HES Updates- March
Red Hawks make every day count!
Red Hawk Pledge
Each day during morning announcements, we repeat our Red Hawk pride pledge with sign language:
I am safe, responsible, and respectful.
Students have expectations depending on their location in the building, we have been discussing different ways we can show our expectations. These are great to include at home!
Please remember if you are dropping off in the circle drive, we ask that you do not park. If you do need to park to assist your students, please pull in the parking lot and assist your student to the crosswalk.
When dropping off in the circle drive, please pull all the way up to the crosswalk to let your student out.
School Start Time:
7:30am- Doors open
7:40am- Breakfast begins
8:00am - First Bell
8:15am- Tardy Bell
3:20pm- Bus Riders
3:25pm- Methodist Church
3:30pm- Pick-ups & walkers
If your student rides a bike, we ask that once they reach the sidewalk they get off their bike and walk it to the bike rack. This is for the safety of all students.
Capturing Kids Hearts
Our character word for March is courage.
What is Courage?
Courage is the ability and strength to face something that may be difficult or challenging. Courage is not the absence of fear but rather perseverance in the presence of fear and the willingness to stand up for what is right or try something new, even though it may be uncomfortable or uncertain.
Why focus on Courage?
- Courage encourages engagement. Courage helps students raise their hands, participate, try new things, and voice their opinions.
- Courage builds self-confidence. Courage is the choice to act. By doing something, students increase their belief in themselves and their ability to do difficult or challenging things.
- Courage can help reframe a negative. When something does not go as planned, or a student gets upset about a mistake or failure, courage can help reframe the event in a positive light.
Courage in Action:
- Provide leadership opportunities. Students can learn and demonstrate leadership by teaching and mentoring others, classroom roles and responsibilities, or community outreach.
- Encourage discussion and debate. Foster curiosity and empower students to formulate ideas and engage in respectful discourse and conversations.
- Celebrate failures. Create opportunities to reduce fear of failure and celebrate when students try something new, even if they are not successful the first time.
Testing is upon us!
Each year, our students in grades 3 & 4 complete a test called the KAP (Kansas Assessment Program). This assessment is given in both the areas of Math & ELA. This year, our 2nd grade students will be completing an optional KAP assessment in the area of ELA. Teachers and students have worked hard to prepare for this exam as well as create a testing environment that is conducive to their success. We encourage all students to be in class the days of assessments, please check your calendars for the following dates:
April 8th & 10th: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th ELA KAP
April 15th & 17th: 3rd & 4th Math KAP
During testing we encourage all students to get a good night's rest, have a hearty breakfast, and do their very best! We like to provide testing treats & snacks to our students as well. If you are interested in providing treats or snacks for your child's classroom, please reach out ot Mrs. Dierenfeldt via Seesaw or at ddierenfeldt@usd415.org to arrange this. We greatly appreciate your support!
Did you know you can contact our office staff via Seesaw?
If you have an absence or need to make a change to how your student gets home after school you can contact our office! When sending a messgae, please include Casey Clements and Tiffany Boyce to ensure it is received in the event that one of our staff members is out. Any changes for after school must be sent prior to 2pm. Changes sent via Seesaw after 2pm will not be guaranteed, a phone call will need to be made after 2pm.
Want to show some love?
The HES office has a binder of every staff member's "Favorite Things"! If you'd like a copy of your favorite staff member's page, please stop by and let us know! We'd be happy to share so you can shower them with love!
with Mrs. Newell & Mrs. Chandler
Counseling with Mrs. Shafer
Please join me in celebrating Mrs. Twombly during School
Social Worker Week March 3rd-March 7th! We appreciate all you do!
Interested in becoming a volunteer at HES?
Did you know that we love having volunteers at HES? You can choose the days and times that you come in to volunteer, as little or as much as you'd like! All you have to do is fill out an application to volunteer at the board office. They will complete a background check, then pass your information along to us and that's it! If you would like more information, please call Mrs. Dierenfeldt at 785-742-7181 or email her at ddierenfeldt@usd415.org.
PTO Updates
Would you like to receive updates from our HES PTO? You can do the following to get updates from Remind:
Our class code is @hespto415.
An alternative to the Remind app is sending a text message to: 81010
Put this in the text message: @hespto415.
Our next PTO meeting will be March 27th at 5:30 at the public library.
Upcoming important dates:
March 10th- Board Mtg. @ 6pm
March 12th & 13th- Parent Teacher Conferences
March 14th-March 23rd- No school, Spring Break
March 25th- 2nd Grade After school event with Red Hawk Leaders
March 27th- PTO Mtg. @ 5:30
March 28th- Kindergarten Grandfriends Day
Nurse Information with Nurse Heather
Parents/Guardians- This month and into April, I am going to start vision and hearing screenings for our elementary students. These screenings are a vital part of your child’s education as undiagnosed vision and hearing problems can profoundly impact your child’s learning. Kansas Law mandates schools to test for vision and hearing.
-Vision Screenings are so important due to the fact that a number of students could have uncorrected vision problems that affect their ability to read, write or even participate in activities.
-Undetected vision or hearing impairments could lead to academic difficulties, such as struggling with reading, attention difficulties, and/or following instructions and directions.
-Hearing and vision screenings in schools are essential for any early detection of potential problems, allowing for timely intervention and correction.
- Common vision problems in children can include nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and amblyopia (lazy eye).
- Common hearing problems in children could include asking someone to repeat information frequently, appearing inattentive, or turning up volume on devices frequently.
-Early intervention is key to addressing hearing and vision concerns to help prevent long-term learning difficulties or developmental delays.
**The vision and hearing screenings that are performed at the school are just screening tools. These screenings do NOT take the place of your child being seen and examined by a licensed eye Dr and/or Hearing specialist if they are having any difficulties at all with their vision or hearing.***
Every student who has a screening done at HES will bring home a form showing whether they passed their school hearing and vision screening or if a referral was advised or recommended. They will also bring home a paper with the form detailing the specific vision and hearing test(s) we screen for at school.
As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 785-742-7181
-Nurse Heather
Meet our Red Hawk Heroes!
Kelly Meyer- Library Paraprofessional
Kelly is a wonderful positive friend at HES. Each morning she greets the students, parents, and staff with upbeat music, a big smile, high-five, or a hug with a genuine hope for you to have a great day. She helps create a positive, warm, welcoming atmosphere in our library as well. Kelly works to find that "just right" book for students to help them fall in love with reading. She is always willing to help out with anything that may be a challenge for you and a breeze for her. There is no bad day that can't be turned around with a "Kelly hug"!
Congratulations to our February Character kids!
February's character word of the month was kindness. Grade level teachers chose one boy and one girl who showed the characteristics of Kindness. Students received a certificate, $5 gift card to Sonic, and a Red Hawk character kids t-shirt! Pictured from back left to right: Brantley Romine, Ben Haedt, Brayden Thraen-Davis, Jude Hedrick and Anngelina Reynolds. Pictured from front left to right: Kedric Lockman, Aurora Meggison, Rylee James, Averie Paradis, and Grace Johnson.