The Diley Digest
August 23, 2024
September 2: No School
September 19: Picture Day
September 20: Mobile Dentist
September 28: Welcome Back Block Party at PHSC (see flyer below) 11-2pm
September 30: Fall Family Fest 5:30-7:30pm
Principal Message
Building on a Strong Start: i-Ready Diagnostic Assessments Coming Up!
What a fantastic first week! It's been wonderful seeing both grades [5th and 6th] settle in so well and develop a kind and supportive classroom community. Let's continue this positive momentum and create a space where everyone feels they belong!
To help us personalize student learning and track their growth throughout the year, your child will be taking the i-Ready Diagnostic Assessments in Reading next week and Math the week after. These assessments are different from traditional tests – they're not timed and there are no grades! They are simply a tool to help us understand where your child is at in their learning journey based on the standards they've been learning.
Think of it like this: Just like in life, you get out of i-Ready what you put in. By giving it their best shot, we can get the most accurate picture of their strengths and areas for further growth. Don't worry if they don't get every question right – that's part of the learning process! Our first diagnostic provides teachers a baseline so they can see how they can help our students grow this year. We will take two additional diagnostic assessments later in the year (winter and spring). We will be able to monitor our student growth from one diagnostic to the other.
It is really important for our students to try their best on the test. We want to get the most accurate information we can so we can help our students grow. We will be stressing effort and trying their best.
Once the assessments are complete and we receive the data, we'll work together – students, parents, and teachers – to celebrate your child's strengths and create personalized goals for improvement. To learn more about i-Ready and how you can support your child, please visit the following resources:
Link to a video explaining the Diagnostic Assessment
Link to i-Ready Family Resources
Link to i-Ready Engaging Families article
Lastly, once all testing is complete, a report (as indicated in the video) will be sent home with your child for you and your student to review. If you have any questions about the report please contact your teacher and or visit i-readycentral.com/familycenter. We're all here to support your child's growth this year!
Go Tigers!
Eric Koch
Diley Middle School
Pickerington Local School District
Start Time: Class begins promptly at 8:40 am.
Attendance: Please call the office at 614-830-2900 by 9am if your child is going to be absent from school
-Also please make sure to get a doctor note so the absence is excused.
Early Student Pickup: ONLY the GUARDIANS listed in Infinite Campus are able to pick the student up.
Dropping off items: Make sure your student is prepared with all the items he/she needs for school. We are trying to limit the distractions to classrooms during instruction time.
Car Rider Drop Off Reminders
• Students should remain in their vehicle until signaled to exit. Please do not drop your student off to wait outside. There is no supervision until 8:25 AM.
• Please pull up to the stop sign so we can get as many students to exit their vehicles. Trust me this makes the line go way faster. If we work together we will get you out faster!
• Students need to be ready to exit so it will not slow down the line. Please have students exit out the right side of the car by the sidewalk (we want all of our Tigers safe)
• Please wait patiently as cars drop off and pull out. Please do not speed around cars. Again safety first! :)
Talking Points
A majority of the Diley staff use Talking Points to communicate with families about things going on in class and to send reminders. Talking Points syncs with Infinite Campus so whoever is listed as priority 1 in Infinite Campus receives the Talking Points communication. Also, some families have selected to receive the communication via the Talking Points App instead of as a text message. You may want to login to Talking Points (https://app.talkingpts.org/login) to see your preferences. Just an FYI, you can list more than 1 individual as priority 1 in Infinite Campus so more than 1 parent can receive the Talking Points communications. To change your Infinite Campus settings, please login (https://pickeringtonoh.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/parents/pickerington.jsp) and update your contact information. If you still need assistance, please email Eric Koch (eric_koch@plsd.us) who can add contacts to Talking Points.
Dear Families,
As we start the school year, we’d like to emphasize and clarify some points related to our behavior matrix. As you know, students are acknowledged throughout the day by teachers and staff members as they meet expectations related to respect, responsibility and safety. Students will review these expectations with their teachers and classmates and know that in all areas of our school (classrooms, bathrooms, cafeteria, playground, etc.) we want to create an environment where students are ready to learn, be safe, and have fun.
It is the case for all students that at some point they will need guidance to make good choices and to reflect on the behaviors in order to do better the next time. Reflections can be a discussion, a form to fill out, or an SEL activity that focuses on the area of need. It is also an opportunity for the teacher to better understand why the behavior might be happening, even after one or more reminders. This information is all serving to help the teacher support and guide that student in similar situations in the future.
Additionally, we may reference the Student Handbook as needed, and the Diley Discipline Flow Chart. We see you as our partners and hope that this clarifies any concerns or questions you may have about this part of our system. Our goal is to acknowledge positive behaviors through PBIS rewards where students can earn digital coins to purchase experiences, Tiger/School items, Paw stickers, and student of the month. When needed, we will support your student to make the best possible choices and make learning an enjoyable experience for all!
7 Mindsets Quarterly Theme:
1st Quarter Theme:
The Time is Now & Accountability
In the event your child needs to take prescription medication while at school, please be sure to have the Request for administration of prescription medication by school personnel (pdf) form or completed by the child’s physician and parents. Forms are available in the school office and on the website.
Nonprescription medication such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and cough drops may be administered to students if the parent/guardian sends in the medication (in original container) along with written permission for the medication to be given. Dosages cannot exceed the manufacturer’s recommendations for age and weight. (i.e., We cannot administer medication to children under 12 if the label says: “Do not administer to children under 12, except under the direction of a physician.” We need to have a note from the doctor in order to give a dose of medication that is different than the dose stated on the bottle.) All medications, prescription and non-prescription, must be sent in the original container.
🦷The Mobile Dentist is Coming!🦷
Dear parent or guardian,
Great news! Our school has partnered with Smile Programs ... the mobile dentists to offer dental care at school. Best of all, in most cases there is no cost to you if your child is insured with Medicaid/CHIP! Private insurance and affordable self-pay options are also available. Easy & Convenient Having your child seen by the dentist at school saves you valuable time. Top quality care is provided by local, licensed dentists in the familiar surroundings of your child’s school. Dental care includes a complete exam, x-rays, cleaning, fluoride, and sealants when necessary, and in some cases, restorative care such as fillings. Keep Your Child Healthy Children who see a dentist regularly may have fewer health issues like: • Early tooth loss due to dental decay • Gum disease • Heart disease • Impaired speech development Sign up today! Look for a permission form from school, or sign up online now at www.MySchoolDentist.com Don’t wait. Be sure your child is signed up and ready to see the dentist at no cost to you (for children with Medicaid/CHIP.)
PTO is looking for a few volunteers!
Be on the lookout for a back-to-school celebration invitation in the next newsletter.
The Counselors Corner
Welcome to the Counselor’s Corner! Every month, the middle school counselors will share a bulletin board with the following information: hot topic, theme, and family resources.
Family Resources
Great news, Pickerington students! Fuel up for success next school year with FREE breakfast and lunch for ALL students throughout the 2024-2025 year! See below for details.
Free Meals FAQ for Families
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)?
The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a federal program that helps schools and districts meet eligibilities to serve no-cost lunches and breakfasts to all their students. This program aims to ensure that every child has access to nutritious meals without the need of an approved free or reduced meal application. It's designed to reduce the stigma associated with receiving free meals and to increase participation in school nutrition programs.
Does my child need to sign up for the free breakfast and lunch program?
No, your child does not need to sign up for the free breakfast and lunch program. All students in Pickerington Local Schools are automatically eligible to receive free meals every school day for the 2024-2025 school year.
Are there any forms or applications I need to fill out to receive the free meals?
No, families do not need to complete any forms or applications for free meals for the 2024-2025 school year. All students are eligible for free meals through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).
Are there any forms or applications I need to fill out for academic fees waivers?
Yes, in order to apply for the academic fee waiver, Tussing Elementary All Day Kindergarten tuition waiver or the AP/ PSAT waivers, you must complete the Household Income Survey within your Parent Portal in Infinite Campus. You may also request a paper Household Income Survey from your child’s school or print the application that is located on the Food Services webpage. The form must be completed in its entirety, which includes providing permission to share your information with the approved programs.
What is included in the free lunch and breakfast?
The free lunch and breakfast will include a variety of nutritious meal options that meet the USDA nutrition standards. This includes a main entree, vegetables, grains, fruits, and milk. To learn more about what makes a meal, please visit the USDA website.
Will a la carte items still be available for purchase in the cafeteria?
Yes, a la carte items will still be available for purchase in the cafeteria.
While the meals are free, any additional items that are not part of the meal will need to be purchased separately. Examples of a la carte items would be an extra milk, extra slice of pizza or sandwich or a bag of chips. A la carte items cannot be charged. To purchase a la carte items, families can add funds to their student’s lunch account at mypaymentsplus.com or send cash or check payable to PLSD Food Service with your child(ren). Any remaining money will be added on your child(ren)’s account for future a la carte purchases.
Will all items in the cafeteria be free?
No, not all items in the cafeteria will be free. Only breakfast and lunch meals provided through the CEP program will be free. A la carte items will need to be purchased.
Can my child still bring their own lunch if they prefer?
Yes, your child can still bring their own lunch from home if they prefer. The CEP program is available for all students, but participation is not mandatory.
How will this program affect students who previously qualified for reduced-price meals?
Students who previously qualified for reduced-price meals will now receive their meals for free, along with all other students. This program eliminates the need for reduced-price meals by providing free meals to all students.
Are there any additional costs or fees associated with this program?
No, there are no additional costs or fees associated with this program. The breakfast and lunch meals provided under the CEP program are completely free for all students.
How can I get more information or ask further questions?
If you have a question we didn’t answer, please send an email with your questions to Food Services Director Suzie Gerhardt at suzie_gerhardt@plsd.us or the Food Services office at 614-833-3645.
5th Grade Supply List
1 Glue Stick
1 pack Lined Note cards
3 packs of 24 Pencils- Sharpened
1 box of 24 Colored Pencils- Sharpened
4 Hi-liters (multiple colors)
1 Wired Headphones (no bluetooth)
1 pair Scissors
1 Book bag
2 Boxes Tissues
1 75 count clorox wipes
1 4-Pack Dry Erase Markers (and an eraser)
1 Large Pencil Pouch
1 Non-glass water bottle
5 Plastic two-pocket folders (1 for each subject plus a take home)
1 box Gallon ziplock bags
1 pack pencil cap erasers
1 Composition Notebook for ELA class
6th Grade Supply List
6th Grade Supply List
1 pack Glue Sticks
2 packs of 24 Pencils
1 box of 24 Colored Pencils
1 Clorox wipe container
1 Small pencil sharpener
4 Hi-liters (multiple colors)
1 Earbuds or wired headphones (No Bluetooth)
1 pair Scissors
1 Spiral Notebook
4 Plastic 2 pocket folders (one for each subject)
1 Book bag
1 large box Tissues
1 pack Dry Erase Markers
1 Large Pencil Pouch
1 Non-glass water bottle (water filling stations)
1 pack Lined Paper
6th Grade
TEAM SPIRIT: Mrs. Jett, Mrs. Van Bramer, and Mrs. Klueppel
TEAM DETERMINATION: Mrs. Carr, Mrs. Ware, and Miss Massingill
TEAM RESPONSIBILITY: Mrs. Colon and Mr. Groves
TEAM INTEGRITY: Miss Jayes, Miss Legg, and New Teacher
5th Grade
TEAM EMPATHY: Mr. Kesselring, Mrs. Gillen, and Mr. Bauers
TEAM PERSEVERANCE: Mrs. Williams, Mr. Vorisek, and Mr. Fenner
TEAM RESPECT: Mrs. Macioce, Mrs. Palmer, and Mrs. James
TEAM KINDNESS: Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Lee, and Miss Hayes
What bus will my child ride??
*****Please contact Petermann at 614-837-8525 with any incidents that occur on the bus*****
Parents wanting to know their child’s eligibility for bus service and corresponding bus pick-up and drop-off locations should use ours interactive online system. After clicking this link:
- You will be asked to enter your user name and password. Both of those are your student’s ID number, which is the ID number generated through Infinite Campus.
- Click “Log-In.”
- Click “Work with Students.”
- Click “View My Students.”
- Click a student’s name to be taken to their transportation information page. Read this page carefully as it explains the morning and afternoon transportation information for your students.
Students with the same home phone number will be grouped together on the “View My Students” page. If, for some reason, you do not see all the students in your household, try logging in again using one of your other children’s information.
If you are new to the district, please use the “Parent Communication” button on the Versatrans e-Link home page to let the Transportation Department know of your plans to use the bus. That will notify transportation to add your child to the route. Please use this same process to notify transportation if busing will no longer be needed.
If you wish to make a change regarding your student’s pick-up or drop-off location, please log in to the online system and click on the “Parent Communication” link. Follow the instructions for completing the form. The alternate bus stop must be in the same attendance area as your child. Alternate stops outside that area will not be approved.
Tyler Versatrans App
How long until your child’s bus arrives to pick him up? How long until her bus gets her home from school?
A mobile application can tell Pickerington School parents approximately where their child’s bus is in the morning and afternoon. Parents must download the app to receive text notifications in case of bus delays and other information. You can download the “Versatrans My Stop” from Tyler Technologies at the Google Play or the App Store.
Parents will need their children’s student ID numbers to set up the app.
Parents should not use the system to wait until the very last minute to send their children to the bus stop. Students must be at their designated stop by the scheduled bus arrival time, and waiting until the last minute can be dangerous if children are running to meet their bus.
Plus, the system operates by tracking the GPS units in each bus, so it operates at a lag that can be up to two minutes. During that time, the bus may have made progress on its route, so GPS locations are only approximate.
Parents who will likely see the greatest benefit from the application are those who live in the more rural parts of the district and parents of children with special needs.
*****Please contact Petermann at 614-837-8525 with any incidents that occur on the bus*****
Stadium Rule Updates for Football Games
As many of you know K-8 students are not permitted to attend the football games unless they are with a parent or guardian. This rule remains in place for this football season and we are expanding the rule to include the following:
- K-8 students must be accompanied by an adult (high school siblings do not count) and seated/supervised by an adult throughout the event.
- Backpacks are not permitted in the stadium.
- Students should make transportation plans before attending a high school sporting event.
PLSD Message
The Annual Update for the 2024-2025 school year is now active on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Please complete and submit the Annual Update for your currently enrolled student(s) by Thursday, August 1, 2024.
What is the Annual Update? Every academic year, parents/guardians are asked to update and submit the required "Back-to-School Forms" for their currently enrolled student(s). These forms include the Emergency Medical Authorization, Student Handbook Acknowledgement, Device Agreement, Technology Protection Plan and Field Trip Authorization Form. The process of completing these forms is referred to as the Annual Update.
Where do I find the Annual Update? The Annual Update can only be accessed via the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. The Annual Update "lives" in the Online Registration area of the Parent Portal. Instructions for accessing and completing the Annual Update can be found here.
Please Note - Address changes cannot be reported on the Annual Update. If you have moved or need to change your address, please complete the Change of Student Information Form and return it to the Welcome Center. COSI/Change of Student Information Form
Who may fill out the Annual Update? Only parents or legal guardians in the student's custodial household may complete the Annual Update. Students may not complete this update for themselves.
When is the deadline? Please complete and submit the Annual Update by Thursday, August 1, 2024.
PLSD Bilingual Family Liaison Information
Pickerington Schools will take reasonable steps to ensure that persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) have meaningful access and an equal opportunity to participate in all services, activities, and programs available throughout the district. It is the policy of Pickerington Schools to ensure meaningful communication with LEP students and families and to communicate information related to the education of all students. All services needed to comply with this policy will be provided for students and their families in need of such assistance free of charge. For assistance, please call 614-833-2110.
24-25 PLSD School Year Calendar
Keep informed!
Follow Diley on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DMS_Proud?s=20
Follow Principal Koch on Twitter:
Follow our PTSO on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2085717574996931
Is social media not your thing? You can find all sorts of information on the Pickerington School District's website located at: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/
Diley Middle School
Assistant Principal: Amanda Stemm
Secretary: Heather Ferns
Office Assistant: Stacy Gallion
Counselor: Gina Neilson
Nurse: Rhonda Carmel
Health Assistant: Robin May
Email: heather_ferns@plsd.us
Website: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/diley-middle-school/
Location: 750 Preston Trails Drive, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: 614-830-2900
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Diley-Middle-School-401947110003982
Twitter: @DMS_Proud