Grades 6-12 Science
April 2022 Secondary Science Newsletter
For Ambience, Click Here as You Read...April Showers!
Secondary Science Curriculum Department
Email: jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: https://www.ccsoh.us/site/Default.aspx?PageID=2577
Location: 3700 South High Street, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: (380) 997-0466
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusCitySchools/
Great Opportunity for Region 3 and Region 6 Teachers this Summer:
We still have plenty of spaces available for secondary teachers. This will be an experiential PD in collaboration with OSU. We will experience STEAMM education at different OSU sites each day. Teachers from any discipline can apply so please pass this onto your colleagues.
Articles that Might Interest You
-Why Do Students Sometimes Blank Out on a Test: https://tinyurl.com/5fvvzs6c
-Easing the Burden of Tech Fatigue: https://tinyurl.com/57jtvv6b
-What Students Think Makes a Class Memorable: https://tinyurl.com/4bv2244k
Covid Symptoms Linked to Vagus Nerve: https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20220215/covid-symptoms-linked-to-vagus-nerve
Carolina Science:
-3 Ways to Go Greener in Your Chemistry Lab: https://tinyurl.com/2p9bmbbp
Opportunities for Teachers and Students
Feed the World:
Feed the World 2-day workshopJune 23-24, Springfield OH
Two days of great learning, plus we'll provide meals and a hotel room AND send you home with supplies!
2 Opportunities for HS Students from Explorations in Neuroscience: Application deadline April 11, 2022
We would like to extend the information to you about our upcoming Explorations in Neuroscience Camp for rising Junior and Senior High School Students June 6-10, 2022, hosted by the Department of Neuroscience at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. This program has been a success since it has started and many of you are to thank for that! We do have a scholarship program available for those students interested in attending, but face financial hardship.
*All accepted attendees will be required to wear a mask and be fully vaccinated against COVID-19
Camp - https://medicine.osu.edu/departments/neuroscience/outreach-and-events/summer-camp
Internship - https://medicine.osu.edu/departments/neuroscience/outreach-and-events/internship
Please see the flyers below for both opportunities.
Buckeye Women in Science, Engineering, and Research (B-WISER) is an educational partnership of The College of Wooster and the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation. The camp began in 1990 and is designed for girls who will be completing 7th or 8th grade. The residential camp takes place on The College of Wooster campus from June 12-17, 2022. The applications deadline is April 20, 2022, and several scholarships are available for those who qualify for the free & reduced meals program.
The weeklong camp provides hands-on experience in physics, chemistry, geology, biology, mechanical model construction, and LEGO® robotics. Students who complete this program will be eligible for a College of Wooster scholarship. Please note that this girl-centered program is open to students who identify as a girl in any way. See our website for more information, including our gender inclusivity policy and the application: https://bwiser.spaces.wooster.edu/.
See flyer below.
Green Teens Roundup:
Calling all West Side teenagers eager to get their hands dirty and work throughout the summer! We're in the final planning stages of our 2022 Green Teens Summer Program, and that means we're opening up registration! This 9-week, action-packed program takes teens into the life of an urban grower. During the program, teens learn various skills like gardening, cooking, working on a team, problem solving and running a market. They will also get a chance to get out in the community and learn from neighbors and friends about food justice and what they can do to advance it. Teens are paid $11/hour for their time throughout the program.
Inspire Users
At McGraw Hill, we’re here for YOU! Are you implementing one of our programs for use in your classroom, school, or district? Have questions and would like to ask an expert? Please join a Zoom session and chat with a McGraw Hill Curriculum Specialist. All of these individuals are former classroom teachers, educational coaches, and building/district administrators and also McGraw Hill program experts. Below, you will find opportunities to interact directly with a Curriculum Specialist who will be happy to serve as a guide for you, answering any questions that may arise as you implement one of our curricular resources. By clicking on each provided link, you will be taken directly into a Zoom meeting with a Specialist who will be ready to support you. When there, ask away! The time will be designed to meet your needs. Please note: The password for every Zoom meeting included below is MH2022. Also, note that meeting times are Eastern Standard Time. We can’t wait to see you! (flyer also attached)
Need Microscope/Digital Balance Repairs?
If you have microscopes/3 beam balances that need to be repaired or serviced, please let Jenny Nord know as soon as possible. We are getting close to the end of the year and it can take time to schedule the repairs. We will get in touch with our provider. Since we are in a time of Covid, in order to safely get him into your school for the repairs, we need you to designate a room in which he can work that has no access to students and others. Perhaps you have a conference room, large multi-prep room, etc. He should not be in a classroom. Thank you for your assistance in keeping our staff and students safe.
Environmental Summer School Experience
Resources You Might Find Useful
-EfficienTEACHing: This project provides you with research-based teaching practices you can use in class tomorrow to save time AND teach better. https://ditchthattextbook.com/efficienteach
-All about Station Rotation: https://catlintucker.com/page/2/?s=station+rotation
-20 Ways to Use OrbitNote for PDFs in the Classroom: https://ditchthattextbook.com/orbitnote/
-Fun, Formative Assessments - No-Tech You Can Use Tomorrow: https://ditchthattextbook.com/no-tech-formative-assessment/
-Slides Tutorial: How to Create a Student-Created Quizizz Game: https://tinyurl.com/mu52n8m9
-Google Form Template: Student-Created Quizizz Game: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/1/d/16CEs3pu-OJdYMgXz0L-Z99M-ZSB2bO3QfpTmwYtT1ec/copy
-3-in-1 Painted Lady Butterfly Activity: https://tinyurl.com/4u7s8f2c
-50 Bellringers and 25 Science Trivia Facts to Interest Students: https://tinyurl.com/2kdeuj8p
-Environmental Management Article Handout: https://tinyurl.com/yfe5dcz4
Invest in Our Planet
Here are some resources that may assist you:
-EarthEcho is offering a series of virtual talks and field trips. Tune in to hear from scientists working on conservation! https://www.earthecho.org/virtual-events
-Education Resource Library - Resources for classroom, at-home, and community learning: https://www.earthday.org/education-resource-library/
-American Chemical Society celebrates Earth Day: https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/outreach/ccew.html
-EPA Alumni Association reports: https://www.epaalumni.com/2019-hcp
-Climate Restoration for Kids digital lesson: http://bit.ly/restoration-lesson
-Join the Association of Zoos and Aquariums for Party for the Planet, the largest combined Earth Day, Endangered Species Day, and World Ocean Day celebration! This year there are three action areas: Clean, Create and Connect to nature. https://www.aza.org/party-for-the-planet
-Skype a Scientist: Request a scientist of virtually any topic to chat with your family, class, or club! Request a private video chat or tune into a live Q&A session on a variety of topics. ASL interpretation provided on the live sessions! https://www.skypeascientist.com/
Spruce Run Nature Center
Office of Teaching and Learning
Office of Teaching and Learning (614-365-5727) is located at 3700 S. High St.
Leslie Kelly , Executive Director, Teaching and Learning
Brian Morton, Director of Secondary Curriculum
Katy Myers, Secondary Curriculum Supervisor
Heather Allen, K-5 Coordinator, hallen704@columbus.k12.oh.us
Jennifer Nord, 6-12 Science Coordinator, jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Geri Granger, K-12 Spruce Run Coordinator, ggranger9556@columbus.k12.oh.us