Week 9, Term 2 - 2024
Principal's Address
It is so exciting to see the second stage of our ‘Nature Play’ taking shape this week. Our first stage has seen many of our students engaged at morning recess and lunchtimes in play-based learning opportunities. With the construction of streams, dams, tunnels, mines, dams and cubbies we have seen students during their play time develop their planning skills, communication, collaboration, negotiation, problem solving and creativity. Yes, we have had a few conversations about safety and how to stay safe. These to have been real learning experiences. I am looking forward to seeing the completed project. The next stage will provide more opportunities for the development of the physical skills required to climb, balance and move. I would like to publicly acknowledge BHP for their support. Thank you to Urban Discovery for the construction of our school’s Nature Playground.
Today we celebrated ‘School Officer’ day. At Leinster Community School we are lucky to have Ash and Belinda who have been acknowledged for creating a welcoming front office where everyone feels happy, safe and supported. Both of our school officers epitomise professionalism together with friendliness and helpfulness. They are always working above what is expected and we so lucky to have them.
We sadly say goodbye to one of our educational assistants Christine Bell. Christine has been successful in being appointed the new day-care director. I am sure that she will be a welcome asset to the centre and her expertise will assist families the support needed with childcare. It has been a pleasure to work with Christine as our library officer and intervention support educator who supported our children in learning to read, spell and write. Christine will be missed however we wish her all the best with her new venture.
Our Student Wellbeing Officer, Danielle Ballard is currently making plans to move to Perth and she will be leaving us at the end of next term. Dani is amazing in supporting our student’s health and wellbeing and has made a positive impact on the lives on many students, parents and teachers. Sadly, we will be saying goodbye to Dani and her family at the end of next term.
Warm regards,
Leanne Kelleher
LeinSTAR Awards
Congratulations to all of our LeinSTAR award recipients this week:
- Isabella Hodgson for helping her classmates with their emails.
- Kyran Fue for mastering soccer skills.
- Arizona Butters for demonstrating success during chance and data.
- Ava Peatling for demonstrating success during chance and data.
- Lorenzo Lewis for teamwork helping out in the playground at camp.
- Brydan O’Connor for consistent effort in reading and writing about the Enchanted Forest.
- Amelia Martinovich for resilience in soccer, persisting until the skill was mastered.
- Hallie Toyne for resilience in the playground and using words to stop something she didn’t like.
- Tobias Rae for resilience approaching learning in a positive way.
- Ellie Martinovich for resilience trying hard and using feedback to improve your learning.
WA Student Assistance Payment claims close Friday 28th June!
The WA Student Assistance Payment helps parents and carers with the cost-of-living pressures associated with sending their children to school.
The program is open, with payments available through the ServiceWA app or alternatively through this link:
All Western Australian school students in Kindergarten to Year 12, with a valid WA student number, are eligible for this cost-of-living payment.
You can claim $250 for each secondary student and $150 for students attending primary school or Kindergarten.
To claim the payments, parents and carers are encouraged to set up a ServiceWA account. More information is available at
All claims must be received by Friday 28 June 2024
Year 3/4 On Country Excursion
On Wednesday, the 12th of June, the two Year 3/4 classes from Leinster Community School went on a 2 Way Science exchange excursion to Logan Springs, which is located halfway to Wiluna. We travelled by bus, sponsored by Goldfields, and were dropped off at the corner of Albion Downs and Yeelirrie Road, where we had our crunch n sip and met up with Tjiwarl Rangers Fifi, Talbot, and elder Shelly. Later we also met up with the Wiluna Martu Rangers.
Firstly, we introduced ourselves to the Wiluna students and hung out in a dry creek bed (tikirl karru). “We got to make friends and meet other students,” stated Savannah.
We were given a warm welcome as this is a very important site for the Tjiwarl mob. Talbot told us a story from the Dreamtime about three snakes that travelled from Uluru and taught people different songs and dances. We climbed to the top of the rock which was created by one of the snakes.
“Before we could climb the rock, we had to pat the nose because the soul of the snake was inside, and it gave us protection,” explained Micaiah. “By sniffing our hands, it let the snake know we were good people,” added Ethan.
At the top of the rock, Talbot shared more of the Dreamtime story about the dragonfly man who was chasing these carpet snakes because he wanted to eat them instead of the kangaroo. “The dragonfly man sharpened his spear and sang when he travelled,” stated Emerson. He saw the snakes lying in the sun, so he sang a song and then speared one in the side. He sang another song and danced again, and the spear hole became a waterhole in the rock. He cooked the snakes on a big hill, and the ashes are still there on the mountain. “We could see the remains of the ashes of the cooked snake from the bus,” said Corbin.
Next, we went to Logan Springs, where we walked past some lemongrass bushtucker. “The lemongrass smelt so sweet, I just wanted to eat it,” said Grey. “Kyran found a bush watermelon,” stated Mackenzie. “We heard another story at Logan Springs, about the snakes and how they push up all the water and the spring would run all the time,” added Samara. “The creek used to run all the time, but now it only runs when it rains,” noted Lexie. “The water has been flowing since January,” said Ethan. On the side of the track to Logan Springs, we saw an old water trough that was used by the drovers when they brought the cattle along the stock route. There was also an old well and water pump where people used to get water for drinking and cooking. There were still rocks stacked up where they made a wall to collect water.
We had our lunch together in the dry creek bed and took a team photo with everyone.
“We learnt about how the Aboriginal people used resin from a tree to make handles on their weapons,” mentioned Finn. Fifi told us there were lolly trees but no lollies! “We saw bushtucker quandongs, which were red because they were ripe,” said Tyler. Fifi let us pat her baby joey she has been looking after because its mother had been hit by a car. “We went to a special bush where two Wiluna boys used a metal rod to dig witchetty grubs, and I got to hold one in my hand,” said Deegan.
Finally, some of us had to use a bush toilet, which was an experience and a half! Another bus ride home and back to school at 2:20 pm. We hope to be invited again and learn more about Aboriginal culture and the country we live on.
“It was amazing, best day ever!” exclaimed Keston.
- Photo's taken by Melanie Attwood and Marleen Ogley.
Thank you Gold Fields
Thank you Gold Fields Agnew for sponsoring the bus so that all the Year 3/4 students could attend the On Country excursion in Wiluna, it wouldn't have been possible without your support.
- Photos taken by Colleen Sokra'a.
Year 2 Class - Composting Project
The students in Year 2 are excited to be able to begin our composting project today. After numerous discussions about the impact of waste on the sustainability of our planet, we have managed to drag the compost bin up to our classroom and we look forward to beginning to collect food scraps from around the school. The children have been asking questions about how long it takes for the scraps to turn to soil and what we will do with the soil once it is formed. It was also interesting to explore what could or couldn't be placed in the bin - this led to research on what we have in our lunchboxes that could be composted.
Nature Play Stage 2 Underway
Just a friendly reminder that whilst Stage 2 of our Nature Playground is underway, that our main carpark is closed until Friday 21 June. We apologise for the temporary closure and the inconvenience that this may cause and appreciate your understanding in this matter.
Lower School PBS Reward - Messy Play
On Wednesday, the 29th of May, the Kindy, Pre-primary, Year 1, and Year 2 classrooms joined together for a PBS reward. The early childhood students voted on what reward they would like for reaching 5000 Dojo points this term. Students are awarded Dojo points for following the classroom expectations and displaying the STAR values.
The chosen reward involved the students exploring their senses by engaging in various sensory materials such as spaghetti, playdough, painting, kinetic sand, and oobleck. The students enjoyed interacting with other students from multiple classrooms, and a favourite activity was decorating biscuits with Miss Jenny!
We encourage the students to continue to display the PBS values of Success, Teamwork, Acceptance, and Resilience.
Year 3-6 Scavenger Hunt - PBS Reward
In recognition of the students reaching their Dojo Points milestone, all students in Year 3 through to 6 took part in a scavenger hunt around the school.
Cross Country Results 2024
This year's cross country featured a varied course and a healthier cohort (no-COVID), which made the event all the more exiting. Students trained hard over the term and have become a lot fitter and more confident in themselves. We had a lot of close competitors, which resulted in photo finishers. The big excitement at the end was our winning faction. Congratulations Waroonga, who were able to put an end to the Percy winning streak and are the winners of the 2024 Cross Country event, with a total of 249 points, followed by Percy with 201 points.
- Mr Reynolds
Pre-primary Girls
Winner: Lyla Fue
Runner Up: Leilani Grant
Pre-primary Boys
Winner: Harrison Smith
Runner Up: Yahya Swaray
Year 1 Girls
Winner: Ellie Martinovich
Runner Up: Isla Peatling
Year 1 Boys
Winner: Micheal Haldoupis
Runner Up: Tobias Rae
Year 2 Girls
Winner: Maisie French
Runner Up: Eviana Bula
Year 2 Boys
Winner: Sheick Swaray
Runner Up: Maverick Rae
Year 3 Girls
Winner: Savannah Peatling
Runner Up: Mia Clow
Year 3 Boys
Winner: Brodie Rowan
Runner Up: Tyler Martinovich
Year 4 Girls
Winner: Samara Haldoupis
Runner Up: Lexie Butters
Year 4 Boys
Winner: Keston Spark
Runner Up: Bohdi Grant
Year 5 Girls
Winner: Zinab Swaray
Runner Up: April Barnett
Year 5 Boys
Winner: Grabriel Walker
Runner Up: Benjamin Whiting
Year 6 Girls
Winner: Ava Peatling
Runner Up: Arizona Butters
High School Girls
Winner: Sea Sokra'a
Runner Up: Sanvi Lamshal
High School Boys
Winner: Mohammed Swaray
Runner Up: Blake Forrest
- Photos taken by Ashleigh Lewis.
Netball Fundraiser
High school students, with the invaluable support of parents and volunteers, recently organised an exciting netball tournament. The event was a massive success, drawing in an enthusiastic crowd.
Thanks to generous sponsors ISS, Elite Crane Solutions, Nailed it Down and Blossoms, prizes and medals were awarded to the standout performers, with MVP honours going to Zak Hyde, Jodi-Anne O'Connor, Hawaiiki Adams, and Lucas Ballard. Their exceptional skills and sportsmanship were a highlight of the tournament.
Most importantly, the funds raised from this competition will help to cover expenses for the high school camp to SIDE. This event not only showcased athletic talent but also demonstrated the power of community.
- Ms Tori Brewster
Photo provided by Colleen Sokra'a
From the high school desk
As we near the end of our second term, it's been a whirlwind of activity, but boy, has it been rewarding! A massive thank you to all the people who chipped in to make our fundraising efforts a roaring success – special props to everyone who turned up for the netball tournament; we had an absolute blast!
Now, we're gearing up for our much-anticipated camp next week, kicking off on the 17th. We're all excited to hang out with our SIDE teachers and explore the sights and sounds of Perth. But amidst the excitement, we've also been burning the midnight oil, making sure we get our assignments and assessments squared away on time. And let's not forget the crash course in budgeting we've all been getting – gotta make those camp shopping lists count!
But wait, there's more! We're thrilled to announce that we're putting together our very own High School assembly in week 11. Inspired by the captivating tales from 'Bawoo Stories', we're cooking up something special. And guess what? We're keeping the story we've chosen hush-hush for now, but trust us, it will be epic!
- Lexi Paniora
Running Club Results
Over the past five weeks, students, parents, and teachers have joined together on a Monday and Wednesday morning to become fit and work on their running. This has helped them prepare for not only the cross country event but also the Leinster Gift. Run Club has helped some of the students become champion cross country runners at our carnival last week and finish with great times in the Leinster Gift. Even though some days we didn't have great weather, the dedicated group or students and parents showed their resilience and ran on. I would like to say thank you to all those who joined in the fun.
- Mr Reynolds
Health and Well-being Update
Well, where did that term go?! It seems that I blink for a second and the school holidays are almost upon us.
It has been a remarkable school term in my role as well-being officer, getting to work alongside students and our superstar teachers and school staff we have at Leinster Community School.
This week we have the talented Miss Carmela Bramley showing off her amazing art skills by starting the outline of our gratitude tree in the Student Services room! Watch this space for updates!!
Next week I will be attending the SIDE high school camp and Im very excited to be able to be apart of this adventure with the them. I hope to be able to have lots of photos to share in our last newsletter for the term, and make some beautiful memories with the high school students.
Our students have been excited this week due to some new additions in the Student services room. We have a new reading corner with some great new books, A regulation station with playdough, beads and some wooden cut outs they have been able to colour in, some of your children may have brought them home, they were so proud and were such a hit, Ive put some extra ones on my shopping list!
To all our families have a safe and wonderful weekend, I will see you in a week.
Being a parent can be tough
but just remember that
in your childs eyes, nobody
does it better than you…
As always my door is open, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email: or feel free to contact the school.
- Mrs Ballard (SWO)
Photos taken by Mrs Ballard.
Reclaim the Void Update
Our school participated in creating rugs for Reclaim the Void, a cross-cultural project seeking to create a huge artwork to lay on mining-affected country in the northern Goldfields. They have been collecting around 3000 rugs which they'll be joining together into 'dots' for the artwork. The joining the rugs to make dots part is happening at the WA Museum from July 4-8, and volunteers of 13 years and above are invited to book a (free) space to help. The opening will be Wednesday 3 July at 5pm and there is a concert with Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse on Fri 5 July. More information can be found on the website or on social media or via the ticket link:
An update from the P&C
We look forward to seeing everyone at our Neon Disco on Friday June 21st!
facebook: Leinster Community School P&C Association
Leinster Community School
Location: 1 Gledden Drive, Leinster WA, Australia
Phone: +61 8 9055 9600