, and other sources of information needed to raise healthy children.
*Connecting NJ es una red de socios y agencias dedicadas a ayudar a las familias de Nueva Jersey a prosperar. Brindamos a madres, padres, abuelos y tutores acceso gratuito o asequible a personas, organizaciones y otras fuentes de información necesarias para criar niños saludables.
*Connecting NJ se yon rezo patnè ak ajans ki dedye pou ede fanmi New Jersey pwospere. Nou bay manman, papa, granparan, ak gadyen aksè gratis oswa abòdab pou moun, òganizasyon, ak lòt sous enfòmasyon ki nesesè pou elve timoun an sante.
Oprah Winfrey’s Documentary, ‘The Color of Care,’ Explores The Racial Inequalities In The Healthcare System
One-Stop Career Center
Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act W.I.O.A. Services
Essex County One-Stop Career Center
50 South Clinton Street, 2nd Floor East Orange, NJ 07018
WIOA Services – 973-395-5936 / WIOA Youth Services – 973-530-9581
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds grants to eligible individuals for job skills training. If you’re looking to upgrade your skills, we can help find the funding.
In Essex County, there are three ways to establish eligibility:
- Dislocated worker: If you’ve lost a job through no fault of your own (company closure, laid off, military spouse relocation), you can qualify. Your prior income has no bearing on your eligibility if you’re a dislocated worker.
- Adult income-eligible: If your household income is within the Federal Poverty Level, you may qualify to have your training funded through WIOA.
- Youth (Ages 17-24) Out of school youth with specific barriers to employment, including high school dropout, parenting, mental or physical disability, involvement in the juvenile justice or foster care system, homeless or a runaway.
Please see a WIOA eligibility specialist for full list of program
Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act W.I.O.A. Services
Essex County One-Stop Career Center
50 South Clinton Street, 2nd Floor East Orange, NJ 07018
WIOA Services – 973-395-5936 / WIOA Youth Services – 973-530-9581
How to get started
- Register with the Essex County One-Stop. https://jobsource.nj.gov
- Call the Essex County We Care Team
@ 973-395-8000 and let them know you are interested in WIOA Services - Meet with a WIOA Representative to discuss eligibility and schedule your CASAS testing appointment.
- Finally, you meet your WIOA Counselor to discuss CASAS results and your employment and training options.
Available Services
- Training Grants
- Work Based Learning Opportunities
- Monthly Workshops
- VR/Technology Room
- Career Resource Room
- Individualized Career Exploration
- Employer Networking Opportunites
- GED & Career Testing
- Supportive Services
- Youth Resource Center
Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act W.I.O.A. Services
Essex County One-Stop Career Center
50 South Clinton Street, 2nd Floor East Orange, NJ 07018
WIOA Services – 973-395-5936 / WIOA Youth Services – 973-530-9581
- Current Resume
- Birth Certificate
- Social Security Card (or certification letter)
- 2 Week Job Search Form (10 contacts per week)
- Valid Passport, Green Card, Permanent Residency or Naturalization Form
- Valid Driver’s License or US Photo ID with Current Address
- Most Recent Pay Stubs from Employer (must show YTD gross total)
- Last Employer Pay Stubs (if collecting, UI benefits for less then 6 months)
- Letter of Termination from Employer
- Males born in 1960 or after must provide proof of Selective Service Registration (www.sss.gov or bring the DD214 Form)
Children & Guests are NOT Permitted to Attend Eligibility and Testing Appointments.
Note: Participants Must Meet Specific Eligibility and Income Guidelines to receive WIOA Services.
Preschool Attendance Policy/Política de Asistencia Preescolar/Règleman sou prezans nan lekòl matènèl:
Parents are required to contact the school by 9:00 am to report their child’s absence. If the school is not notified, teachers will contact the parent/guardian after an absence to determine the reason for the absence. Teachers will then notify the In District Attendance Secretary or Contracted Provider Director after attempting to contact the parent/guardian. After the second unexcused absence, the Attendance Secretary or Contracted Provider Director will contact the parent/guardian to determine the reason for the absence and if additional resources are needed. The teacher will also notify the Social Worker or Family Worker if the family requires assistance and/or resources. Medical documentation or notes must be submitted to the School Nurse or Family Worker upon the child's return to school after three consecutive days of absence. If a student is absent for 10 consecutive days, they will be dropped from enrollment in the program unless they have been absent due to medical issues.
Los padres deben comunicarse con la escuela antes de las 9:00 am para informar la ausencia de su hijo. Si no se notifica a la escuela, los maestros se comunicarán con el padre/tutor después de una ausencia para determinar el motivo de la ausencia. Luego, los maestros notificarán al Secretario de Asistencia del Distrito o al Director de Proveedores Contratados después de intentar comunicarse con el padre/tutor. Después de la segunda ausencia injustificada, el Secretario de Asistencia o el Director de Proveedores Contratados se comunicarán con el padre/tutor para determinar el motivo de la ausencia y si se necesitan recursos adicionales. El maestro también notificará al trabajador social o trabajador familiar si la familia requiere asistencia y/o recursos. La documentación o notas médicas deben entregarse a la enfermera escolar o al trabajador familiar cuando el niño regrese a la escuela después de tres días consecutivos de ausencia. Si un estudiante está ausente durante 10 días consecutivos, se le dará de baja de la inscripción en el programa a menos que haya estado ausente debido a problemas médicos.
Paran yo oblije kontakte lekòl la anvan 9:00 am pou rapòte absans pitit yo. Si yo pa notifye lekòl la, pwofesè yo pral kontakte paran/gadyen apre yon absans pou detèmine rezon ki fè absans la. Answit, pwofesè yo pral fè Sekretè Prezans Distri a oswa Direktè Founisè Kontrakte yo avèti apre yo fin eseye kontakte paran/gadyen an. Apre dezyèm absans san eskiz la, Sekretè Prezans oswa Direktè Founisè Kontra a pral kontakte paran/gadyen an pou detèmine rezon ki fè absans la epi si resous adisyonèl yo bezwen. Pwofesè a ap fè Travayè Sosyal la oswa Travayè Fanmi an konnen tou si fanmi an bezwen asistans ak/oswa resous. Dokiman medikal oswa nòt yo dwe soumèt bay Enfimyè Lekòl la oswa Travayè Fanmi an lè timoun nan retounen lekòl apre twa jou youn apre lòt nan absans. Si yon elèv absan pandan 10 jou youn apre lòt, yo pral retire yo nan enskripsyon nan pwogram nan sof si yo te absan akòz pwoblèm medikal.
Ms. Ortega, Pre-K Social Worker (Madison, Thurgood, University) wortega@irvington.k12.nj.us, 973-399-3942 x. 1539
Ms. Robinson, Pre-K Social Worker (Augusta) darobinson@irvington.k12.nj.us, 973-399-3942 x. 1540
Irvington Public Schools - Early Childhood Department 🌸
This newsletter was made for you by the Irvington Public Schools Early Childhood Department.
Este boletín fue elaborado para usted por la Oficina de Educación Temprana de las Escuelas Públicas de Irvington.
Se Biwo Lekòl Piblik Irvington pou Timoun Piblik ki te fè bilten sa a pou ou.
Email: earlychildhoodregistration@irvington.k12.nj.us
Website: https://irvington.k12.nj.us/curriculum/early-childhood/
Location: 97 Augusta Street Irvington, NJ 07111
Phone: 973-399-3942