October 2024 News
Central Elementary
Tissue Boxes Needed
We could use donations of the following things to decorate our Worry Boxes with.
- Pom poms
- Pipe cleaners
- Tissue paper(all colors)
- Adhesive jewels
- Googly eyes
Office Donations
Below is a list of items that we use a lot of in the office. If you are able to donate any of these items, we would appreciate it:
- Tissues
- Clorox wipes
- Hand sanitizer
- Prize box items: individually wrapped small candies, trinket type toys, any other fun small items
- Elastic waisted pants/shorts
- New underwear
If you want to order pictures and haven't yet, you have until Saturday. After that you will not be able to order until you get the proofs back in a few weeks and then you will have a shipping fee since it will be sent right to your house instead of the school.
If you have already ordered pictures or will do so by Saturday then your pictures will get delivered to school in the next 3 weeks and we will send them home with your student.
Picture retake day is Monday, November 4th.
As a school, we will be doing a Halloween parade at 2:45 on Thursday, October 31st. Parents are welcome to come and watch the parade from the gym and the hallway near the office. If you are taking your student home after that, you will need to sign them out in the office. Please do NOT go down to your student's class.
Each class will be doing their own thing for any other Halloween fun. Watch for your students classroom newsletter for any information about other classroom activities.
Education For The Arts
EFA provides public K-12 schools with a diversity of free arts education enhancement programs, including:
You will see many EFA field trips on the calendar throughout the year for the kids to experience new things. Sadly we are not able to have families attend these performances with us.
Elementary Handbook
Our school handbook in on our district website. They are still working on updating it to this year's handbook but here is the link if you want to take a look.
Book Fair
Look for this flier in your child's backpack.
Flu Vaccine Clinic
This clinic is at Parchment Middle School on Thursday, October 24th from 3:30-6:30.