January 2025
January 6, 2025
Beard's Bulletin:
We had so much fun the last day of school before Christmas Break! “Holli and the Berries” also performed for us during the annual Christmas Singalong. We are looking forward to January when we will announce our new Helping Hands food rescue program at Tiger Creek! It will be a great New Year at TCE!
The Dish with Mrs. Dills!
Welcome back and Happy 2025! I hope that everyone enjoyed a wonderful break. We are excited to kick off the second half of our school year at Tiger Creek! We have some big things planned for the second half! As we start a new semester let’s work hard to make the most of every day that we have together. I am so proud of the growth that was shown on our mid-year MAP assessment. Our students and teachers are working hard and it shows!
Remember that it is crucial that students maintain good attendance in order to be successful. However, if your child is running a fever, vomiting, or has diarrhea they need to be symptom/medication free for 24 hours before returning to school. This will ensure that we all stay healthy and well.
We are excited to see what the second half of our school year holds. Life is good at The Creek!
Counselor's Corner with Mrs. Haynes
Mrs. Haynes is thrilled to announce a Grand Total of 92 Santa Sacks sponsored by Tiger Creek staff members, churches, and business partners this Christmas! A HUGE Tiggerific cheer to all who supported this show of love to our families. Rex, our bearded dragon, enjoyed a quick ride in a Barbie car and wondered if anyone would want to sponsor a truck next year? Something with a long bed to carry worms and crickets.
The Deodorant Drive was a huge hit! The donations were used to make take-home kits for the 5th grade hygiene lessons, where students learn about important self-care. Thank you to all of you who donated to this important project.
January Character Trait: TRUSTWORTHINESS
This month's character trait is Trustworthiness! Being trustworthy means you are reliable and worthy of trust from others.
Officer Holli's Safety Minute
As we begin the New Year, it’s vital that we keep in mind safety tips to keep you and your family safe. Here’s a few reminders:
How to support school safety at home:
1- Encourage open communication with your child about experiences at school.
2-Reiterate the importance of following rules and being respectful to staff.
3-Monitor your child’s devices.
4- Reiterate the importance of never sharing personal information with others.
Thank you for your continuous support! As always we ask everyone to stay vigilant and communicate, SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING
Office Holli
You must have your ID to enter the building.
Tiger Creek wants to start off the New Year by saying a big THANK YOU to all our school business partners that help our school and students! We couldn't do and provide the things that we do without their generous help. Tiger Creek's faculty, staff, and students appreciate all you do! We hope that all of you have a wonderful 2025!
Catoosa Utility District
Chattanooga Coca-Cola
Children’s Dentistry of Chattanooga
Cracker Barrel
Builtwell Bank
Keith Baptist Church
Lavender Haze
McCarver Family Chiropractic
Metro Boiler Tube Company
New Heights Baptist Church
Pediatric Dentistry of Chattanooga
Primary Health Care Centers
Promise Pediatrics
Ringgold Telephone Company
Rockbridge Church
The Print Shop
Webb Dentistry
We also want to include and thank our Catoosa County Public Schools' System Wide Business Partners!
Catoosa County Sheriff's Office
First Volunteer Bank
Ringgold United Methodist Church
Upcoming Dates at the Creek!
Jan 7 -Skip the Car Rider Line Ticket Sale
Jan 7 -CCPS Board Meeting 6pm @ County Office
Jan 9 -Good News Club will not meet
Jan 13 - 2nd 9 Weeks Report Cards go home
Jan. 16 - Good News Club will not meet
Jan 16th & 17th -Tiger Pride Days
Jan 20 -MLK Day, No School
Jan 21 -Georgia Power Educational visit
Jan 23 - Good News Club will resume meetings
Jan 24 -QUEST (4th/5th grades) field trip
Jan 28 -Catoosa District Spelling Bee, 6pm
Jan 29 -100th Day of School
Feb 4 -CCPS Board Meeting 6pm @ County Office
Feb 7 -PBIS Movie Day $1
Feb 10-13 Hearts for sale (Crown a teacher Queen or King of Hearts)
Feb 14 -Happy Valentine's Day
Feb 14 -Inservice Teacher Day, No School for Students
Feb 17 - President's Day, No School
Feb 26 -Spring Picture Day, Class Pictures
Winter has arrived! Students need to come to school dressed appropriately for the weather. If waiting on buses early in the morning they should have a thick winter coat and gloves on. Classes will go out for recess as long as it is 40 degrees or above.
If your child does not have a jacket or gloves, please call the school (706-935-9890) and ask for Mrs. Haynes (our school counselor), Mrs. Pacheco (our Communities in Schools site coordinator), or Mrs. Bridges (our Parent & Family Engagement Coordinator). Any of these ladies are able to locate resources to get your child winter coats, gloves, toboggans, etc...
There are several viruses (stomach & respiratory), flu and other things going around in our area. If your child is running a fever, vomiting or experiencing diarrhea, please keep them at home but do call in and let the school know. If you have any questions, or concerns please call me at 706-935-0727 or email at ssykora.tce@catoosa.k12.ga.us.
Nurse Sherri
PBIS News & Events
Skip the Car Rider Line Fundraiser
Chances are on sell from January 8th-31st, info coming home in folders
3rd Quarter Celebration
Arm Wrestle Mania
March 28th
We are Ready
We are Respectful
We are Safe
We help make our school TIGERRIFIC!
TCE Parent & Family Involvement
The Title I Family Resource Center is a dedicated space in our school for families. Located in room 100, our Family Resource Center is a place for parents to check out items to use with their children, to work on school volunteer projects and also to obtain helpful information. Title I documents, community events and the Parent Resource Library are located here. The Resource Library can be used by parents to help their student(s) reach their full potential. We have books and academic materials such as flash cards, Leap Frogs, and learning games that can be checked out by parents to use at home to help improve their student(s) reading and math skills. These items can help make learning more fun and exciting. Contact Mrs. Bridges to check something out.
Also, please check out the Family Engagement eLibrary offered by The Parent Institute. It has a wide range of online brochures, booklets and books on academic skills as well as parent topics such as positive behavior, motivation, and more. Most of the items are offered in Spanish as well as English. Click the link below:
Volunteering can mean many things. You might just want to volunteer for special events, like field day or our special PBIS days. You might only be able to volunteer once a week or once a month, all day or just for a hour or two where you may help make copies or cut out items for a class. Please let Mrs. Bridges know how you are interested in volunteering. She is making a list of people who want to help and any particulars they may have like how often or type of volunteering. Then when something is coming up, she can contact volunteers.
Mrs. Bridges has set up a nice coffee & cocoa bar for staff & volunteers as well as a large area to work in. If you are interested in volunteering in any type of way, please stop in and see her in Room 100, or email her at sbridges.tce@catoosa.k12.ga.us Her office hours: 7:30-11:30, Monday-Friday.
Parent Reminders
Parent/Guardians: You have the right to have a teacher-parent conference at any time during the school year. If you have concerns, need to let the teacher/school know about updated medical info, or want more information on the way your child learns or about learning standards please contact your child’s teacher by emailing the teacher, calling the school at 706-935-9890 and leaving the teacher a voice message or by sending in a written request to the teacher. Your child's teacher will get back to you as quick as possible.
TCE Parent/Guardians: We value your input on TCE Policy, Budget, School Improvement Plan, etc... Parents are welcome to contribute comments at any time. If you have any questions/concerns, please see Mrs. Sara Bridges, Parent Involvement Coordinator, or Mr. Beard, Principal.
Communities in School Spotlight!
Articles are turned in to the Lost and Found all year long, but really pile up when cool weather sets in.
To minimize the loss of an item, please write your child's name on the INSIDE label of clothing and also write with a permanent marker on water bottles, lunch boxes, and other items. Then, if found, it can easily be returned.
Sadly, many found items are never claimed.
Attention Bus Riders!!!!
For questions about which bus(es) your child will ride, please go here and enter your child's grade level and street address. The login for ELink is catoosa and the password is transportation. If your child is a new bus rider, please click New Bus Rider Request to fill out a new rider request form.
Catoosa County Schools is looking for Bus Drivers!
Catoosa County Parks & Recreation
Catoosa County Library
The Library at Catoosa offers a variety of services, such as monthly activities for all ages, an outstanding Genealogy collection, and over 100,000 items in print and audiovisual formats to check out. At the library, they provide free Internet, access to Microsoft Office programs, GALILEO, GADD, and so much more! Our Catoosa County Library is a member of PINES, a public library lending network of more than 300 libraries throughout Georgia. Click the link to see more of what is happening at your local Library!